View Full Version : ZR-1 Canada Trip July 2011
07-13-2011, 07:36 AM
Hello everyone from sunny News Brunswick, Canada. My wife, Lyndi and I have covered 1000 miles so far on our 14 day trip form Maryland to Nova Scotia and back.
After meeting the Northeast group at Lime Rock Race Park, we drove to the New England coast and worked our way north and east up the coast.
The ZR-1 (Yellow 1994) is running great and we have our traveling routine finely tunned so that our luggage space is very efficient this year.
The farther north we get, the more "looks" the Corvette with Maryland plates gets.
We have been taking a lot of pictures and I will post some up here when I get WiFi connections.
Before we got to Lime Rock (in CT) we stopped in Port Jervis, NY and found an out door train display and a beautifully restored station and hotel from the Eire Railroad:
We really enjoyed visiting Newburyport, MA. It is a beautiful, historic New England seaport. We have added it to the list to go back to some day.
Our next photo stop was in York Beach, Maine. The beach here is very rocky but it didn't stop anyone from having a good time. Here is the Yellow Car at at the beach:
We visited Cape Neddick (at York Beach), and saw Nubble Light:
More to follow at the next WiFi Hot spot I find.
07-13-2011, 07:55 AM
the yellow car with Black Chrome wheels looks pretty good..
07-13-2011, 08:20 AM
Great pictures!
Looks like you are having a blast
Nice pic's Jim ! The man knows how to enjoy his retirement.
07-13-2011, 08:25 AM
1000 miles in 14 days? Are you trying to score a "yellow turtle" designation?!
Just kidding... Looks like you are having a ball. Drive safe and enjoy!:cheers:
ZR-1nce removed
07-13-2011, 08:55 AM
1000 miles in 14 days? Are you trying to score a "yellow turtle" designation?!
Just kidding... Looks like you are having a ball. Drive safe and enjoy!:cheers:
Not a chance of a turtle label on that one. Everybody knows the yeller ones are the fastest regardless of generation. Enjoy the rest of your trip Capt, and keep posting pics, they are great..
07-13-2011, 09:36 AM
Not a chance of a turtle label on that one. Everybody knows the yeller ones are the fastest regardless of generation. Enjoy the rest of your trip Capt, and keep posting pics, they are great..
I could not agree more....yellow is a great color but I'm a little prejudice. Enjoy the ride. :dancing
07-13-2011, 10:20 AM
1000 miles in 14 days? Are you trying to score a "yellow turtle" designation?!
Just kidding... Looks like you are having a ball. Drive safe and enjoy!:cheers:
When I took my Z to Bowling Green with some local club members I logged 1400 miles in 3 days
Sad thing is I have only put 5000 on the car in the 4 years I have owned it..
flyin ryan
07-13-2011, 11:06 AM
Good deal Jim. Glad your enjoying yourself :thumbsup:.
07-13-2011, 09:07 PM
Hello from Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada. Thanks for the nice comments. We are having a good time. No problems at all.
Back to the travel log.
After leaving York Beach on the southern tip of Maine, we proceeded up the coast. We stayed in Brunswick, ME and then headed to Rockland, Maine at the mouth of Penobscot Bay. We found the World's Largest Lobster:
After finding a couple more light houses, we arrived in Lubec (pronounced like Quebec), Maine. As an evening fog rolled in, we visited Quoddy Head Point Light, the Eastern most point in America:
In Lubec, here is the bridge to the Island of Campobello:
From Lubec, the only way to Canada is by ferry from the town of Easrport, Maine. So, in the early morning fog, we waited for the ferry to Deer Island, Canada:
Here we are boarding the ferry:
Crossing the bay, in the fog, on that small ferry (just one other car aboard) has to be one of the high points of the trip. At first we were bummed that we would miss some photo opportunities, but then it became sort of a magical transition from the US to Canada.
More to follow soon.
07-13-2011, 09:12 PM
Great pictures Jim, looks like a great trip. I want to get up there one of these days.
07-13-2011, 09:30 PM
Fantastic pictures - thanks very much for sharing them, Jim!
Cdn ZR1 95
07-13-2011, 11:45 PM
Hello from Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada. Thanks Crossing the bay, in the fog, on that small ferry (just one other car aboard) has to be one of the high points of the trip. At first we were bummed that we would miss some photo opportunities, but then it became sort of a magical transition from the US to Canada.
