View Full Version : Track Day Anyone?

06-15-2012, 03:51 PM
Ok, since Shrek's post on VIR I haven't been able to shake the track bug at all. I have been running track days for years however in the past couple of years have slacked off due to family and life situations but I have GOT to get back on track. Here are some DE’s and open track days I am looking at attending. I would really like to get a Z group together and do one of these days/weekends. Who in the TX, LA, MS, AR or any other area would be interested in getting together for a weekend at the track?
Here’s the short list:
NOLA Motorsports (http://www.nolamotor.com/)
Saturday July 7th (http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/098D854B-0148-1B18-DA17BBFED309CBEE)
Sunday August 5th (http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/B7F74EF8-A0D4-A4E7-83D37BBEE354779B)
NOLA runs a pretty standard format on the DE’s and the preregistration helps a bunch in speeding things up. Unless you get there early and if you are like me that doesn’t happen much LOL Only complaint about this track is not the track itself but the price is a bit on the high side.
http://www.nolamotor.com/cars/ (http://www.nolamotor.com/cars/)

The Driver’s Edge (http://www.thedriversedge.net/index.html)
This is a great group and very well run I have been running with then since 06 or 07. You get a good amount of time for the price and if you are in a Green or Blue group you have instruction and class time. You can never have too much instruction IMHO.
TDE has events on Sept 8-9 (MSR Houston), Sept 29-30 (MSR Cresson Big Track CCW), and Oct 13-14 (TWS). They have others but that is far enough out. http://www.thedriversedge.net/02_tracks.htm (http://www.thedriversedge.net/02_tracks.htm)

Apex (http://www.apexdrivingacademy.com/index.htm)
I have always gotten a LOT of track time for the price with this group.
Saturday July 21st
Saturday September 22nd

Eagle’s Canyon Raceway (http://www.eaglescanyon.com/2008/home.php)
A Ford dealership is doing a track day on the June 23rd. This could be fun and I know we have a few Z brothers in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. However I know this is short notice.

There are more on http://www.clubregistration.net/ (http://www.clubregistration.net/) Let me know what you guys are interested in and let’s make something happen.

Anyone in the Greater New Orleans area the Delta Region SCCA is holding a Mirrorkhana run at NOLA Motorsports. If you have never done this it’s a great time with plenty of chit talking.
http://autox.i-55.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7685&hl (http://autox.i-55.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7685&hl)
It is an autocross course but instead of 1 car at a time it is 2 cars. You will not be timed but it is the first one to finish the course wins.


06-15-2012, 09:29 PM
VIR on way home from Carlilse? Going again that Mon & Tues.

06-17-2012, 04:10 PM

Plans are to attend Carlisle but I'll be flying up.
