View Full Version : All about the Road Trip...

06-16-2012, 03:05 PM
Well my journey started in Cleveland Ohio. My wife had surgery last week so I flew out and stayed with her until Wed 13 June. On the 13th I flew to OKC to visit my good friends Jerry and Karen Downy and to pick up all the ZR-1 and LT-1 Turbo Systems from Raptor. On a side note I purchased Jerry's half of Raptor Turbo Systems at the beginning of the year and Corey Henderson has agreed to fabricate and install Raptor Turbo Systems...

I rented a U-Haul trailer, Jerry and I loaded all the pipes and I put the 95 LT-1 car on the dolly. After our work we had a great time and had our favorite local fried chicken!... I departed Thursday morning for Corey's shop in New Braunfels TX. I arrived safe and sound and proceeded to fill his dyno room with piping! Corey and his guys were a great help, believe you me...

I also met up with Glenn and Mary B and they hosted me for Dinner and gave some shelter for the night (after a Shiner Bock or two...) Thanks Guy's!

Friday I took out for Tucson at 0600 in the LT-1. She ran great the entire way with only a few issues that I'll need to address. She saw a few speed burst however I kept my foot out just to make I didn't break anything on the return home. She's got over 600 rwhp and still has the R700 and the Dana 36. Yep, a little much power for the drive train...

I did have some "under cooling issues." In the 106 deg Arizona heat the water temp started to rise above 230 so I had to turn the A/C off to keep her cool. Sometimes I'd get her to run 219 with the A/C on and then some times she would climb through 230. I'm not sure if one of the fans was intermittent or what. I thought it may have been a sticking thermostat but I'm not so sure now... Well, something to figure out...

I was going to stop and stay the night in Phoenix and meet up with Phillip but it was only 5 pm there and my cell was out of battery by that time so I decided to press... So after 18 hours I made it back to Vegas all in one long day. Good thing I love to drive Corvettes!

As far a gas goes, I paid as little as $3.199 and as much as $3.759. The first tank of old gas gave me 20 MPG and by the end of the trip I was getting 26. Not too shabby for 600 rwhp and tq!






06-16-2012, 05:06 PM
Folks, that is one healthy LT1 ... everybody needs one, and the fixings for the LT5 version are just down the street now.

Glad you made it home safe and sound. Say HI to Denise.

John Boothby
06-16-2012, 05:40 PM
Welcome home! Glad to hear your trip went well.

06-17-2012, 11:03 AM
Glad you made it OK

Blue Flame Restorations
06-17-2012, 11:09 AM
Sounds like fun. Hope the wifey recovers well.

06-17-2012, 12:50 PM
Good deal Ron! My prayers for the speedy recovery for your better half!


06-17-2012, 05:14 PM
Glad you made it home safe and sound. Say HI to Denise.

Thanks Glenn and Mary...

Welcome home! Glad to hear your trip went well.

Me too! Let's try Lunch in the next few weeks...

Glad you made it OK

Thanks and I wish we could have met up...

Sounds luike fun. Hope the wifey recovers well.

Good deal Ron! My prayers for the speedy recovery for your better half!

She flew back to Vegas last night so she's home now... Now for a few more weeks of recovery... Thanks for the words and wishes...


06-17-2012, 11:25 PM
I wish your wife a quick, pain free recovery. With all the "fun" my wife went through last year I do not wish that upon anyone. Things WILL get better for both of you......:cheers:

06-18-2012, 12:01 PM
Glad you both made it homevin good shape. Now, let the healing begin and have your family together and well.=D>