View Full Version : Do you own a ZR-1 or a C4
06-17-2012, 11:34 AM
Tell us what you consider your ZR-1 to be. If you HAD to choose.
06-17-2012, 12:14 PM
Okay, it looks like I'm the only dissenting vote ..... mine is a C4 ZR-1, and I'm damn proud of owning a car that was a leap forward in chassis development and engine development. The LT5 married to a C4 chassis.
That's my story, and I' sticking to it! :mrgreen:
06-17-2012, 01:45 PM
Okay, it looks like I'm the only dissenting vote ..... mine is a C4 ZR-1, and I'm damn proud of owning a car that was a leap forward in chassis development and engine development. The LT5 married to a C4 chassis.
That's my story, and I' sticking to it! :mrgreen:
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".
I agree with your comments Tom. I guess when we identify the car as a ZR-1 more than C4, we are simply recognizing the points you have presented. It is a C4 and so much more.
06-17-2012, 05:56 PM
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".
I agree with your comments Tom. I guess when we identify the car as a ZR-1 more than C4, we are simply recognizing the points you have presented. It is a C4 and so much more.
Yes Joe but if you HAD TO choose, which is it?
06-17-2012, 10:54 PM
A ZR-1 is a C4, but not every C4 is a ZR-1.
People treat the car differently than my old LT1 car...and so do I.
Blue Flame Restorations
06-18-2012, 01:00 AM
I guess I consider my ZR-1 as more than "just" a C4. There's something special about owning it. Probably because I remember when they were new in 1990 and just unattainable at that time. Now I own two!!!
John Boothby
06-18-2012, 01:12 AM
My ZR-1 is a C4, only more so!!
An LT5 would not work in a C3, but it might work in a C5, only would not look as cool!!
My Humble Opinion!!
Paul Workman
06-18-2012, 05:20 AM
It's a Z! I had a standard 95 - loved it (and late model C4s) - but the Z is on an entirely different plane!
06-18-2012, 07:22 AM
I'll be the first to admit that I don't call my car by generation. The first question people always ask when they hear you have a Corvette is, "What year is it?" I always reply 1990 ZR-1. If I just say 1990 they think it is a POS, but somehow ZR-1 makes a difference or at least sounds like something special. I know the C4 has it merits and place in Corvette history, but let's face it as it is better known as the poor man's Corvette and most of the C4 owner trash their cars and have no respect for it. It seems is the the generation that anyone can afford, and kind of the reason I have one. I know I can't afford a C1 or C2, don't really like the C3s other than the early years and would not own any C4 other than ZR-1 or maybe a GS. C5 only a Z06 and C6 only a Z06 or ZR1 (can't afford these either). All that said, I love the ZR-1 regardless if C4 or not and although I'm not at the point to tatoo my entire body with ZR-1 all over it like a Yakuza, I love this car!!!
06-18-2012, 07:53 AM
Okay, I see me and two other people are perhaps 'out where the buses don't run'! :sign10:
Verbally no one can "see" the dash between the R and the 1. I know the dash is there, but they, more often than not, don't know it's there. Usually, since the C6 ZR1, they light up with that look of 'you're lucky'. Before the C6 ZR1 most people would just have a befuddled look. I would have to explain what a C4 ZR-1 actually is. To all of us, we all own ZR-1's, but we all know what all of us are talking about. Most of the rest of the world is outside our circle. :)
:o I've always been out where the buses don't run! I like it out here as the roads are less crowded! :sign10:
06-18-2012, 08:24 AM
Chevrolet Corvette made two different corvettes between 1990-1996.
ZR-1 from 1990-1995 and Grand Sport in 1996 and gave them different vin numbers, so the standard Corvette is a C4, the ZR-1 is a C4.1 and the Grand Sport is a C4.2.
