View Full Version : Fidanza - CF Disk - bolts

08-27-2011, 03:53 PM
I have a 1990 zr1 and will be replacing the stock flywheel, disk, and bolts.
These are the parts/numbers I found and need somenone to help with confirmimg the parts before I pull the trigger.

flywheel part # 198551
centerforce clutch disk part # 384100
arp bolts part # 200-2807

I read that the bolts on the flywheel need to be longer and the replacement bolts I listed above are 1". Is that the correct length for this project.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Paul Workman
08-27-2011, 05:02 PM
I have a 1990 zr1 and will be replacing the stock flywheel, disk, and bolts.
These are the parts/numbers I found and need somenone to help with confirmimg the parts before I pull the trigger.

flywheel part # 198551
centerforce clutch disk part # 384100
arp bolts part # 200-2807

I read that the bolts on the flywheel need to be longer and the replacement bolts I listed above are 1". Is that the correct length for this project.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Yes, the FW bolts need to be 1-1/8" 7/16 in GRADE-8 bolts (got mine at ACE HARDWARE). For hardened washers, I used small block Chevy head bolt washers - Summit has 'em

The pressure plate holes in the FW should be drilled and tapped to provide a bit more purchase in the aluminum vs. cast iron. SRP (http://www.srp-usa.com/)has a kit you need for the Fidanza, including the longer bolts and the tap and drill bit you need to tap the FW/PP holes.bolts.

Note: You may use the LT1/LT4 pressure plate, if you have trouble finding the replacement for the ZR-1 PP (assuming you need to replace it too, which may not necessarily be the case). However, the LT1/4 pressure plate is thinner than the ZR-1 PP, so when ordering your PP bolts for the Fidanza, be sure to let SRP know which PP you are using, in order to get the right bolts.

In order to cut down on gear rattle when using the single mass Fidanza, you may want to us the sprung hub disc, (Centerforce #381039 from Summit racing - about $190 these days).

And, you might as well purge the hydraulic clutch fluid while you have the actuator removed...Just a thought.;)


08-27-2011, 07:16 PM
I've got part#CTF 381039 barely used. I swaped it out for the solid non sprung semi metallic disc that comes with the Spec stage 3+ kit. If you want to save some $$$ I'll sell it to you for $50.

08-27-2011, 07:20 PM
Dude! I just noticed you live in Katy. If that's Katy TX that's where I live.

08-27-2011, 10:13 PM
Cool. PM me ur number and I will give you a shout.

08-27-2011, 10:32 PM
just to let you know , rick is a standup guy, who has done alot of work on his car. so if you do live close you will have a true zr1er that can save you alot of headaches

11-29-2011, 04:52 PM
New here, great site!

Just checking, is that clutch disk still available?

Will it work with stock flywheel and pressure plate?

11-29-2011, 05:42 PM
Its Jims now. And yes it will work with the stock pressure plate.

11-30-2011, 10:13 AM
Carolina Clutch also has a sprung hub disk that works very well with the stock pressure plate and Fidanza flywheel. Call them and order the Stage 2 disc. About $150 when I purchased two years ago.

http://www.carolinaclutch.com/ShowItem/108822%20Corvette%20Performance%20Clutch%20Kit.asp x

11-30-2011, 11:47 AM
thanks for the info

11-30-2011, 09:58 PM
thanks for the info

You're welcome...and welcome to the Registry.