View Full Version : Me+wife+Z are heading to the coast.

05-12-2012, 02:32 PM
Havent driven her in 3 weeks and its gonna be a beautiful weekend after all of the rain. She's warming up as I speak. Theres a corvette show going on in Kimah right now that my buddy Chris has his Z06 in. But Im headed to Galveston. We might hook up later along the coast somewhere. Aint nothing better than being with your women in a fine car sipping Margaritas overlooking the beach. Later my friends.

05-12-2012, 04:52 PM
Aint nothing better than being with your women in a fine car sipping Margaritas overlooking the beach.

Awesome ... I'm sure this will be a good photo-op too (Z + beach = :cool:)

rudolph schenker
05-13-2012, 11:36 AM
Sounds fun! :)