View Full Version : 94-96 Sport Seat wiring tips

11-15-2011, 10:41 AM
Since I successfully got the 94-96 sport seats functional in my 91, I thought I'd share some info on how it's done, in case others are interested.

The easiest method to get these seats functional is to use the entire 94-96 seat harness that runs under the console:

Sorry for the small pic. You can see the various plugs which I'll detail later on, plus the three-relay box.

If you want to use the complete harness, and minimize the overall difficulty, just plug the 94-96 dual-sided switch/control assembly in to the console, in place of the 90-93 style controls:


You'd have to find a switch panel from a 94 or 95, if you want to use the matching white-lettered Ride Control switch. The 96 used a 2-position switch for its ride control system and is incompatible with the FX3 system. Otherwise you could swap your 90-93 ride control switch into the 94-96 housing.

I did not want to lose the backlit yellow-lettered seat controls, so I decided to make life a little more difficult for myself. I decided to keep the existing '91 seat control/ride control switch in place.

The first thing I did was to thin out the seat harness, removing what I didn't need. The relay box is not needed if you're keeping the original controls in place. Also, the rectangular black connectors, with the green and blue wiring, are not needed. All of this can be removed from the harness:



11-15-2011, 10:53 AM
The part of the seat harness you will need to install, is the air tube, and the wiring with the white and gray connectors. A few of the green/blue wires connect to the gray connector on the seat control switch, but they are not needed for the inflatable functions. Note this is referring to the gray connector on the left; the green and blue wires are on the hidden end of the connector in this picture. The visible green and blue wires on the white connector must remain as-is.

You'll need to remove both seats, seat tracks, the seat belt buckles, and the console sides.

The harness needs to be routed so that the white end of the air tube comes up on the passenger side, and the clear end of the air tube is on the driver's side.

Passenger side:

Driver's Side:

Note that both sides use the same switching assembly to direct air to the various bladders, but the connections are different.

You can also see the control module on the passenger side (smallest box in lower left corner), and the actual pump, which is in the middle. The driver's side only has the switching assembly to direct airflow that it receives from the pump via the cross-car air tube.

Power is supplied to the control module via the orange wire in the harness, ground is supplied by the black. When you removed the 90-93 Sport Seats, the orange/black wires were left unused under the seats -- I removed this entire orange/black wire, and used only the 2-position connector that was located under the right side of the console. I soldered that 2-position connector into the new 94-96 sport seat harness. No pics of this, sorry. The remainder of the original 90-93 orange/black wiring can be discarded.

Mounting of the switch is up to you -- I chose to mount mine in the deep part of the center console storage compartment. This provides relatively easy access, at least for the driver, and avoids cutting up any visible plastics. You'll need to bore an approximately 1-inch hole in the lower front corner of the deep "well" of the center console, which will be completely hidden once everything is reinstalled.

Everything should work as intended, as long as your modules and pump are functional. A few of my air connections were in the wrong places (pressing the upper lumbar button caused a side bolster to inflate), but a little trial and error fixed that. the colored tube positions you see in my pictures are the correct placements. Red/white/blue are for lumbar, and the black tubes are for side bolsters.

11-16-2011, 12:23 AM
Neat write up thanks Andrew ! :cheers: