View Full Version : back from Haibeck's with the LSV

03-25-2006, 10:25 AM
just got back from chicago picking up the LSV 95 ZR-1. I had alot of maint/mods done

coil overs w/red powder coat springs/drm end links
new clutch/findanza
battery move to rear hatch
relocated mat sensor
cleaned out rad, new belts
more porting on the injector housing, removed secondaries
moved shift light into "dummy" ac vent (much nicer, thanks dwight for this tip)

throughout the process marc was constantly in touch and did a bunch of "little improvements" to tighten up rattles and make the car perform better.

we did learn some interesting things that weren't a total surprise.

removal of the secondaries really didn't help the HP much. I picked up 16 flt lbs and 16 hp. car dynos at 510 (marc's dyno read 494 when we started). biggest reason is that this particular engine is already "maxed out" by LPE and there just wasn't much room for improvement without getting crazy on cams or increasing the displacement. most of the improvements was the porting work, maybe 5 hp or less from the secondary removal. however the car really runs great, no low speed surging, and better low end torq and more "area under the curve". overall the car is now MUCH more responsive, idles better and really gets with the program with the light flywheel. with the coil overs the car handles like it's on rails and the "rear end hopping" around bumpy corners is gone. that used to be really spooky around the "mean streets" in DC.

time to go shine er up. car is filthy (and yes it SNOWED again) but this time no white knuckle roads, and they were dry and clear today for the second leg of the trip. marc was very gratious and took time to talk ZR-1s with me and showed me all the projects he has going. his customer service is top notch!!.

I plan to do a write up soon talking about what works and why and discuss these mods at Bowling Green at a seminar.

Z Factor
03-25-2006, 03:49 PM
Sounds like it should be as good as you can get it without going to the extreme.:thumbsup:

You probably cant wait until you can give her a good run.


03-26-2006, 08:16 AM
Best of luck with the new & improved LSV/ZR-1!!!=D>

I remember my first car show as a wet behind the ears rookie Z driver down in A/C. Kerbeck's first in 2006. I heard that LSV on the dyno from a distance & it sounded sooo rude then...it must be even better now! Good luck & enjoy!:thumbsup:

As a newbie Registry member that show will be in my memory forever. I met Ron, Dave McLellan and the LSV and a bunch of other Z owners. I learned something at that show...it's not so much the cars, as it is the people you meet!


Jim Jones
03-26-2006, 12:44 PM
Please, please, post some pics of the LSV now!! :mrgreen:


03-27-2006, 06:52 AM
Glad to hear that you are happy with the work Ron. John put alot of work in his engines. There isn't much of anything that he left on the table. Both of us learned this.

03-28-2006, 06:38 PM
I didn't even think about putting 2 and 2 together. I saw your car there when I dropped mine off. He said that he was just finishing it. I guess that was good for me since it gave him room to get mine in.

04-01-2006, 09:05 AM
I'll take some new pics soon. car looks much meaner lowered.

the light weight flywheel makes the car rev like crazy, traction is even more of a problem. thinking about going to the 18" nittos to hook this beast.:mrgreen:

04-02-2006, 11:31 AM
thinking about going to the 18" nittos to hook this beast.:mrgreen:

1st & second will still require a very soft foot. 3rd gear hookup......maybe.

Phil DeJohn
04-06-2006, 06:44 AM
Now it's a HSV.