View Full Version : Props to Corey @ Henderson Performance

04-01-2012, 06:04 PM
I’ve been searching for a ZR-1 for some time now. I found an interesting one, but it was in San Antonio and I’m in Wisconsin. When I asked about someone to look at it for me (see http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17046 ), several members recommended Corey (http://www.hendersonperformance.com/ )

Long story short: what an awesome guy. He met the current owner at his shop on Saturday and really looked the car over for me. I knew there were some issues, but I didn’t want to worry about a bad LT5 or ZF6 immediately! His price? I need to buy him lunch sometime in the future. :cheers:

I’m sure that those of you in the area know what a great place this is. I’m letting the rest of you know too.


04-01-2012, 07:14 PM
Corey is class!

Glad it worked out!

Could we see pictures????

Any plans for it?



04-01-2012, 07:57 PM
Corey is a great guy. There is really nothing more to say.

04-01-2012, 08:38 PM
Could we see pictures????

Any plans for it?

David, I haven't seen it in person yet :cry: - here are a couple images. The seller and I are working out the details and I'm trying to decide between a) shipping it up, or b) flying down and driving it up.

My plans are to slowly get it into shape. This isn't a NCRS Vette, but I hope to make it a nice driver.


04-01-2012, 08:46 PM
David, I haven't seen it in person yet :cry: - here are a couple images. The seller and I are working out the details and I'm trying to decide between a) shipping it up, or b) flying down and driving it up.

My plans are to slowly get it into shape. This isn't a NCRS Vette, but I hope to make it a nice driver.


Where in Wisconsin and will you have it in time to drive down to Haibecks' BBQ?

04-01-2012, 09:54 PM
Your experience is typical of Corey...... always there when you need him.

Corey can do anything! I've seen some pretty wild projects in his shop, ranging from installing an LS1 in a BMW, to all out race cars, drag, road course & salt. What's in his garage? A ZR-1 of course. He's not only an incredible performance guru, but also an all around, stand up guy that has an annual charity event. I'm proud to say he's a darn good friend of mine.

04-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Where in Wisconsin and will you have it in time to drive down to Haibecks' BBQ?

An hour North of Milwaukee. Unfortunately no, but I hope to have it presentable in time for BG.

04-04-2012, 06:22 PM
Your experience is typical of Corey...... always there when you need him.

Corey can do anything! I've seen some pretty wild projects in his shop, ranging from installing an LS1 in a BMW, to all out race cars, drag, road course & salt. What's in his garage? A ZR-1 of course. He's not only an incredible performance guru, but also an all around, stand up guy that has an annual charity event. I'm proud to say he's a darn good friend of mine. I absolutly concur. I remember the LS1 M4 BMW. That was a huge job. $14k worth. He has the Midas touch with any car or motorcycle and he's still in his late 30's. He's gonna be around a long time. And we are all very blessed to have him. When you just can't figure it out you bring it to Coreys.:icon_thum

04-04-2012, 08:07 PM
David, I haven't seen it in person yet :cry: - here are a couple images. The seller and I are working out the details and I'm trying to decide between a) shipping it up, or b) flying down and driving it up.

My plans are to slowly get it into shape. This isn't a NCRS Vette, but I hope to make it a nice driver.




Fly and drive!

More expensive but much more fun!



04-05-2012, 10:32 PM
Welcome to the maddness!
I did a fly and drive from cali to philadelphia.......its the only way to do it!!!!!! Good luck, and let us know how the adventure goes!

04-07-2012, 09:19 PM
OK, David and Dave, you talked me into it :-D

My wife and I will fly down to San Antonio, buy it, and drive it home. A 1300 mile "shake down" cruise should allow us to get acquainted.

04-07-2012, 10:47 PM
OK, David and Dave, you talked me into it :-D

My wife and I will fly down to San Antonio, buy it, and drive it home. A 1300 mile "shake down" cruise should allow us to get acquainted.


Keep us updated along the way!



04-08-2012, 12:34 AM
Might want to post your intended route just in case you want some cruise company for a few miles or if you need some help along the way. Great way to meet other members en route. And of course they will know the best places to stay and grab a bit to eat to make a great adventure out of the trip. Yep I am a bit jealous.

Brad Sewell
04-08-2012, 08:43 AM
I don't know your wife, but I know mine. Good luck packing light enough for a 1300 mile trip -- especially if you are getting both tops. Remember, this thing doesn't exactly have a trunk!

Congrats on the purchase. Enjoy the ride. And don't forget to wave.

04-08-2012, 09:59 AM
I don't know your wife, but I know mine. Good luck packing light enough for a 1300 mile trip -- especially if you are getting both tops. Remember, this thing doesn't exactly have a trunk!

Jim Voter and his wife took a 4k mile trip to Canada and another 3k trip to Florida (consecutive trips!!!)

1300 miles can be done! You just need the basics, the wifey needs most of the space



04-08-2012, 02:09 PM
Might want to post your intended route just in case you want some cruise company for a few miles or if you need some help along the way.

Good advice ... the "plan" is: do the transaction Friday afternoon and then head out I-35 to Dallas. If we get done in time, I need to stop and pay Corey for his lunch. We'll take I-30 East and we hope to stop on the other side of Dallas - maybe Greenville? Any recommendations? We're planning on 5 hours or so the first day.