Just like in reality a C6 is a C5.5, I hope this clears everything up. :cheers: :dancing :confused:
06-18-2012, 08:29 AM
Okay, I see me and two other people are perhaps 'out where the buses don't run'! :sign10:
Verbally no one can "see" the dash between the R and the 1. I know the dash is there, but they, more often than not, don't know it's there. Usually, since the C6 ZR1, they light up with that look of 'you're lucky'. Before the C6 ZR1 most people would just have a befuddled look. I would have to explain what a C4 ZR-1 actually is. To all of us, we all own ZR-1's, but we all know what all of us are talking about. Most of the rest of the world is outside our circle. :)
:o I've always been out where the buses don't run! I like it out here as the roads are less crowded! :sign10:
Don't feel bad, Dave McLellan would be #4 in the survey if he participated in it. Dom said either or and that is why I chose ZR-1. I still remember when the ZR1 came out and I joined he Corvette Club in Hawaii and everyone thought I was bringing the first ZR1 in Hawaii to the cruise and were mad when I pulled up with the C4 ZR-1. As you stated, there are even Corvette enthusiasts that don't know or recognize the C4 ZR-1 as the "real" ZR-1 that we know it as. I don't think the C6 ZR1 made anywhere near the hype that our cars got back in the day.
By the way, why are you always talking about those buses. I used to ride in the short yellow one.
Paul in SC
06-18-2012, 08:50 AM
I did not get to vote in the survey, but you can add my vote for ZR-1. I, like many of you, have noticed that there are not a lot of people that are aware of what a ZR-1 (C4 version with the dash) really is and what they meant to the overall development of the current Corvettes, even the C6 ZR1.
I have gone to several shows and cruise-ins since purchasing the car and even other C5 and C6 owners do not know what it is. That is why I have printed out a couple of short informational sheets and have them on the windshield or dash for people to read. One is from the NCM and is the article, “Corvette ZR-1: It’s Good to be the King” and the other is excerpted from the description on our website that I have edited and titled, “Corvette ZR-1 and the LT5 Engine.” Please don’t sue me for plagiarism, I credit both sources and feel this is my way of educating the public and promoting our unique cars. I also have a printout of who the people are that have signed my plenum and a large poster promoting my Z and its modifications. My car may look like a poster child for the ZR-1, but they definitely start conversations and I am very proud to tell others about the ZR-1.
06-18-2012, 09:50 AM
There was no 'BOTH" option.... Which is the correct choice.
Bob Eyres
06-18-2012, 10:19 AM
If you want to be accurate, of course it's both.
It's a C4 with the ZR-1 performance option, as listed on the window sticker.
But in conversation, I always refer to it as a ZR-1. That usually gets the attention of anyone with an interest in performance cars.
06-18-2012, 10:38 AM
Ok, now you lost me again!!!
I own a 1995 ZR-1 and a 1996 Collecters Edition.
I guess the answer is Yes!!!
I have two c4s, one C5 and one C6!!
06-18-2012, 10:49 AM
There was no 'BOTH" option.... Which is the correct choice.
That wasn't an oversight on my part.
06-18-2012, 11:25 AM
That wasn't an oversight on my part.
Healthy debate ;)
06-18-2012, 02:06 PM
Well... I always call it "The Z", "White Car", or "ZR-1" since we have 3 C4's.
06-18-2012, 02:11 PM
King of the Hill --- ZR-1.
The best years for ZR-1 90-95..........Remember the "dash"
06-18-2012, 06:10 PM
That wasn't an oversight on my part.
But what about those of us who have one of each ;) ?
On Edit: Retracting the question, I was reacting to the thread name and was too stumped to read the poll title. Back to your regularly scheduled program!
On re-Edit: In our house, we either talk about the BSP car (the ZR-1) or the BStock car (the Z51) LOL!
- Jeff
Mystic ZR-1
06-18-2012, 06:32 PM
Even if the buses did run out where you are, the driver wouldn't stop for you...
PS: it's a C4 but it only answers to ZR-1 or King of the Hill !!!
06-18-2012, 11:00 PM
Yes Joe but if you HAD TO choose, which is it?
