06-16-2012, 03:05 PM
Well my journey started in Cleveland Ohio. My wife had surgery last week so I flew out and stayed with her until Wed 13 June. On the 13th I flew to OKC to visit my good friends Jerry and Karen Downy and to pick up all the ZR-1 and LT-1 Turbo Systems from Raptor. On a side note I purchased Jerry's half of Raptor Turbo Systems at the beginning of the year and Corey Henderson has agreed to fabricate and install Raptor Turbo Systems...
I rented a U-Haul trailer, Jerry and I loaded all the pipes and I put the 95 LT-1 car on the dolly. After our work we had a great time and had our favorite local fried chicken!... I departed Thursday morning for Corey's shop in New Braunfels TX. I arrived safe and sound and proceeded to fill his dyno room with piping! Corey and his guys were a great help, believe you me...
I also met up with Glenn and Mary B and they hosted me for Dinner and gave some shelter for the night (after a Shiner Bock or two...) Thanks Guy's!
Friday I took out for Tucson at 0600 in the LT-1. She ran great the entire way with only a few issues that I'll need to address. She saw a few speed burst however I kept my foot out just to make I didn't break anything on the return home. She's got over 600 rwhp and still has the R700 and the Dana 36. Yep, a little much power for the drive train...
I did have some "under cooling issues." In the 106 deg Arizona heat the water temp started to rise above 230 so I had to turn the A/C off to keep her cool. Sometimes I'd get her to run 219 with the A/C on and then some times she would climb through 230. I'm not sure if one of the fans was intermittent or what. I thought it may have been a sticking thermostat but I'm not so sure now... Well, something to figure out...
I was going to stop and stay the night in Phoenix and meet up with Phillip but it was only 5 pm there and my cell was out of battery by that time so I decided to press... So after 18 hours I made it back to Vegas all in one long day. Good thing I love to drive Corvettes!
As far a gas goes, I paid as little as $3.199 and as much as $3.759. The first tank of old gas gave me 20 MPG and by the end of the trip I was getting 26. Not too shabby for 600 rwhp and tq!
I rented a U-Haul trailer, Jerry and I loaded all the pipes and I put the 95 LT-1 car on the dolly. After our work we had a great time and had our favorite local fried chicken!... I departed Thursday morning for Corey's shop in New Braunfels TX. I arrived safe and sound and proceeded to fill his dyno room with piping! Corey and his guys were a great help, believe you me...
I also met up with Glenn and Mary B and they hosted me for Dinner and gave some shelter for the night (after a Shiner Bock or two...) Thanks Guy's!
Friday I took out for Tucson at 0600 in the LT-1. She ran great the entire way with only a few issues that I'll need to address. She saw a few speed burst however I kept my foot out just to make I didn't break anything on the return home. She's got over 600 rwhp and still has the R700 and the Dana 36. Yep, a little much power for the drive train...
I did have some "under cooling issues." In the 106 deg Arizona heat the water temp started to rise above 230 so I had to turn the A/C off to keep her cool. Sometimes I'd get her to run 219 with the A/C on and then some times she would climb through 230. I'm not sure if one of the fans was intermittent or what. I thought it may have been a sticking thermostat but I'm not so sure now... Well, something to figure out...
I was going to stop and stay the night in Phoenix and meet up with Phillip but it was only 5 pm there and my cell was out of battery by that time so I decided to press... So after 18 hours I made it back to Vegas all in one long day. Good thing I love to drive Corvettes!
As far a gas goes, I paid as little as $3.199 and as much as $3.759. The first tank of old gas gave me 20 MPG and by the end of the trip I was getting 26. Not too shabby for 600 rwhp and tq!