View Full Version : Impact Sensor Substitute

09-02-2012, 10:50 AM
With new SIR front impact sensors no longer available for our cars and with the numerous incidents--especially for 1990 cars--of a returning air bag light even after cleaning grounds between sensor and frame, I had a weird thought the other day upon viewing the schematic of this sensor in the FSM. In short, I wonder if anyone has ever tried to substitute a 10K ohm resistor for the sensor (with a small wire variation) to fool the system into thinking the sensor is present. Has anyone tried or even thought of this? I know doing so would eliminate air bag protection, but all old farts like me drove 35 or more years before they were invented and we're still here to tell about it.

09-02-2012, 11:51 AM
Disconnect the air bag fuse and wait 10min per manual.
Look under the dash for the yellow wire/connector.
Unplug it and clean it then apply dielectric grease.
It's the only other thing I've seen that causes the
error light.

09-02-2012, 12:08 PM
Thanks for your suggestion, Scott. Actually I'm not having the problem right now. I've cleaned and grounded both my sensors with a star washer and then cleared the codes per FSM. I posted my question just to see if anyone has tried or thought about fooling the system this way. The post was just a way of expressing my curiosity. If I have a problem again, though, I will seek out the plugs as you suggest and follow your suggestion. Thanks.

09-02-2012, 12:17 PM
OH, ok I see.
On the OP then I'd certainly think it possible to fool the system with a resistor as long as you also provide a <0.5 ohm resistance to ground.
I don't know of anyone that's tried it. Probably because messing with that system is problematic in that you could trigger the bag. And wouldn't that be expensive and dangerous.

As with other safety systems, I'd personally not defeat them. Systems such as the Tire Pressure warning system, air bags, clutch switch etc
are there for a pretty good reason.