I chose ZR-1. Sorry if I wasn't clear. When people ask, I tell them it is a '95 ZR-1 Corvette, that was an option for the C4 generation.
06-18-2012, 11:10 PM
I voted C4 for one reason and one reason only, I can take more than half of the parts of a C4 and install them on a ZR-1.
06-18-2012, 11:11 PM
I saw that after I wrote that. At the end of the day, haven't all the generations of ZR cars been "options"?
06-18-2012, 11:13 PM
I voted C4 for one reason and one reason only, I can take more than half of the parts of a C4 and install them on a ZR-1.
Not the ones that really count.
06-18-2012, 11:36 PM
Not the ones that really count.
I agree with that whole heatedly. It seems when the part says for ZR-1 the price doubles.
So is the TT Callaway a Callaway or a C4 with a modified engine? As more of the C4 parts are now interchangeable.
I dont know I guess it is a question of semantics.
If you look back to the early 60's the Corvette has always had a plethora of build codes from L36 to LS9 so are the cars different or optioned out differently. Even the Challenge cars had their own designation R9G.
I dont know if we could even say it was the highest priced C4. Depending on the options that you got with the B2k you could have been around 110,000.00
65K for the car, 15k Interior, 4k coil overs, 10k Aerobody, 6k wheels, 3k exhaust.
What I can say is I am a Corvette Guy, I like all Corvettes even the extremely high HP 1977 L48 (170HP).
Pete, I know if I keep adding weight to my car that beast will beat me too.
Blue Flame Restorations
06-18-2012, 11:41 PM
I agree with that whole heatedly. It seems when the part says for ZR-1 the price doubles.
So is the TT Callaway a Callaway or a C4 with a modified engine? As more of the C4 parts are now interchangeable.
I dont know I guess it is a question of semantics.
If you look back to the early 60's the Corvette has always had a plethora of build codes from L36 to LS9 so are the cars different or optioned out differently. Even the Challenge cars had their own designation R9G.
I dont know if we could even say it was the highest priced C4. Depending on the options that you got with the B2k you could have been around 110,000.00
65K for the car, 15k Interior, 4k coil overs, 10k Aerobody, 6k wheels, 3k exhaust.
Robert, I agree BUT the B2K didn't roll off the Bowling Green assembly line as a B2K, did it?
06-19-2012, 12:06 AM
Robert, I agree BUT the B2K didn't roll off the Bowling Green assembly line as a B2K, did it?
That is a great point. Let me say this I am sure that all of us have C4's because they are ZR-1.
06-19-2012, 07:48 AM
Robert, I agree BUT the B2K didn't roll off the Bowling Green assembly line as a B2K, did it?
They did roll off the assembly line as B2K's some never went to Callaway for the Turbo Package!
There are also Callaway Twin Turbo Corvettes that are not B2K's!
1969, 1970 and 1971 Corvette C3 ZR1's!
1990-1995 Corvette C4 ZR1's!
2009 to present Corvette C6 ZR1's!
Paul in SC
06-19-2012, 09:23 AM
That is a great point. Let me say this I am sure that all of us have C4's because they are ZR-1.
That statement is the truth. I have a C4 only because it is a ZR-1. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a C4.
The same goes for not having one other than a ZR-1 unless it was a special edition such as a 40th Ruby/Ruby, Pace Car or GS.
It's a 93 ZR-1 Corvette all the way. :cheers:
White Bullet
06-19-2012, 09:28 AM
Okay here is my take. Its a ZR-1. My thinking is the ZR-1 vs C4 is almost day and night difference in performance. Take each car and drive them and ask yourself are they the same? In my opion they are not. They look similar and that is were it ends.
06-19-2012, 07:19 PM
Even if the buses did run out where you are, the driver wouldn't stop for you...
PS: it's a C4 but it only answers to ZR-1 or King of the Hill !!!
You're right they never stopped the bus for me! Mine only answers to "Mistress" ......;)
Craig, I would have been on the short bus....but they wouldn't take me!:o
I don't need no stinkin' buses anyway....I own a 4th generation corvette ZR-1!:p
06-19-2012, 07:40 PM
...I own a 4th generation corvette ZR-1!:p
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you own a 2nd Gen ZR-1?
Interesting write up on 1st Gen ZR1. I actually ordered one of these as a "zone car". As a GMI student, I could order cars at an employee discount. However, the Chevrolet zone sales people refused to order it for their pool because it was devoid of creature comforts. Nobody would drive it for the requisite 3000miles, in June, before I could buy it. So it got changed to a base coupe. Sooooooo close and yet so far. I probably would have paid 4K for the company car originally. :(:(
I own a 1990 C4 ZR-1 and a 1990 C4. There is no doubt that both cars were outstanding in their day. My C4 has been converted into a road race car only. The history of these cars in World Challenge takes a back seat to no car. After dominating the series they were forced to a Corvette Challenge series only. I love both of my cars for different reasons. I am very proud of the unique history of our ZR-1s.I believe to be one of the most significant if not the most significant corvettes ever built. The unique history of the engine developement, coordination btween GM,Lotus and Mercury Marine is incredible. THe Fort Stockton accomplishments are legendary. Why these cars seem to be somewhat of stepchildren in the family of corvettes is beyond me.
MY C4 race car is an unbelievable machine. With significant upgrades this car is still very competitive today. I have won many races, FTD's etc. in this car competing against C6 Z06's, Porsche GT3's etc. NOw my ZR-1 would not want any piece of my C4 but it is a race only car with significant mods. I absolutely love driving my ZR-1 and wouldn't trade it for the world. I feel very fortunate that the values of these great cars have not skyrocketed so that I have had a chance to own one. I remeber clearly buyibg my 1990 L98 and seing a ZR-1 that was roped off and saying to my wife, "thats what I really want". Well I am fortunate to own a beautiful low mileage 1990 ZR-1 with ported plenum and injector housings, headers, exhaust, Haibeck prom & 410's. HOw someone could not enjoy that is beyond me. WHen I finish racing maybe I will seel the race car and get a stroker in the Zr-1. Sorry if I have rambled on but I really love both of these cars for different reasons and they have provided years of pleasure and excitement for me. NOthing beats finishing ahead of those 911 ( german corvairs) at the track! I hope all of you enjoy your cars half as much as I do.
06-19-2012, 09:11 PM
So far this thread has provided some great perspectives. Its interesting to note the members that haven't chimed in up to now.
Mystic ZR-1
06-19-2012, 09:45 PM
German Corvairs... I love it!!! Gussied up VW bugs...
06-19-2012, 10:25 PM
Tell us what you consider your ZR-1 to be. If you HAD to choose.
If I really really had to choose I say "yes".
I also say that when asked if I have 6 or 1/2 dozen.
Or is the glass half full or half empty.
Guess I won't be voting so as not to upset and accurate count.
06-19-2012, 10:43 PM
If I really really had to choose I say "yes".
I also say that when asked if I have 6 or 1/2 dozen.
Or is the glass half full or half empty.
Guess I won't be voting so as not to upset and accurate count.
Come on Scott. If you had a gun to your head... Maybe that context would help you fall on one side or the other.
06-19-2012, 11:09 PM
I saw that after I wrote that. At the end of the day, haven't all the generations of ZR cars been "options"?
I would agree, all ZR cars are options to the specific generation so they are all C4's. The option is what makes it unique, so I'm sticking to my answer that my car is a ZR-1. :cheers:
06-19-2012, 11:14 PM
I voted "C4" -- here's why:
I owned a '94 base C4 prior to buying my first ZR-1. I owned a C5 prior to my first C4, and as soon as I got the C4, I knew that this was the way a Corvette was supposed to feel. I haven't really missed the C5 at all. When I bought my first ZR-1, it allowed me to keep all that I loved about the base C4, with the added benefits that come with the LT5.
