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View Full Version : FBI and friends GTG @ La Mex, Sat 9/10

Paul Workman
08-28-2011, 06:00 PM
Time for an FBI GTG!

This one is at the La Mex (Mexican restaurant) in Morris, IL.. AND IT JUST HAPPENS TO BE DURING THE LAST MORRIS CRUISE NITE OF THE SEASON.

I will arrange for special ZR-1 parking at the Cruise. It is a charity event, and I believe it is $10 per car to enter.

And, why not tack on a little "spirited" road trip preceding the 4:30 showtime (a la last spring...only NO flooded roads this time!!=D>)

Here's the deal:

I'll arrange a reserved parking spot for all our Zs. You have two options:

You can just come for the (excellent!) show and our GTG at La Mex (we'll eat at around 6PM (there about), soon as the gang gathers together at the door (after taking in some of the show))...

OR (and I highly recommend this option ;)) form up on Washington St EAST of Rt 47, forming up and leaving around 2:30 to take a very nice little 1-1/2 hour (or so) spirited road trip out along the south shore of the IL river to Starved Rock, and then back track along the north shore on Rt 6 (unless this road I saw today is as promising as it looks on the map...more on that later!). We'll arrive at the Cruise at about 4:30, enter the show and park at our designated reserved area.

After entering and parking, we can mingle among ourselves and/or wander around and see some of the sites for an hour and a half or so, before gathering at (see link >) La Mex (http://www.google.com/search?q=La+Mex+restuarant%3A+Morris%2C+IL&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a) to have dinner.

You can come and park you car anytime after (say) 4:30 (Just ask where the ZR-1 Corvette parking is at the entrance -- just off Washington St, west of Rt 47 in Morris)

If you missed the first one last spring, you won't want to miss this one!


08-29-2011, 02:46 PM
I don't want to miss, but I will be in Bloomington on the 10th

hopefully next year will be nicer to me

09-01-2011, 06:44 AM
Sounds great Paul, too bad Ill be spending all day volenteering at my daughters high school band fund raiser.......

Paul Workman
09-05-2011, 11:48 AM
Did I mention the waitresses at La Mex are going to be topless????:jawdrop:

NOW who's going to the cruise??? :dancing

Bob C is coming along for the road tour/cruise, and Ami is going to bring her 69 also. What say some of the rest of ya? I need to have an estimated head count for reserved parking purposes, so it's time to git off da fence and step up! So, who's commin???
