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View Full Version : FBI GTG Tuesday nite at Wayne's Pizza!

Paul Workman
11-28-2011, 07:06 AM
Ready for a "Hillbilly"?? (Pizza, that is!)

Paul (aka Wdo-Mkr) is in town and would like to meet some of the FBI gang and munch on some pizza and talk big inch LT5s.

The place will be at Wayne's Pizza; 1618 West Northwest HWY, Arlington Hts - Google maps, if necessary
Time - Tuesday eve (11/29) 6PM till...

Hopefully the big inch guys in particular can be there.

Attending so far...
Bob G
yours truly

See ya there. You know the drill...POST UP:dancing!


11-30-2011, 08:44 AM
SO who was there?

Sorry I couldn't make it, had another meeting i had to go to

Paul Workman
11-30-2011, 07:57 PM
SO who was there?

Sorry I couldn't make it, had another meeting i had to go to

Just a small gathering - coming together to discuss tuning, etc, for big inch LT5s. Pete, Bob G, Paul B (aka Wdo-Mkr - here on bitnezz), and me.

We introduced Paul to "Hill Billy" pizza, BS'ed a bit (I mostly just listened - don't have a dog in that fight...Not yet, anyway!)

Paul is trying to get 600 at the wheels with his 415. Some concern about street manners with the cams he has, too. Afterwards, Bob took Paul for a ride in the "134". (That dual disc clutch looks to work really nice, from afar.)

I had to leave around 9 ish, but don't know how long the rest stayed. Wish you were there, buddy!


01-13-2012, 01:50 PM
Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone for the hospitality! Loved hanging out with everyone. Kevin, Pete, Bob, thanks again for all the rides and help getting around town! If you are going to be in the Rochester, MN area, let me know! Still working on the project but hoping the local dr's reground exhaust cams help us get over the horsepower hump finally.


01-15-2012, 12:07 AM
Hi Paul
Anytime brotha.
Always nice to have a Z brotha in town.
Nice to have had you.