Most of the personality of the ZR-1 is really the same as the rest of the late C4 lineup -- chassis feel, ingress/egress, instrument panel, creature comforts, etc -- and so it's undeniable that the ZR-1 is in fact a C4. of course, all that is forgotten as the tach sweeps to 7K.
06-19-2012, 11:23 PM
I would agree, all ZR cars are options to the specific generation so they are all C4's. The option is what makes it unique, so I'm sticking to my answer that my car is a ZR-1. :cheers:
06-20-2012, 05:20 AM
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you own a 2nd Gen ZR-1?
Interesting write up on 1st Gen ZR1. I actually ordered one of these as a "zone car". As a GMI student, I could order cars at an employee discount. However, the Chevrolet zone sales people refused to order it for their pool because it was devoid of creature comforts. Nobody would drive it for the requisite 3000miles, in June, before I could buy it. So it got changed to a base coupe. Sooooooo close and yet so far. I probably would have paid 4K for the company car originally. :(:(
Hey Dominic, you double lucky stiff! 1st as a GMI student, and then to have a shot at getting a ZR1! That price couldn't be beat with a stick. So, did you get the L48 car? I can tell you that my 72 LT-1 car w/AC cost the O.O. over 6k, well over 6k. I don't remember what the paperwork said, but I know it was darn close to my dad's 72 coupe de ville's price tag. They bent him over somewhat with the dealer installed factory side pipes! Besides I had most of the parts on my LT-1 that the ZR1 option came with, try that with an L98/LT1/LT4 car! :D
No, I'm sticking to my original statement. I own a fourth generation corvette ZR-1. :sign10: A C3 LT-1 could be ordered with a ZR1 option package. A C4 coupe could be ordered with the ZR-1 package. A C6 coupe can be ordered with the ZR1 package ( I think? I never asked! IDK for sure.). That would make the C6 the second generation ZR1, como no?
By my logic, as convoluted as it is! My C4 corvette ZR-1 as an RPO is a "one of one" from a generational point of view, no? :mrgreen:
06-20-2012, 08:22 AM
No, I'm sticking to my original statement. I own a fourth generation corvette ZR-1. :sign10: A C3 LT-1 could be ordered with a ZR1 option package. A C4 coupe could be ordered with the ZR-1 package. A C6 coupe can be ordered with the ZR1 package ( I think? I never asked! IDK for sure.). That would make the C6 the second generation ZR1, como no?
Never thought of this that way. So basically there is but one ZR-1, cool.
Who wants to buy my vote? C4 will cost 2 beers. ZR-1 only one.
I'm prepping for the November election :dancing
06-21-2012, 06:29 PM
When asked "what kind of Corvette or car do you own"? I always reply a ZR-1! never even think of it as a C4 but I do understand the descenting arguement :salute:
06-21-2012, 07:52 PM
Well the "exit polling" so far is trending towards lineage being considered as a ZR-1.
It's not clear to me how we have 4th Gen ZR-1s when that option was available only on one previous generation. I consider out ZRs to be 2nd Gen, with the
current ZR1 being the 3rd Gen.
All of them are their generations expression of the ultimate Corvette.
Bob Eyres
06-22-2012, 09:01 AM
So is the TT Callaway a Callaway or a C4 with a modified engine?
I dont know I guess it is a question of semantics.
Now the debate gets to a point that has always bothered me. I'd like to think, (and yes, I like to brag about it), that the ZR-1 is the "Fastest Corvette of the Twentieth Century". But then the Callaway owners always pop up and say the twin turbo Callaway is actually slightly faster. Then I say, "Tuner Car", and the debate begins.
"B2K, B2K", they say. "You could order one at the Chevy dealer right off the option list". And I retort, "So what, if it didn't come off the assembly line that way at St. Louis or Bowling Green, then I consider it a "tuner car", not a factory Corvette.
