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07-08-2012, 04:46 PM
3rd Annual National Collector Car Appreciation Day - Chilly Bombers
13 Jul 2012 (5:30pm to 9pm)
4917 W. Bell Road Glendale, AZ. 85308
Chilly Bombers
Glendale, AZ 85308
Nancy Perry
Phone: 602-843-3545
Friday night at Chilly Bombers 5:30 till 9:00pm, come celebrate our 3rd year for Sema National Car Collector Day, commemorative dash plaques. Cake music and alot of fun, more info at sema.org 602-843-3545
The SEMA Action Network (SAN) announced July 13, 2012 as 'Collector Car Appreciation Day.' The date marks the third commemoration in what has become an annual event to raise awareness of the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society. The SAN is again working to secure a congressional resolution to recognize the day's significance.
The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), its Automotive Restoration Market Organization (ARMO) and Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA) and the SEMA Action Network (SAN) announced July 13, 2012 as 'Collector Car Appreciation Day'. The date marks the third commemoration of what has become an annual event to celebrate and raise awareness of the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society. If you have an event planned for the month of July and you would like it included on our list, please submit the details clicking this link. For questions, contact the SAN at san@sema.org. The list will help collector car enthusiasts identify an event in their area for this celebration.
The U.S. Senate passed Senate Resolution 452 (S. Res. 452) at the request of the SEMA Action Network (SAN) designating July 13, 2012 as "Collector Car Appreciation Day." The date marks the third commemoration in what has become an annual event to celebrate and raise awareness of the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society.
A growing list of scheduled events, like car shows, cruise-ins and parades, will be held in support of this annual celebration. The SAN is maintaining the event list to commemorate the day on its website here. Individuals, car clubs and business owners interested in publicizing events can submit the details here: http://fs23.formsite.com/andreac/form5/index.html. If you are unable to celebrate on July 13th, SAN encourages events to be scheduled throughout the month of July. Event organizers will be sent a copy of the official Senate Resolution for display at each event.
States, cities and two Canadian provinces joined the U.S. Senate last year by passing their own proclamations and resolutions. This year, the Hawaii State Legislature has already passed two resolutions and several other states are pursuing similar initiatives.
For questions, contact SAN Director Colby Martin at 909/978-6721 or san@sema.org. You may also download the official logo and flyer from the homepage and help promote this special day.

Jul. 14 Sema National Car Collector Day Car Show
Event Host: Bill Johnson's Restaurant/Nancy Perry Productions
Bill Johnson's Restaurant, 16810 N. 19th Ave/19th & Bell, Phoenix
Event Contact: Nancy 602-843-3545
Event Hours: 6:00 till 10:00 a.m.
Event Entry Fee: Free
Come celebrate Sema's National Car Collector Day with a great breakfast cruise in, Free event shirts to the first 100 entries, commemorative dash plaques, goody bags and 20 awards will be given out, this will be an ongoing cruise in after July it will be the first Saturday of every month, Great food, music and a great location, come join us for a great celebration!

Daddy-O's Grill & Sunset Cruisers CCAD cruise in breakfast
14 Jul 2012 (6AM until ??)
4163 W. Thuinderbird Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85053
Chuck Phone: 602-882-0500
Daddy-O's and Sunset Cruisers are hosting a breakfast cruise in celebrating the national Collector Car Appreciation Day. Free parking and a $2.99 cruise in breakfast available in the resturant. Clean, landscaped, parking lot with wide spaces in full view of the dinning area. Show starts at 6:00 AM and goes until it gets too hot. Come and have breakfast, kick tires, tell tall tales and have a good time while it's cool.

So Cal Customs Second Saturday
14 Jul 2012 (6:30am to ?)
3427 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Frank Phone: (602) 275-7990
Join us every Second Saturday of the month for coffee, donuts, car talk & parking lot shoe-box swap meet*.
Festivities begin at 6:30AM. Be sure to drive your classic or hot rod, all are welcome.
*Shoe-box swap, must drive a classic or hot rod: bring only small items that will fit in the trunk. (no late model cars, trucks or trailers.)

Jul. 14 Sema National Car Collector Day
Event Host: Nancy Perry Productions
Event Location: Mixteca, 6731 West Bell Road, Glendale
Event Contact: Nancy 602-843-3545
Event Hours: 5 till 9
Event Entry Fee: Free
Huge, 3rd year Sema National Car Collector Day, in Az, is at Mixteca/Kmart Cruise from 5 till 9, Free event shirts will be given out to the first 100, by free raffle, due to the large amount of cars, Entertainment, awards to the top 10 will be awarded - first 100 receive free commemorative dash plaque, cake, lots of fun. Come celebrate with us.