View Full Version : injector swap checklist

03-17-2012, 06:02 PM
Just want to make sure I've got everything I need to swap out the injectors. Injectors (clearly), plenum gaskets....and what else? can I reuse the o-rings? I think I did that the last time I changed them out...what else does one need?

03-17-2012, 06:14 PM
I've changed injectors and re-used the plenum gaskets and o-rings ... but I prefer to use fresh plenum gaskets (unless the used ones are obviously good) and new o-rings.


Paul Workman
03-17-2012, 07:40 PM
Just want to make sure I've got everything I need to swap out the injectors. Injectors (clearly), plenum gaskets....and what else? can I reuse the o-rings? I think I did that the last time I changed them out...what else does one need?

If the "O" rings are still pliable and lively (read: not hard or like soft plastic) you can reuse them. Put some petroleum gell on them and a film on the injector body near the top seal is always a good thing.

As for plenum gaskets, I like Jerry's. But, I take the gaskets outside (away from the car) and spry the top side with a silcone spray lube. This acts as a release agent for the next time you need to get under the plenum. The botton side, I use that blue Permatex to dab around the bolts, and for a gasket seal around the water ports and especially between the water and the #3 primary runner!!

If you end up doing troubleshooting, all with in a few weeks time and have to pull the plenum again, the silicone makes it easy. Take out all the bolts, gently pry up a corner of the plenum and slip a putty knife between the plenum and the gasket and slide that knife all the way to the other corner of the plenum. Do both sides the same way.

I've reused the plenum gaskets up to 3 times. ONce they tear somewhere, then it is time to call Jerry. Typically you'll have your gaskets before you hang up the phone! (well, almost:p)


03-17-2012, 07:46 PM
I have no problem with reusing good quality gaskets that show no visible damage...... but you won't know until you take it apart. Then what.... order some & wait for them to come in before you finish the job? Not fun at all. Personally, I like to have everything & do the job all at once.

I know that injectors from Jon Banner at FIC come with Viton o-rings already installed. I can't speak for any others. Buna is the best for 100% gasoline but rapidly drops down the scale with increased percentage of ethanol.

I would strongly recommend that you change the lower primary injector o-rings that are located in the injector housing and the fuel feed & return block o-rings. here's a little Tech Data Sheet from my web store for reference. You can simply download & save on your computer or print out whenever you need it.


03-17-2012, 07:55 PM
......... Put some petroleum gell on them and a film on the injector body near the top seal is always a good thing.

+1 on the o-ring lube recommended by Paul. I use motor oil, because it's always handy. NEVER silicone (dielectric) grease on seals that can end up going through the engine, either through the fuel or oil system. It will damage the O2 sensors.
I love the stuff (silicone grease) for all electrical connections, plug wires & weatherstripping, but nothing else. I think the silicone spray is fine for the plenum gaskets as a release agent.

03-17-2012, 09:15 PM
I've already got a set of gm plenum gaskets and i've reused the ones on the car now before. I didn't know the FIC's came with o-rings, that's good to know. Now I just wish I had someone local to lend a hand.

03-23-2012, 12:09 AM
Just want to make sure I've got everything I need to swap out the injectors. Injectors (clearly), plenum gaskets....and what else? can I reuse the o-rings? I think I did that the last time I changed them out...what else does one need?

I just changed my injectors today. One thing you will need that I did not have, is a long T40 Torx for two of the bolts in the plenum. The set of Torx that I bought, were built into a housing that fit on rachet. The Torx was not long enough to get to the bolts. Had to go back to the store! I have a '91. I used Marc Haibeck DVD. The vacumn hose under the plenum was very loose on the tube. I took Marc's advice and used a tie-wrap to re-attach it.