View Full Version : Business Contacts in North Dakota???

03-17-2012, 10:27 PM
I'll try and keep my topic short, But what I am wondering is If any-one here knows someone in ND that is involved in all the work that is supposed to be happening with the oil pipe line and construction? I could really use some higher paying employment soon. I don't mind traveling , sleeping in a tent , what ever.. I have pretty much do anything in the construction fields.. Esp in the electrical area..also log homes, tile, steel structures, plumbing, and heavy equipment,,,
I appreciate any help if you can... Ron

03-18-2012, 10:51 AM
I've heard about that boom up there. $120k is average pay. Of course that's with OT. All you do is work eat and sleep. That's it. If I was in my 20's Id go do it for as lo g as I could stand it to seriously fatten my bank account and 401k. I just don't know anybody from.

03-18-2012, 12:41 PM
Thats my plan... My account is really dry and thats not a good thing,, I need to get my vette paid for asap and get some green in the bank... The economy could get worse. Thanks for a reply...

03-19-2012, 12:06 PM
Free site for oilfield jobs in ND. Surely this will get you started.


Once you get there andhave a job, get to know some people, you can always change to one that suits you better.Oil field work, particulary roughnecks & roustabouts, tend to turn over a lot, i.e. change employers. Roughnecking on drilling rigs & well service units are the most dangerous & dirty jobs, but do pay accordingly. Take an old vehicle you don't mind driving on muddy roads and lots of Goodwill jeans & shirts & some Redwing laceup steel toes. (been there & done that :dancing)

03-19-2012, 12:35 PM
I REALLY appreciate the link !!!!!