We'll follow I-30 to Little Rock and then wind north. I have a daughter in southern Missouri, so we'll stay there.

Then it's I-44 to St. Louis, I-55 in Illinois, up 1-39 into Wisconsin and over I-43.

04-08-2012, 02:14 PM
I don't know your wife, but I know mine. Good luck packing light enough for a 1300 mile trip -- especially if you are getting both tops. Remember, this thing doesn't exactly have a trunk!

1300 miles can be done! You just need the basics, the wifey needs most of the space

ha ha ... my wife is actually great on trips. You're not going to believe this, but she doesn't want to pack a suitcase! I was the one who wanted to take a suitcase (put some tools in it), but she said no. Having done a few trips in our 85, we know the space issue. We'll just have carry-ons, so we're traveling light.

One drawback to this Z is it only has the painted top, but we will be able to store it in back if we want.

04-08-2012, 06:20 PM
Congrats on the score and have a great adventure!

04-09-2012, 12:48 PM
Thanks to all for your kind words and suggestions.

Now, I hate drone. I've heard that Borla's don't drone. I guess we'll find out.

04-10-2012, 10:40 PM
Thanks to all for your kind words and suggestions.

Now, I hate drone. I've heard that Borla's don't drone. I guess we'll find out.

Well you might not find out cause it looks like you have Corsa's on that thing... Corsa's do not have the drone... but on the other hand, neither do my Borla's...

Just a few words about buying and driving X-Country. I bought 3 Z's that I flew in and drove home. I bought two in Long Island and one in Kansas City. I drove them all back to Vegas. Yes, lots of miles in cars I had no real history on... Luckily they were all success stories...

1. If the car has sat for a long time your first 100-150 miles will make you wonder if you bought junk... Both the FX3 shocks and tires will need about that many miles to get back into shape. The tires will be out of round and the shocks will all act at different rates. Two of the three I bought were this way and they were the low mileage cars. The one car that acted normal from the get-go had 69K miles.

2. Wipers might be junk so check the blades and maybe squirt on some rainx. This is not usually in your checkout checklist...

3. ZR-1 Forum Member help. FU helped me in LI which was invaluable. I didn't have the help in KC but I had help along the way if needed... Frank went way beyond just helping but that's another story...

Have a great trip! Sorry I'll just miss you, I don't fly in until the 17th.


PS. Make sure Corey brings Bob and the Gang... You'll have a blast!

04-10-2012, 11:31 PM
^^^ word...the higher mileage cars will make it.

04-11-2012, 02:24 PM
Well you might not find out cause it looks like you have Corsa's on that thing...

Doh :o - you're absolutely correct.

Thanks for the other tips, RH. I've driven two other C4s home after buying them at a distance. The first one I bought was rattling quite a bit ... I finally figured out the targa was about to lift off at freeway speeds. I drove for a ways with my left hand firmly holding the top down.

04-11-2012, 04:08 PM
may i suggest rudys for lunch. really good bbq...or anywhere corey suggests

04-11-2012, 09:49 PM
the higher mileage cars will make it.

I'm hoping that's the case. This car is pushing 50K miles, but I sometimes think it's better to have a car that's been (reasonably) driven rather than one that has been sitting for long periods of time.

04-11-2012, 10:44 PM
For many years I've only heard good things about Corey.
He is definitely one of the good guys to trust with your car.

I wonder why he never posts on the net, or if he even
looks at the net. Maybe he has more important things
to do, or has a life, or........



04-11-2012, 11:50 PM
50,000? that's not high mileage

04-12-2012, 05:31 PM
Maybe he has more important things
to do, or has a life, or........

:-D Well, I know he does email - that's how we connected.

04-12-2012, 11:08 PM
50,000? that's not high mileage

Not too high, not too low, so -hopefully- just right :)

04-13-2012, 08:15 PM
Are you on the road??!!

04-15-2012, 08:36 PM
Are you on the road??!!

Just made it home safely with the Z :dancing

I'll have to start a new thread about the adventure.

04-15-2012, 09:55 PM
Just made it home safely with the Z :dancing

I'll have to start a new thread about the adventure.

Good deal... Lot's of bad weather out there this weekend...


04-16-2012, 12:36 AM
Im going there next (will be a hell of a road trip). The 380 was first started today. I am awaiting the full report. ;)

04-16-2012, 01:16 AM
When you going? I'll be there in SAT this week and I plan on stopping by...

04-16-2012, 01:44 AM
Realistically not until SEP. I anticipate delvery of my car on Friday night or Saturday morning. Starting in JUL I have a crap load of work that will keep me in LA for about three months when I return to Active Duty.

04-16-2012, 07:59 AM

Any idea how it ran?

04-16-2012, 08:28 AM

Any idea how it ran?

Nope not yet. I think bill is not starting it now until today. Hopefully a video will.follow

04-16-2012, 11:02 AM
Im going there next (will be a hell of a road trip). The 380 was first started today. I am awaiting the full report. ;)

Awesome ... I saw a lot of ZR-1s inside the shop ... which one was yours?

04-16-2012, 12:35 PM
Awesome ... I saw a lot of ZR-1s inside the shop ... which one was yours?

Its not there yet. Corey will be doing the final tuning only. GC