View Full Version : Putnam Connecticut Giant Cruise In Sunday 8/12

Mystic ZR-1
08-07-2012, 06:14 PM
August 12, Sunday, 7th Annual Putnam Main Street Car Cruise, Putnam, CT, 10:30am - 5pm GREAT cruise in!!! Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of all kinds of cars spread out over the whole town. 100' hole shot drags, burn out contest, motorcycle stunt show!!! FREE FREE FREE!!! There's nothing like it!!! You've gotta see this one! Nice restaurants and antique stores for when you get sick of the cars...
Registration begins at 8am, Dash Plaques, Trophies, Hot Rods, Custom & Classic Cars, Custom Motorcycles, Rain date August 19 http://www.dreammachineclassics.org/images/flyers/2012%20Flyers/flyer_putnam_2012_aug_12.pdf (http://www.dreammachineclassics.org/images/flyers/2012%20Flyers/flyer_putnam_2012_aug_12.pdf)

08-09-2012, 11:05 PM
Doug -

You going to this? Looking for a show this weekend, and this may be of interest.


Mystic ZR-1
08-10-2012, 12:58 PM
I'll be there about 0900 with a few members of my local club.
So far, the weather looks OK!

Steve: It really ain't that far from Dunbarton...
Wayne: Even closer to Worcester...
Joe: Not too far from Billerica either...

08-10-2012, 04:00 PM
Any members participating in the Burn Out Competition?....sounds like a good time......

Unfortunatly I got my nephews 21st B'day cookout on Sunday......:(