View Full Version : Code 09: low freon detected

03-20-2006, 03:31 PM
I disconnect the battery, making reset to the ECM
and the A/C works during about 15' again,
then it indicates with green light blinking again
and Code 09: low freon detected is indicated.

We have controlled and the levels are correct,
being totally full the circuit.

Which the problem could be?

Thank you

Frank Teixido Barcelona/Spain
Member 451
ZR1 91 Yelow #1172

03-20-2006, 03:51 PM
There is a low-side pressure switch that checks the freon pressure before allowing the compressor to cycle on. Is it possible this has gone bad?

It is on the passenger side near the firewall and radiator fill reservior on my 1990.

Just a thought, I am no A/C expert by a long shot.

03-21-2006, 01:53 PM
I have made a bridge, and yes it is really the pressure switch.
I will have to change it.

Thank you