View Full Version : "Barn Find" maybe?

Hib Halverson
04-05-2012, 11:38 PM
I had a guy in my club call me the other day about a ZR-1 he has information about. The owner is deceased and a friend of his has been given the job of selling the decedant's collection.

The car is a Ruby with 900 miles on it. I'm told the car has been sitting since 1995. The exterior is supposedly pristine other than a couple of flat tires.

It's unknown at this point if the engine has been run during the 17 years it's been sitting.

If I hear more, I'll post.

04-06-2012, 12:19 AM
I developed a database of all the ruby Zees, with mileage, ownership history, etc., and would appreciate knowing the last 3 of the VIN and any other pertinent info on the car.


Hib Halverson
04-06-2012, 06:11 AM
If hear more, I'll post.

04-06-2012, 11:54 PM
I would gamble that the answer is NO.

But really wouldn't take much to get it going if you really want to.
Or its a museum piece as is.

I saw a thread on a lambo forum that has a Countach that has been sitting in a small wood shed for 15 years and its in bad shape. Love to find them myself so I could buy em and fix them!