View Full Version : Have we stopped dreaming?
03-19-2012, 09:53 AM
"The distribution of money is warped" Sadly , nuff said.
03-19-2012, 06:45 PM
Spread the wealth change.....blah What BS.
03-19-2012, 07:43 PM
I like Tyson's point that if the Federal budget was a $1 bill, the NASA slice of that wouldn't even include any ink. IMO, the investment we have made in space exploration has been returned millions of times over.
03-23-2012, 10:14 PM
Well said fund them a 5 pennies per dollars and see what happens.*************.com%2Fpoliti cs-religion-and-controversy%2F3025119-obama-bypasses-congress-gives-1-5-billion-to-muslim-brotherhood.html&v=1&libid=1332595028991&*************.com%2Fpoliti cs-religion-and-controversy-88%2Findex2.html&title=Obama%20bypasses%20congress%2C%20gives%20%24 1.5%20billion%20to%20muslim%20brotherhood%20-%20Corvette%20Forum&
During a trip through Colorado in December of last year, President Obama spoke of his intention to implement his economic policies with or without the approval of Congress. Said Obama, “And where Congress is not willing to act, we’re going to go ahead and do it ourselves.” It now appears that such a mindset applies not only to economic matters but to the distribution of foreign aid as well--in particular, foreign military aid for the Muslim Brotherhood, who now hold the reigns in Egypt.
Congress has restricted and, in fact, halted military aid to Egypt until and “unless the State Department certifies that Egypt is making progress on basic freedoms and human rights.” After all, Christians and other practitioners of non-Islamic religions have had a tough go of it there. And of course, many Egyptian officials harbor such hatred toward the U.S. that one of the candidates for the Egyptian presidency has openly referred to America as the “infidel country” in media interviews.
Nevertheless, the news breaking now is that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon announce that President Obama will “resume funding for Egypt’s military, despite Congressional restrictions and objections from human rights and democracy advocates.”
Even Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT), a man with whom I’ve never agreed on anything, sees the foolishness of this endeavor: “I believe [sending the aid] would be a mistake. The new [restrictions were] intended to put the United States squarely on the side of the Egyptian people who seek a civilian government that respects fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, and to clearly define the terms of our future relations with the Egyptian military.”
Who knows; perhaps the Obama administration can also circumvent Congress and give the Iranians some nuclear materials or give Hamas some advanced weaponry? I know both ideas sound crazy, but they’re no crazier than giving $1.5 billion in military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood.
We didn't just stop dreaming. We just keep on crapping in our pant's.
03-24-2012, 12:54 PM
Start preparing my friends, because it is about to hit the fan. JMHO.
03-26-2012, 06:04 PM
90% of Americans are clueless as to whats going on behind the scenes......and if he's allowed 4 more years and without his concern of having to run another ain't seen nothing yet. This Country will be changed radically... The 90% better wake up FAST.....
I pray I am wrong....I haven't stopped dreaming....:proud:
03-26-2012, 06:14 PM
90% of Americans are clueless as to whats going on behind the scenes......and if he's allowed 4 more years and without his concern of having to run another ain't seen nothing yet. This Country will be changed radically... The 90% better wake up FAST.....
I pray I am wrong....I haven't stopped dreaming....:proud:
What does "This Country wil be changed radically" mean? Specifically how would it be changed for the worse which is what you are suggesting?
03-26-2012, 07:20 PM
I drill wells for a living, more precisly we do the pump work. I've had quite a few customers looking to install hand pumps on their wells in case the lights go out long term. I've even got one couple on city water that is going to drill a new well, probably around a 10k investment. People are expecting the system to colapse. I don't see people packing up and moving to a hole in North Dakota, but they are quietly prepairing.
Obama Requests $770 Million to Fight Global Warming Overseas
By Matt Cover
March 26, 2012
( – The Obama administration has requested $770 million in federal funds to combat the effects of global warming in developing countries, a new congressional report details, continuing its policy of using foreign aid to combat the effects of global warming in the developing world.
The figure, from a recent report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS), shows that despite another year of $1 trillion deficits, the Obama administration continues to pursue its policy of using foreign aid funds for anti-global warming measures – known as the Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI).
According to CRS, the government has spent a total of $2.5 billion on GCCI since 2010 on overseas anti-global warming efforts in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
For 2013, the Obama administration has requested an additional $770 million for its policy, a figure that if approved by Congress would bring total foreign climate change spending to $3.3 billion.
The administration uses the money to fund three types of anti-global warming foreign aid: adaptation, clean energy, and sustainable landscapes.
Adaptation, according to CRS, seeks to help developing countries insulate themselves from the effects of climate change by giving farmers and government planners access to better climate data. It also aims to aid countries by teaching them new agricultural and land use methods, as well as methods to protect against the rising sea levels, floods, and increased droughts said to be the result of global warming.
Clean energy funding seeks to aid poor countries in developing their own clean energy infrastructures in order to offset the fact that developing countries are the single fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. The federal spending supports the creation of so-called green jobs in the developing world as well as the creation of clean energy projects.
Sustainable landscape projects seek to stop developing countries from cutting down forests, particularly in tropical areas, for farming or logging – or at least teach them to develop more modern logging and farming techniques, laws, and regulations.
CRS pointed out that Congress should consider several issues as it weighs the administration’s fiscal year 2013 GCCI budget request – including whether the funding was fiscally responsible.
“Budget constraints may lead to questions about sustaining high levels of support for international development assistance in general, and international climate change assistance in particular,” CRS noted.
“The burden is exacerbated during times of economic downturn, when the federal government is hard-pressed to generate fiscal resources to adequately address domestic challenges and maintain basic levels of public services and quality of life,” CRS added.
They also noted that – like most foreign aid programs – there was a high probability that foreign countries would misuse or waste GCCI funds.
“National and international institutions that dispense financial assistance have sometimes been criticized for inefficient and bloated bureaucracies, their lack of transparency about project procurement practices and operating costs, and the proportion of their funds misused or lost through instances of graft, corruption, and other political inefficiencies,” CRS said.
Finally, CRS noted that foreign economic aid programs like GCCI have a mixed record of results and that Congress may want to consider the fact that there is a lack of consensus on whether global warming will happen at all.
“Current uncertainties and ambiguities regarding the fields of atmospheric chemistry and climatology have been offered by some as reasons to postpone and/or reconsider international climate change assistance policies and programs,” CRS added.
However, CRS also noted that the typical benefits of foreign aid applied to GCCI programs as well, including preserving the United States’ leadership role in the world, the national security benefits of keeping countries stable, and the benefits to U.S. corporations of trade with developing countries.
More poop.
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