View Full Version : Cadillac Man....he loves his ZR-1 the best of all in his collection!

04-02-2006, 01:32 AM
I am surprized we don't see him aroud this forum ever!!! I see he has a link to the ZR-1 net home page....
He has a very detailed site and quite the collection of rides incl'd the rare TT Callaway!

click on above to go to the site :thumbsup: :cheers:

I sent him an e-mail and invited him to stop by and say hi to all here!!!:hello:

Z Factor
04-02-2006, 01:49 AM
I sent him an e-mail and invited him to stop by and say hi to all here!!!:hello:

Good idea:thumbsup:


04-02-2006, 12:31 PM
He posts on CF, but he is not the forum type.

04-02-2006, 02:59 PM
I believe he goes by "UltraSlow" on the CAC forums.

04-02-2006, 04:23 PM
Matt did e-mail me back with this message....

Thanks Bryan,

Nice tribute and nice color combo ZR1. I have been on the forums. Ultra Slow is my name on many. Mainly corvette action center as they have a big callaway section. Have not been in a while though. I love the ZR1, will always own one, if not multiple. I really hope us ZR1 guys can keep the values of these cars up too. They are so underestimated. Whenever they start to turn upwards, you will see me buying as many as I can over the 3 I have at the moment.

I really love this photo....


Those wheels are one of the 5 sets of dymags Tommy had made for the endurance race. My black 90 ZR1 on my site has one of the sets now. Might even be the set in the photo as they switched them out as tires wore. I bought one of his cars just to get a set and restored them. That is the only way he would sell a set to me. Sold the car as it was not so nice, but should have kept it. Just his personal ZR1, pretty stock . On the endurance car, they used spacers on those cars to make them really stick out, I did not. The wheels are pretty much worth more than the car now. Sad but true. I am hoping for a better day on the ZR1. It will come I am sure.

Take care and I'll get on the forum and say hello soon.
