View Full Version : Fading paint...=(

02-27-2006, 07:15 PM
The paint on my Z is gettng bad. The hood is getting pretty oxidized. I'm soliciting options to getting it repainted. If I buff it for a while it may come out. I'm going to give it a shot when I get it home and the weather clears up.

I was at my Dad's the other day and he spilled WD-40 on the hood. Funny thing is where he spilled the shine came back. I washed it with Dawn and got it all out but he told me some linseed oil would bring the luster back. Linseed oil, wash, and wax. I dunno...makes me nervous but the WD-40 sure made it look deep again until I stripped it off.


02-27-2006, 09:49 PM
First things first, never use dish detergent [-X it removes all wax and sealers. Bad.
You should go out to the auto store and get a jar of 3m detailers clay.
Get some good car wash and rub out the entire car including the windows.
It works wonders removes all dirt and debree in paint. It wont harm the paint. Its actually good for it. Then get youself some good polish and wax on wax off. Never use wax. Wax seals the paint and paint needs to breath. Symptoms of a heavy waxed car over time is cracking and crows feet from lack of breathing.
Hope my two cents helps.

02-27-2006, 10:49 PM
Paint doesn't breathe.

If your paint is oxidized, you need to remove the oxidation with a paint cleaner or polish. However, clear coats don't generally oxidize very much, which means it may be at the end of its life. But if that's the case, no harm done from trying things.

WD-40 and other type products might bring out a temporary shine, but as you saw it will wash off. You'd be better off using a glaze-type polish to add a temporary shine to the paint as they are made for paint.

For store-bought stuff, you can try something like Meguiar's Body Scrub, their Deep Crystal Step 1, some Mother's Step 1, or something like 3M's swirl remover. A chemical cleaner will work more easily on oxidized paint than an abrasive polish, though.

Can you take some pictures of the finish?

02-28-2006, 06:27 AM
Paint does breath. I have been painting cars for 12 years.
To each his own.

02-28-2006, 12:40 PM
I found a box of Zaino show car polish that I used to use on my '94 Z28 back in the day. I'm going to go to town on the car with the orbital as soon as I button it back up and get it home again.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.


P.S. - I only used dish soap to get the WD-40 off. I know better than that. ;-)

02-28-2006, 02:44 PM
Zaino is not a corrective product. It's a protective product. I don't think it will fix your oxidation problem and doubt it will last very long on unprepared paint. :)

02-28-2006, 02:47 PM
Paint does breath. I have been painting cars for 12 years.
To each his own.
Alright, I'll bite. His paint is over 10 years old now. What is it it's "breathing"? What's the reaction going on that a wax will inhibit? Will keeping the car in a vacuum cause the same problem? Or a plastic bubble full of nitrogen?

And do you feel a car will stand the test of time better with no protective products applied to it as opposed to one that is frequently waxed? For example, me and my neighbor buy the same car and park it outside for 10 years. I wax mine once a week with some turtle wax or whatever from the grocery store. He does nothing. You think in 10 years his finish will be in better shape than mine?

03-01-2006, 08:51 AM
Nate, Zaino makes a new product called "ZPC Fusion". It is an abrasive that they say is for correcting oxidation and swirl marks. Over at the Zaino website they have details on all their stuff & what each's function is...might be worth a look? Some people speak very highly of ZPC over at the "car care" section @ CF. Maybe post a pic over there to see if those guys have any ideas?

Do you know any professional detailers? Maybe you could pick their brains if they looked at the car to give you their read as to what may have happened to your paint?

Sorry that I have very little knowledge in this area!


03-02-2006, 12:11 PM
The best product is the 3m perfect it #3 cleaner clay part#38070.
For best results get some good quailty car wash/water and use to keep the clay wet.
Do this in the shade as well, use it on your glass also. It will shine like a new diamond. As you clean the car look at the clay for dirtand make sure you flip it over from time to time. The clay will conform to the angles you rub. When done get yourself some good polish not wax. I use 3m perfect it polish or liquid glass it has no wax. My car shines like a gem. Try it you will like it. If your paint is in real bad shape you can or have someone color sand your car with wet 2000 or 2500 grit paper and buff it out using a foam pad. It will bring the paint back providing the clear coat is not gone or peeling
Hope this helps ya.
Ray http://www.corvettevalley.com/images/smilies/smiley47.gif