View Full Version : 1991 wiring diagram??

10-30-2011, 10:12 AM
Hello folks,...In the midst of redoing the entire interior of "Irene"(I'll have to explain but it has to do with the hurricane "Irene" Lots of pics as well

Anyway,..does anyone have a copy of a wiring diagram for a 1990/1991 ZR-1??


10-30-2011, 05:37 PM
The "wiring diagram" is section 8 of the factory service manual. Each
subsystem has its own section.

10-30-2011, 08:15 PM
is there a particular area or problem you need help with? otherwise i reccomend spending the cash for an FSM. maybe you will be lucky like me and get one with the binding glue so old, the pages fall out like leaves. perfect for scanning or faxing!

10-30-2011, 08:44 PM
Hi, Yeah the seat area,...For some reason the seats will not move!...I have repaired and checked all wiring, and still when I try to move the seat fwd The lights dim a slight bit and nothing else.!

10-31-2011, 12:57 AM
Was this car wet inside? If so, the seat motor armatures are probably rusty and seized.
They can be disassembled and cleaned.

10-31-2011, 07:55 AM
Yes:( ,..Sounds like an idea,..who would have the best information on cleaning/repairing these??

10-31-2011, 09:34 AM
If you don't want to disassemble the motors yourself you can look for one of those commercial motor & pump repair places. They specialize in refurbishing electric motors for almost any type of electrical equipment. Or just buy new seat motors. If you suspect water intrusion then you will have to clean all the connectors just to be sure they are not rusted either. Then there is the screw drive and the bolster drive to check.

Or.....you can eye up the motor and do this yourself, maybe. I've never looked closely at our seat motors so I don't want to tell you the wrong thing here. The first thing is to extract it from the seat frame and then look to see how the case comes apart, then the bearing blocks and do they have wound armatures like slot car motors, or do they have solid ( no windings ) armatures. Next is to determine if it has a field with windings or a solid field ( no windings ). The solid type motors just get rusty and a brass brush and some CRC or WD40 will get the rust off. You may have to use some of those synthetic scrubbing pads too. It's the rust stopping it from working as long as the bearings are not frozen to the armature shaft. Frozen bearings are a tougher fix as you have to get them off the shaft without destroying them as you need their dimensions to find replacements.

:( sorry to be so long winded here!


11-01-2011, 12:35 AM
The three motors are enclosed in one casing. Remove the bottom seat cushion - there is a wire retainer at the front of the cushion. Then unbolt the seat from the frame - 4 bolts, and disconnect the power wiring. Remove the seat track frame from the floor - 4 more bolts. Open the motor assembly and remove the three armatures and clean the rust from the armatures and pole pieces. Lubricate the bearings with light oil and reassemble. The trick is holding the three sets of brushes apart whilst assembling the end plate.

If you can't get the armatures out because they are rusted to the pole pieces, try some penetrating oil to cut the rust. Else you might have to resort to some rebuilt tracks.

I fixed the four seat assemblies on my two 91s that had some flood water on the floors
from the flood we had in Naperville in 1996. They are still working fine.

11-01-2011, 07:34 AM
Awesome, thanks!!!,..I will keep you updated on it!,..