View Full Version : Very cool vid.

09-18-2011, 10:58 AM
I have been thinking about doing the Big bend open road race for a long time. Before my buddy Joey passed away from cancer 6 months ago he would always tell me Rick! We've got to do the BBORR its the ultimate. I'll been your navigator. So as I was browsing verious road race vids I came accross this. The only video I could find of a ZR-1 road racing. Enjoy. I sure did.

09-19-2011, 07:28 AM
Awesome! Coming out of the "narrows" was pretty cool.

Paul Workman
09-19-2011, 08:33 PM
I have been thinking about doing the Big bend open road race for a long time. Before my buddy Joey passed away from cancer 6 months ago he would always tell me Rick! We've got to do the BBORR its the ultimate. I'll been your navigator. So as I was browsing verious road race vids I came accross this. The only video I could find of a ZR-1 road racing. Enjoy. I sure did.

Yes. And, the Silver State (rally) is another that always intrigues me too!


09-19-2011, 08:55 PM
I thought that maybe Kurtis wards car but his was black and that looked red. Shame about Kevin....something can't remember his name, wreaking it at bowling green

09-19-2011, 09:46 PM
It would definitely test your suspension at high speeds. Let's say you enter the 155 mph class at big bend. Its 58 miles each way. You have to stay within plus or minus 10 mph of your 155 class. You fall below 145mph or go above 160mph your disqualified. So if your average ends up right on target then you'll eat that 58 miles up in about 37 minutes. Then regroup and go back the other direction and do it again. And they stress the point to keep in mind that the unlimited class average speed is 172mph with top speeds that reach 218mph. Don't out class yourself to the point that your struggling to maintain.
Its isn't cheap either. If you don't have a racing license then you pay $200 to take their class. Then another $800 to enter 155-165 mph class. That's $1,000 right off the bat. Then a fire suit and a few other safety things. In the unlimited class you have to have a full roll cage. Basically the faster you want to go the more expensive it gets. But man it looks like a ton of fun and im gonna start making plans to do this. May not be this year or next but some time soon when all my ducks are in a row.

09-19-2011, 10:40 PM
That is one of the best in-car videos of the run I've seen. Very cool and thanks for posting it.


09-20-2011, 05:57 PM
Ricky - hook up with Ted Zaleski - he's just down the road from you.

09-20-2011, 07:46 PM
Ricky - hook up with Ted Zaleski - he's just down the road from you. Is Ted the guy with the blue LPE 385 that ran the texas mile? If so I have pm'ed with him a few times. But that's about it.

09-22-2011, 11:31 PM
I thought that maybe Kurtis wards car but his was black and that looked red. Shame about Kevin....something can't remember his name, wreaking it at bowling green

Nope, not me. Mine was almost stock. :-) I only ran BBORR, never ran the SSClassic. I don't know who that was. BBORR has a lot more corners than SSC. When I ran the last time in 2002, I was in SS 160 I think. Not Unlimited. My tech speed was 180 and that is why I was disqualified for going too fast.

09-22-2011, 11:51 PM
Nope, not me. Mine was almost stock. :-) I only ran BBORR, never ran the SSClassic. I don't know who that was. BBORR has a lot more corners than SSC. When I ran the last time in 2002, I was in SS 160 I think. Not Unlimited. My tech speed was 180 and that is why I was disqualified for going too fast.

Sorry for spelling your name wrong Curtis, I remember meeting you in BG the year you went 200+ and got dqed.

09-23-2011, 12:54 PM
Hey Curtis! You gonna be at coreys in oct? I plan on being there. Last year I remember you telling me about you beating up on a Ruff porsche at BBORR. That was hilarious.

09-26-2011, 08:51 AM
Hey Curtis! You gonna be at coreys in oct? I plan on being there. Last year I remember you telling me about you beating up on a Ruff porsche at BBORR. That was hilarious.

Yes, I will be at Corey's and Glenn's in Oct.