View Full Version : Great news.

06-25-2012, 09:53 PM
Some time ago I had mentioned that I had a junior high school principal and his name was Butch Pastorini. And I always wondered if he was related to Dan Pastorini the famous football player. I found his facebook page for Dan Pastorini's quality foodsand and Texas rub. I emailed him over a month ago thinking I'll probably never hear from him. But behold! He answered me back today. I am just tickled pink over that. Here is a link to our short conversion.http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/messages/read?action=read&tid=id.354515831270768&__user=1292360377:cheers:

06-25-2012, 11:55 PM
Back in the day I had Oiler season tickets
Loved watching Dante and the "Tyler Rose" Earl Cambell

06-26-2012, 12:22 AM
Not only did he have a very successful NFL career but after that he had a very successful drag racing career. 1986 NHRA nationals. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXgbb7flnY0&feature=youtube_gdata_player

John Boothby
06-26-2012, 01:07 AM
I don't have a Facebook account so couldn't read your conversations. However, I know how kool it is to link up with friends from the past via the internet. I am happy for you! Sometimes this technology is the best!!

06-26-2012, 01:13 AM
This technology is truly awesome. My 74 year old father inlaw got facebook and myspace mixed up on day and asked me how to send an email on Myface. We all just fell about the place laughing. God bless him.

06-26-2012, 06:15 PM
This technology is truly awesome. My 74 year old father inlaw got facebook and myspace mixed up on day and asked me how to send an email on Myface. We all just fell about the place laughing. God bless him.

Hysterical !

06-26-2012, 06:19 PM
Some time ago I had mentioned that I had a junior high school principal and his name was Butch Pastorini. And I always wondered if he was related to Dan Pastorini the famous football player. I found his facebook page for Dan Pastorini's quality foodsand and Texas rub. I emailed him over a month ago thinking I'll probably never hear from him. But behold! He answered me back today. I am just tickled pink over that. Here is a link to our short conversion.http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/messages/read?action=read&tid=id.354515831270768&__user=1292360377 (http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#%21/messages/read?action=read&tid=id.354515831270768&__user=1292360377):cheers:

I have Facebook but your like just gives me a synopsis of conversations I've had with other FB people..