View Full Version : Cell phone/car/truck in CA

12-13-2011, 09:25 AM
Do NOT use cell phone while in car/truck in CA even if stopped at a stop light.

My wife decided to call her mother on cell phone at a stop light (she was stopped) while driving my truck with SD plates here in CA. Good thing she was calling her mother vice me calling my wife :p

A police officer pulled up right beside her on his motorcycle. Well...all his lights began flashing :o

She pulled over and he wrote her up a nice ticket worth $199 for driving/using cell phone. She asked him if he wanted to see her registration since she had CA drivers license driving a truck with SD plates.....No.....he told her he was not interested in her registration :D

She had no idea at the time that the ticket for a non moving violation would cost her $199 :cheers:

Oh...ya....the truck she was driving was my Camoflage Military truck with all the night driving stealth switches on the dash (so it cannot be seen from the air). The nice Police Officer asked her what all the switches were.

I told her that was her chance to tell the nice CA Police Officer that those were special CHP radar detector and electronic jamming device controls :sign10:


12-14-2011, 02:26 PM
Yea Cliff sucks. It is however a Left Coast thing. I fshe was hands free she would have been good to go.

Now the Feds via the NTSB want to eliminate even buetooth cell phone use in the US. This is horse hockey.


Federal overkill

12-14-2011, 08:26 PM
Ban-regulate-control the big government know's what's best for all.

12-14-2011, 08:33 PM
Thanks heavens for bi brother, us little people wouldn't know how to conduct our lives with them.

12-15-2011, 02:45 AM
I don't think they will get phones out of cars.

1) too much money in it.
2) people will do it anyways

My 2011 VW has the hands free bluetooth that uses the stereo audio and a mic by the rearview. It works great...all voice commanded and everything. Just so long as you don't text- i don't see the problem. I think they made a big public to-do about this proposal so as to kill it off.

12-15-2011, 10:14 AM
The biggest offenders of that law I see around here are the cops themselves. What do they do in CA. I enjoy driving behind one going 75 mph while he is talking on his cell phone.