More to follow soon.
The fog is part of our border security & also to keep people from realizing what a great place it is to take a driving vacation.
You won't be disappointed. Looking forward to more pictures.
07-14-2011, 02:16 AM
07-14-2011, 07:49 AM
Hey Jim thanks for the play by play and the picts!:thumbsup:
I just love the "tropical" shirt motif in that picture! :cheers:
07-15-2011, 09:46 PM
Hello from rainy, Sydney, Nova Scotia. We have had to change our trip plan because it is raining today (Friday). More on that later.
To continue my Travel Log:
After the small ferry to Deer Island, New Brunswick, we drove about 45 minutes to the other end of the island to catch another ferry. It was not hard to make the trip, there is only one road and a spur on the island:
Here is one of the two intersections on Deer Island.
Just after we took this picture, the only cars we saw on the whole cross-island trip met at the intersection.
The second ferry was a little larger than the first:
This ferry is free to ride. The Canadian Goverment provides the ferry service to promote growth of Deer Island.
Our journey continued to Saint John, New Brunswick. We checked in to a nice downtown hotel:
and saw the sights, including the World Famous, Reversing Falls. The tides range is so high in the Fundy Bay, that the river flow reverses at high tide and the water over the falls goes up river. It is a very interesting geological phenomenon.
More about the Fundy Bay tides in the next installment.
07-15-2011, 10:30 PM
After a night in Saint John, we headed north up the west coast of Fundy Bay to St Martin and the Fundy Trail.
The tides in Fundy Bay are the highest in the world. In St Martin there is a great example of the extreme variation in the water level caused by the high tidal range in Fundy Bay.
Here in the back ground you can see some caves in the cliff wall that are exposed as the tide lowers:
After we ate lunch, here is the same scene:
The rocky beach of St Martin's Cove is the result of erosion of the rocky remains from the glacial era that ended about 26,000 years ago.
Next we drove up the Fundy Trail where there are overlooks and hiking trails to some of the most magnificant scenery on the Fundy Coast:
We continued north to Moncton, New Brunswick and stopped at one of the most popular tourist attractions in Canada, Magnetic Hill:
There is a part of the road where a family discovered in the 1930's that a car stopped at the end of the road will roll backwards "up" the hill. Well we had to try it. We paid the $5.00 and sure enough when I stopped the car at the end of the road and released the brake I accelerated backward. It is a very strange effect. I will leave it to a future traveler to divulge the secret of "Magnet Hill" By the way it does work on fiberglass cars.
After recovering our equilibrium we drove on to Nova Scotia and headed to the the north coast and Cape George. Here we are at Cape George Point Lighthouse:
We drove east to Cape Breton Island to drive the Cabot Trail. We spent the night in deluxe accommodations at Whale Cove on the west shore (the Sunset Coast):
Then the rain started....
07-16-2011, 07:06 AM
:thumbsup: Outstanding Trip Capt.! I hope both of you are having a blast!
Thanks for the picture story.
07-16-2011, 08:31 AM
Enjoying reading your log and seeing the pictures, Jim. Having grown up on the east coast of Canada, I can personally identify with some of your stops. Love your quote re Magnetic Hill (works on glass cars)!
Great job on keeping the car clean despite Mother Nature's weeping from time to time.
Enjoy the Ride!
07-16-2011, 09:45 AM
Beautiful trip Jim, enjoy the ride!
07-16-2011, 01:55 PM
Great to see you and Lindy having a blast!:cheers:
07-16-2011, 09:14 PM
Hello from Sydney Novia Scotia again.
Back to the Travel Log:
Because of two days of rain and cold, we postponed our drive around the north end of Cape Breton Island on the Cabot Trail. Everyone has told us that the Cabot Trail is the most scenic drive in Nova Scotia, so we want to have nice weather. So we re-arranged our itinerary twice to try to get a nice day.
We decided to leave the west coast of Cape Breton Island and head south to get away from the rain and fog.
We set out on the south end of the Cabot trail:
We stopped at a old-time general store run by a French woman who had a little of everything for sale and was the local order and delivery location for Sears:
When we stopped in the Information Booth in Baddeck, we were greeted by Marie, in period costume. She encouraged us to visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum:
Should I put this photo in the Corvette Babes section?