In my eyes it's no more a "factory car" than a Lingenfelter car, It's a tuner car. And then the debate really heats up when I claim John L.'s cars are generally faster, and John didn't disrespect the ZR-1 when it came out either, and that's a real sore point. But let's not get into that again.
Yada,yada,yada. It really is a question of semantics after all. :-D
But, it's still a C4 with a performance option. And I'm still going to brag that my ZR-1 is the "FASTEST CORVETTE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY". :icon_thum
John Boothby
06-22-2012, 10:17 AM
Now the debate gets to a point that has always bothered me. I'd like to think, (and yes, I like to brag about it), that the ZR-1 is the "Fastest Corvette of the Twentieth Century". But then the Callaway owners always pop up and say the twin turbo Callaway is actually slightly faster. Then I say, "Tuner Car", and the debate begins.
"B2K, B2K", they say. "You could order one at the Chevy dealer right off the option list". And I retort, "So what, if it didn't come off the assembly line that way at St. Louis or Bowling Green, then I consider it a "tuner car", not a factory Corvette.
In my eyes it's no more a "factory car" than a Lingenfelter car, It's a tuner car. And then the debate really heats up when I claim John L.'s cars are generally faster, and John didn't disrespect the ZR-1 when it came out either, and that's a real sore point. But let's not get into that again.
Yada,yada,yada. It really is a question of semantics after all. :-D
But, it's still a C4 with a performance option. And I'm still going to brag that my ZR-1 is the "FASTEST CORVETTE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY". :icon_thum
You forgot one important item. The 1990 Corvette ZR-1 broke multiple world enduranct speed records held for 50 years! And, in my opinion, it still holds that record for "True" production cars!! Calloway?
Bob Eyres
06-22-2012, 10:41 AM
You forgot one important item. The 1990 Corvette ZR-1 broke multiple world enduranct speed records held for 50 years! And, in my opinion, it still holds that record for "True" production cars!! Calloway?
Very true John, but Callaway still claims bragging rights on claimed "top speed" for that year.
And although those record setting ZR-1's were FIA legal. They weren't factory "bone stock", and the records weren't for a stock class.
They had headers, 3.07 gears, etc., that stuff wasn't "factory stock". In fact, with that gearing, they were capable of 190+ top speed, faster that the Callaways. But that's a moot point in this particular discussion.
Look at my sig. below. I claim to have a "Stock Engine", and it is, untouched internally. But it gets a lot of help getting air to it, and out of it. And with the gearing and sticky tires it's capable of times that a "bone stock" ZR-1 can't do.
Semantics, semantics. :)
John Boothby
06-22-2012, 11:36 AM
You are correct, semantics. Actually, the stock tires were considered. However, they were determined to not having the ability to hold up for that long of a run. Goodyear spent $250K on tires for this run. Morrison also had the wheel bearings factory greased using Mobile 1 synthetic grease. It would have been the same story for a Calloway, or any other car. I am sure they would run open exhaust and headers also, and higher gears.
Morrison hit a high of 196 during this run.
The bottom line is that the ZR-1 did it using an off the shelf motor! Calloway did not! And some of the records were considered "Factory Production". I would not stake my life on that, but from all I have read, that is my conclusion.
You have a nice setup on your car. A few bolt-ons, and I bet you are waxing 99% of the new cars of today.
Take care bro
06-22-2012, 12:50 PM
You are correct, semantics. Actually, the stock tires were considered. However, they were determined to not having the ability to hold up for that long of a run. Goodyear spent $250K on tires for this run. Morrison also had the wheel bearings factory greased using Mobile 1 synthetic grease. It would have been the same story for a Calloway, or any other car. I am sure they would run open exhaust and headers also, and higher gears.
Morrison hit a high of 196 during this run.
The bottom line is that the ZR-1 did it using an off the shelf motor! Calloway did not! And some of the records were considered "Factory Production". I would not stake my life on that, but from all I have read, that is my conclusion.
