View Full Version : How many ZR-1's are left?

07-28-2012, 06:09 PM
Most of us know(or can quickly find)the production #'s of each year ZR-1. Is there anyway to know exactly how many are left? I got to imagine out of the 6922 produced, a few hundred are in the boneyard, stolen and scrapped for parts, or stolen and shipped overseas. Who knows, could actually be a 1000+. Was just curious if there was anyway to know for sure. Does the net registry have a database of what car vin #'s have been registered members?

07-28-2012, 06:16 PM
you know I could probably ball park this by using average frequencies and average % of totals losses across 10 years and give it a factor for classic cars.....

07-28-2012, 06:27 PM
you know I could probably ball park this by using average loss ratios and average % of totals losses across 10 years and give it a factor for classic cars.....
Is that something car insurance co.'s use? Would the average % be higher for sports cars? Maybe we should start a confirmed kills thread. People post the salvage yard they know dead Z's reside. Or maybe start a campaign of calling scrap yards all across the US to find total number of kills, lol.

07-28-2012, 06:49 PM
Then there is the question of counting "proto-types" and salvage recoveries and of course the standard C4 with a ZR-1 logo on the side :p

07-28-2012, 07:19 PM
Collision and Comp carry a frequency and there is in fact a frequency used by car....each year insurance companies submit premium multipiers to the state by the make and model of a car; based upon its loss ratio.....there is a base premium and all of your factors move that base premium up and down.

The thing to consider is that Zs are probably driven less than most Corvettes...let me think this through, and get some #s.

The loss ratio on classic cars is about 40-50% of what standard auto insurance is....which means frequency would be lower than standard insurance too...

07-28-2012, 07:59 PM
Then there is the question of counting "proto-types" and salvage recoveries and of course the standard C4 with a ZR-1 logo on the side :p
I don't think proto-types should be counted, because that's what they are, they're not a production model. Same for a C4 w/ ZR-1 logo, it's like sticking a Mercedes emblem on a Volkswagen. It doesn't turn your :censored: Volkswagen into a Mercedes, lol. Now the salvaged Z's pose a problem. How many that were totaled, were rebuilt. I can't imagine too many were, but I'm sure some were.:cheers:

07-28-2012, 08:01 PM
Collision and Comp carry a frequency and there is in fact a frequency used by car....each year insurance companies submit premium multipiers to the state by the make and model of a car; based upon its loss ratio.....there is a base premium and all of your factors move that base premium up and down.

The thing to consider is that Zs are probably driven less than most Corvettes...let me think this through, and get some #s.

The loss ratio on classic cars is about 40-50% of what standard auto insurance is....which means frequency would be lower than standard insurance too...
Cool, would be neat to know.:cheers:

07-28-2012, 08:57 PM
I don't think proto-types should be counted, because that's what they are, they're not a production model. Same for a C4 w/ ZR-1 logo, it's like sticking a Mercedes emblem on a Volkswagen. It doesn't turn your :censored: Volkswagen into a Mercedes, lol. Now the salvaged Z's pose a problem. How many that were totaled, were rebuilt. I can't imagine too many were, but I'm sure some were.:cheers:

Well fortunately there would not be over a 1% error with these but.... fun to think about. Getting real data on all the ~6000 cars is the biggest hurdle. Any body can reach into a bag and come out with a number but the real number ? Who knows.
I say there are 5000 left +/- 30% :dancing

07-28-2012, 09:16 PM
Well the numbers from the bag I am reaching in lands us a combined loss ratio of 88-89% year and year out; I truly think the number is well over 5K

07-29-2012, 12:59 AM
Well the numbers from the bag I am reaching in lands us a combined loss ratio of 88-89% year and year out; I truly thing the number is well over 5K

Does that only take into account of reported insurance losses/ frequencies based on this model over 20 years? I'd have to think that 16-22 year old cars have been just plain used up, but not necessarily crashed or written off.

I would guess 4000-4500 cars remain based on Lee's estimated loss ratio.

07-29-2012, 01:40 AM
Even if it is well over 5000 left, that still less than 6K and a little over 1K gone. That's pretty significant, especially if there's a higher ratio of lower produced,later year models gone (they were 405 hp right).

07-29-2012, 02:02 AM
I would guess 4000-4500 cars remain based on Lee's estimated loss ratio.

Could very well be. I know some are just broken and will sit until found decades from now as "garage finds".

07-31-2012, 06:00 PM
I did this quickly so feel free to check my math......

Average auto frequency is 12.5 Ex Glass claims; 12.5 claims per 100 vehicles
Consider specialty cars are driven less the frequency then drops to 4.125, maybe lower.....
of the 4.125 ZR-1s per 100 15.5% of those 4.125 per 100 would be totalled
this is .64 per 100 ZR-1s per year
Given 22 years and not considering you would need a graduated scale based upon production per year, which I did not do.....
6922 /100=69.22 69.22 x.64=44.30 44.30 x22 = 974 total losses

07-31-2012, 06:15 PM
So then 900-ish for predicted losses, but not including 20 years worth of attrition due to high mileage, racing, and a few examples here and there of a car parted out since they are just getting to be worth more dead (for parts) than alive.

07-31-2012, 06:16 PM
I did this quickly so feel free to check my math......

Average auto frequency is 12.5 Ex Glass claims; 12.5 claims per 100 vehicles
Consider specialty cars are driven less the frequency then drops to 4.125, maybe lower.....
of the 4.125 ZR-1s per 100 15.5% of those 4.125 per 100 would be totalled
this is .64 per 100 ZR-1s per year
Given 22 years and not considering you would need a graduated scale based upon production per year, which I did not do.....
6922 /100=69.22 69.22 x.64=44.30 44.30 x22 = 974 total losses

That's a whole lotta math, lol. Thanks. Think it's safe to say there's less than 6K ZR-1's left. Which just makes are cars little rarer and worth more in the long run.:cheers:

07-31-2012, 07:55 PM
I would say that # is on the high side if anything.....