View Full Version : Throttle body plate

04-24-2006, 01:33 AM
Hi everyone first post, but have been lurking for sometime now. I just got one of the LT5 TB plates (looks great, he really does a nice job on them) before I pull the old one off, I better find out what is under it. Will I have coolant spilling out or a spring popping up. Will it need a gasket, or can I simply take the old one off and put the new one on. Thanks in advance, Jim

04-24-2006, 07:38 AM
Hi Jim, There would be a bit of a coolant mess I would think. Don't know for sure as the only time I had my plate off was on a plenum pull. Nothing under there but a gasket and the coolant....should be no surprises hidden under it except for maybe some of that electrolysis corrosion maybe. I had a white color scale inside the chamber that I washed off with a toothbrush & as I had that electrolysis thing happening I had to clean up the gasket flange & a few screws and the plate. I think minerals in the water contribute to the crud. I guess it's worth it to try to use as much distilled water as possible when the collant is r&r'ed. I know my gasket didn't look to be re-usable, I had new gaskets so I took no chances. I can't say for sure that I could not re-use my old plate gasket though.


04-24-2006, 02:08 PM
Drain a little bit of coolant out of the radiator to drop the level some. Then you can remove the top plate with no worries.

Gasket will be worthless. It will rip and shred when you pull your old one up.

Z Factor
04-24-2006, 02:32 PM
Hi everyone first post, but have been lurking for sometime now.

Hello Jim, and welcome to the forum.:handshak:

04-24-2006, 02:38 PM
Thanks for the info and warm welcome, have to do a coolant flush soon so will waite till I drain her, were can I get a new gasket at.

04-24-2006, 02:41 PM
GM has the gaskets still.

04-24-2006, 02:44 PM
GM has the gaskets still.

Cool, thats most likely the last place I thought I could get one.

04-26-2006, 11:56 PM
I wish I could install my throttle body plate but, there is just no way I can get my old one off without ruining it & or the plenum, I tried twice. It is fused to the plenum.:mad:

04-27-2006, 01:34 AM
I wish I could install my throttle body plate but, there is just no way I can get my old one off without ruining it & or the plenum, I tried twice. It is fused to the plenum.:mad:

Hey Bob
Maybe instead of trying to pry the plate off, you could thread a couple of
larger bolts into the bolt holes of the plate and tap it off. I bet once the
"seal" is broken it'll come off. You will need to get the old gasket off........
Good luck!

04-27-2006, 02:36 AM
Hey Bob
Maybe instead of trying to pry the plate off, you could thread a couple of
larger bolts into the bolt holes of the plate and tap it off. I bet once the
"seal" is broken it'll come off. You will need to get the old gasket off........
Good luck!

I knew someday someone would have the answer. This is obviously it. It's like how could I be so stupid not to see it....:sleepy1: I gave up-. I'm going to change it right now!!! Thanks a million:mrgreen: Yes, I'm embarrassed & so should be the entire Net for how many times I've got no reply.

Gee.... if only I knew your name I'd send you a $1000.00 for the answer, but I checked your profile and your anomonous, oh well, maybe next question...

Thanks allot man...:mrgreen:

04-27-2006, 12:31 PM
you could also try a large gasket scraper...works for me....just be gentle...
ill be waiting for my check....hehehe:wink:

04-27-2006, 03:05 PM
I knew someday someone would have the answer. This is obviously it. It's like how could I be so stupid not to see it....:sleepy1: I gave up-. I'm going to change it right now!!! Thanks a million:mrgreen: Yes, I'm embarrassed & so should be the entire Net for how many times I've got no reply.

Gee.... if only I knew your name I'd send you a $1000.00 for the answer, but I checked your profile and your anomonous, oh well, maybe next question...

Thanks allot man...:mrgreen:

The name is TED FEDER

I could use the $$

Do not send it to my home- the wife will get it and spend it (and more):occasion1 .

seriously, I can't tell you how much I have learned from the net.
Invaluable. Just spreading the info.........

04-27-2006, 04:16 PM

05-01-2006, 01:08 AM
Hey Bob
Maybe instead of trying to pry the plate off, you could thread a couple of
larger bolts into the bolt holes of the plate and tap it off. I bet once the
"seal" is broken it'll come off. You will need to get the old gasket off........
Good luck!

Well, I did get to it tonight. Tapped one hole each end, just into the top plate holes then inserted very short bolts, just a couple turns. I could then get a screw driver under the bolt head and pry against the TB and up it came. I waited at least a couple years to get this done not wanting to chance chipping paint or ruining the stock plate.

Thanks for that tip Ted!!!

The new LT5 Billet plate looks great there compared to my work bench....:mrgreen:

05-01-2006, 10:59 AM
The new LT5 Billet plate looks great there compared to my work bench....:mrgreen:

Glad you finally got to mount the plate and that you are pleased with it. =D> If you need one to fill the dust outlined spot where the old one was I have more :hello: Take care, Carter ;)