You have a nice setup on your car. A few bolt-ons, and I bet you are waxing 99% of the new cars of today.
Take care bro
In the next twenty years which will be more collectable?
One of the 500 Callaway Twin Turbo cars or one of the 6000+ ZR1s!!!
John Boothby
06-22-2012, 03:20 PM
In the next twenty years which will be more collectable?
One of the 500 Callaway Twin Turbo cars or one of the 6000+ ZR1s!!!
You got me! Really, who knows? If you go by number created, I guess the Calloway. But look at the BB mid years. Thousands of those were built and they are more sought after then some rarer ones. :cheers:
06-22-2012, 08:03 PM
You got me! Really, who knows? If you go by number created, I guess the Calloway. But look at the BB mid years. Thousands of those were built and they are more sought after then some rarer ones. :cheers:
Low production numbers do not guarantee collect-ability.
I've been watching a lot of Mecum lately.
06-23-2012, 09:43 AM
When it runs like it should and no issues it's a ZR-1 all the way!
When a classic C4 issue appears, it's a C4.
Luckily, 98% of my ownership the Z overshadows the C.
Bob Eyres
06-23-2012, 10:31 AM
In twenty years which one will be more "collectable", a Callaway Twin Turbo, or a Lingenfelter 415 ZR-1? :icon_ques
I know which one I'd want, It would have that big booty.:icon_thum
John Boothby
06-23-2012, 05:05 PM
Barrett-Jackson OC
1991 Corvette ZR-1 less than 24.9K miles sold for $20,350 includes buyer's commission.
06-24-2012, 07:16 AM
Well the "exit polling" so far is trending towards lineage being considered as a ZR-1.
It's not clear to me how we have 4th Gen ZR-1s when that option was available only on one previous generation. I consider out ZRs to be 2nd Gen, with the
current ZR1 being the 3rd Gen.
All of them are their generations expression of the ultimate Corvette.
I'm sorry that I took so long to answer Dom! Also, I hope you are not thinking I'm trying to be a wise guy in our talk. :o I am enjoying this thread. =D>
My point is that I look at a vette as: What gen is it? Then: what are it's options, anything special? Then to me it's a ___ generation corvette with a ___ RPO combination. Our RPO just happens to be the most unique RPO ever offered in any generation corvette! :dancing
as far as exit polls go? I live in NYS, so I'm used to being in the minority with exit polls!
06-24-2012, 09:27 PM
I'm sorry that I took so long to answer Dom! Also, I hope you are not thinking I'm trying to be a wise guy in our talk. :o I am enjoying this thread. =D>
My point is that I look at a vette as: What gen is it? Then: what are it's options, anything special? Then to me it's a ___ generation corvette with a ___ RPO combination. Our RPO just happens to be the most unique RPO ever offered in any generation corvette! :dancing
as far as exit polls go? I live in NYS, so I'm used to being in the minority with exit polls!
You and Frank should move to Alabama
06-26-2012, 07:54 AM
You and Frank should move to Alabama
:sign10: I don't know that they accept refugees down there from the wrong color states! I wonder if I could get "political asylum" some place for me and my C4 ZR-1? :sign10:
Mystic ZR-1
06-26-2012, 06:09 PM
You got the asylum part right, but I'm not sure
if it would be political...!!! See ya soon at LR!
Is Lou on-board?
06-26-2012, 07:12 PM
You got the asylum part right, but I'm not sure
if it would be political...!!! See ya soon at LR!
Is Lou on-board?
Lady's Room???
06-27-2012, 06:52 AM
You got the asylum part right, but I'm not sure
if it would be political...!!! See ya soon at LR!
Is Lou on-board?
I think Lou is planning on going as both of us have a season's pass this year. I'll call him just to remind him about the race.
Oh, and about that asylum thing? I don't need no stinkin' asylum. I have mastercard :p or is it Visa???? :bootyshak
Hey John, you going to the ALMS race at Lime Rock next weekend?:mrgreen:
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