View Full Version : Brotherhood @ the gathering

05-21-2012, 11:34 AM
Unsure if everyone heard this

Many acts of kindness happened @ BG is year

First happened with a friend from West Virginia when he filled up @ the gas station and the injectors started to fail miserably. (terrible knocking)

JVD offered up some used injectors gratis, Gordon Killebrew offered up tools and then some Z brothers helped to install them


Pictured is Dempsey (from Waldorf, md), Daniel (from Lousiana), Gordon and Rod (it was his 90 we were working on)

Then Robert De Marco had issues with his alternator and Al (FBI Chicago) offered his up (also helped with uninstall / reinstall). Dempsey and Robert were working into the night!


During the drag racing Al broke a spinal and FBI went to work replacing that one!!!


Many acts of kindness were offered with nothing expected in return..... I'm honored to call myself part of this group of friends!!!!

Here is a now "official" part of the clubs activities @ BG on Friday night!

Sausages (by Pete), boudin (by Daniel) and Bob G's hospitality @ his unreal Motorhome!!!!


Unsure of the exact count of members, but what a great time

Can't wait for next year!



John Boothby
05-21-2012, 12:13 PM
Man, I wish that I can get there someday!!

We do have a great bunch of guys associated with this group. I've been helped by many over the net. Wish that I can meet some of you guys someday!

Us Americans tend to pull together in times of crisis!! Nice going, guys!!:cheers:

05-21-2012, 01:12 PM

05-21-2012, 04:36 PM
not only brotherhood, but sisters, too. The West Virginia ladies are beyond cool ... they not only know how to drive but they can change a plenum, too.


05-21-2012, 05:32 PM
Yes, I will second that for sure. I attended the Gathering in 2006 and 2010, both times being Zless and witnessed the brotherhood in action both times. I know the local Corvette Club in Hawaii could give a hoot less and you won't get a shirt off somone's back like with this Registry brotherhood. It makes me want to move to the upper 48 one of these days so I can attend more often and with a car. There are always brothers willing to let you ride in and drive their cars.............priceless and like no other organization!!! You guys are awesome!!


05-21-2012, 05:35 PM
Who's the woman w the flashlight?

05-21-2012, 06:45 PM
Who's the woman w the flashlight?

Connie Bailey (husband Rod) from W. Virginia ... and yes, she can change the plenum ... I missed that picture. Terrific couple that I was glad to get to know better.
