View Full Version : Need Some Help from the Brotherhood

08-04-2011, 03:45 AM
My nieghbor has a nice clean almost brand new 2001 F150 Lighting
Red,11k miles, never seen snow or rain always garaged and covered.
Selling cause his loosing his eye sight.
He has a few nice cars but can't drive them.
He's asking $18,000

My father in law has a 1980 Jeep CJ7 original AMC V8 don't know the miles motor was freshened up.

It was frame off restored it has all brand new sheet matel and in primer needs to be finished,has soft and hard top.
He is selling cause of really bad health issues.


It's really sad both men retired and were hoping to enjoy there hobbies life thru both of them a freaking curve ball too f*cking young 58 and 63
They both turned to me to try and sell there toys.

or make offer for both.

I didn't know where to post this since it's not ZR-1 related,hope it's ok just trying to help fellow car guys.
If you know anybody that would be interested please let them know.
Mods if i posted this wrong or get complains,i'm sorry i will not be mad if you move it or delete it.
Thanks guys

08-04-2011, 06:56 AM
I hate to see stuff like this about people that get the "curve ball" thrown at them....Pete, my prayers for those that are close to you.


08-04-2011, 09:28 AM
Craigslist is awesome, sold my wifes BMW on that.....aside from the crazies.....great tool

Paul Workman
08-04-2011, 10:55 AM
I hate to see stuff like this about people that get the "curve ball" thrown at them....Pete, my prayers for those that are close to you.


A big Amen! This situation strikes close to home for me personally. My mother's sudden and unexpected demise was my epiphany. It was that what led me to not take life for granted, and eventually led me to my first Vette and later the Z.

She headded for the kitchen to make a sandwich, had a aortic artery hemorage on the way, and it dropped her like a rock. " 'Ask not for whom the bell tolls'...(It tolls for thee!") You only live once and each day is a blessing. Live like you were dying, as the song goes! (There's plenty of time to for drooling down your front while squirming around in a shitty diaper while waiting for some grumpy nurse's assistant to clean ya up...(Think I'm kidding?)

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em! (And, I don't mean smoking cigarettes either!)
