View Full Version : Another Engine Knocking Thread

08-12-2011, 02:37 PM
My car has ran absolutely perfectly this summer but I had not had it out for the last couple of weeks as I've not felt well.
Took her out yesterday for a few hours and was not disappointed. Had a blast and drove it like it was meant to be driven. God, I love this car !

Pulled into the garage and heard a loud knocking sound. I was quite astonished since the car had ran so well. Put her in neutral, applied the e-brake, opened the door and the damn knocking stopped. A few seconds later I closed the door, put it back in first gear and the knocking resumed - louder now. Put it back in neutral and the knocking stopped again. What the heck is going on?
Quite bummed out by this point, I shut the car down and I'll be damned if the knocking didn't continue - but without the engine noise and corsa burbling, I realized the "knock" is coming from the far side of the garage. Crouched down behind her mustang, I find my beautiful wife with a handsaw and plastic mitre box, fighting feverishly with a stubborn, hard piece of oak chair-rail she had asked me to cut days ago.

I was so relieved......until I recognized that look on her face, anyway!
Thought about just turning around and jumping back in the Z but better sense prevailed. I'm going to try to do better on the honey-do list,....between drives anyway! :-D

08-12-2011, 03:28 PM
HAHA! That's great.

Reminds me of a rattle my Z developed after I built my new exhaust. I noticing it when I had it idling in the garage. A couple times I pulled it into my driveway and gave the car a once over, but didn't hear or see anything unusual. Finally I checked it out while running in the garage and guess what?? It was the garage door vibrating.

08-12-2011, 10:06 PM
Funny! After getting my Z a few weeks ago I was testing out new brake pads and listening to the engine carefully....next thing I hear....CRASH, BANG, some awful breaking sound...I immediately turned it off and was like wtf? I see my wife come around the corner -- she had been dumping glass containers into the recycle bin!


08-13-2011, 06:34 AM
That is a funny story and I needed a good laugh. Thanks for sharing.

08-14-2011, 07:39 AM
Yep that is a classic all right. Worthy to tell to many for many years.

Thanks for posting it.

08-14-2011, 08:55 AM
jez, you had me going there for a minute Scott! I was thinking "oh no not something bad about to happen to Scott!"

Ya gotta mind the honey dew list!:sign10: