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View Full Version : Question on 1990 ZR1

03-04-2012, 08:05 PM
I'm not a car collector but have aquired one by chance. It's a 1990 Corvette zr1 with a removeable roof and/or also have a lexan roof. It sat for several years and was not taken care of very well but it runs fine, everything works and it will pass state inspection. Mainly needs body
work. I have one estimate of $4k to get the body back in shape. At my age I don't really have an interest in driving it so I would like to sell it. My dilema is If I should get the body work done or sell it as is and most important is how much to ask for it.

Appreciate anyones help with these questions.


03-04-2012, 08:11 PM
Depending on how the car is otherwise would be the key factor.

Miles, motor issues, maintenance, etc.

Sending you an Email



03-04-2012, 08:31 PM
I just moved from Charlottesville and had friends I'd vist in culpeper quite often. Had this been a few months ago I could have met you and gone over the car in person

03-04-2012, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the reply.

If you get down to Culpeper again I can be reached at (540) 825-6603,
appreciate any help you may offer.

My name is Roger White

Paul Workman
03-13-2012, 12:52 PM
The pricing for a runner seems to range from $11the to $21k, depending on miles and condition.

Low =
mileage 150000+
Significant facelifting needed
suspension work needed
motor burning oil-smoking
rough running or SES issues
Interior rough

Hi =
Under 5000 mi
Very good to excellent paint,interior, carpet
runs perfect &the everything works
415+ stroker (some like, but not collectors)