We crossed the lochs trying to get to a boat tour to see puffins and eagles on Bird Island. Because of the 35 km/hr winds, the boat trips were cancelled.
So we went to Louisbourg on the north-eastern end of Nova Scotia. In the 1700's Louisbourg was one of the busiest ports in the New World. There is a reconstruction of an 18th century French fort there.
Here is a view of Louisbourg Harbour today. We thought that the yellow lobster boat went well with the Yellow Z:
Here is Louisbourg Harbour Light in the background from a rainy viewing area:
Here is a nice shot of the Yellow Z from some high ground overlooking the harbour:
So, despite the rain, we are having a good time. Hopefully we will have good weather tomorrow (Sunday) so we can drive the Cabot Trail.
More in two days from the next hotel with Wifi.
07-17-2011, 10:18 AM
Looks like you're having fun! If you want to take the long way home via Sudbury, drop in! :)
What a great trip and using the ZR-1 for what it was intended. Photos are outstanding!
Continue to have a great time Jim & Lindy!!
07-18-2011, 10:13 PM
Hello from Brunswick, Maine. We left Nova Scotia this morning, Monday, and drove to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada and headed west, where we cleared Customs and picked up I-95 South at its origin. we covered 554 miles today, which is halfway home.
Back to the travel log.
Here is another picture of Louisbourg Harbor Lighthouse on a gray, rainy day:
Leaving Louisbourg, we wanted to go to St Peters on the southeast tip of Cape Breton Island. I tried to find a coastal route and ended up on a gravel road that went on and on:
After 8 miles of winding around with very little progress toward St Peters, and the road getting bumpier and narrower, we gave up and back tracked 8 miles to the last paved road,. The car was a mess when we reached civilization again:
The next day, Saturday, it was still rainy and windy so we put off the Cabot Trail drive again and went to St Peters by the main road this time. It was definitely worth the trip. We found several lighthouses and met some interesting people.
The most interesting thing was a canal and lock that connects the large central lake of Cape Breton Island (Bras D'Or Lake) with the ocean. The canal was built in the 1800's to allow commerce and transportation for most of the region. There is one lock that you can see in the background of this picture:
The interesting feature of this lock is that because of the tidal variation, the ocean level is sometime higher than the lake and sometimes lower. This requires that the door at each end of the lock has to be double:
The lock has been repaired and updated over the years and is still used daily for pleasure boats.
07-18-2011, 10:35 PM
We had lunch at Chubby's:
Chubby's is a roadside, take-out place that is in the yellow school bus. The fish sandwich was excellent! One of the specialities at Chubby's is NewFi Fries. (NewFi refers to people from New Foundland.) NewFi Fries are french fries covered with turkey, dressing, cheese and gravy. We didn't try the NewFi fries, but the lady ahead of us had ordered them. We struck up a conversation with her. She was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper. She told us that she remembered he father rowing a small rowboat on to an island each evening to light the light and rowing out each morning to turn the light off. He did this until into the early 1960's when the lighthouse was rebuilt and electrified. She is one of fourteen children, so you can guess what the lighthouse keep did with his spare time. She gave us directions to find the light:
Then we drove out to Isle Madame which is a small island near St Peters that is mostly French Canadians. There is some very beautiful scenery:
We also found the Local Chapter of WAZOO with a car up on the lift for some transmission work:
07-18-2011, 10:59 PM
Continuing the Travel Log.
While we waited for the weather to improve, we explored Sydney and discovered a tribute to the strong Gaelic (Scottish) heritage of the population. We found the World's Largest Fiddle:
On Sunday, the weather finally turned nice and we left Sydney and headed for the Cabot Trail around the northern end of Cape Breton Island.
We drove in a counter-clockwise direction, starting at Ingonesh and heading north up the coast:
One of the first sights was an American Bald Eagle having breakfast on the shore:
This is a nice small pebbled beach I found that was fascinating because there was no sand. As each wave receded, the small pebbles would click on each other making a sound like slowing tilting a box of marbles. I have never seen or heard this effect before:
Here is a neat shot in one of the puddles left by all the rain in a "pull-off":
I will post more after we get back to Maryland tomorrow.
07-19-2011, 07:22 AM
You don't look too happy.
Later pictures seem to suggest you got her rinsed off before continuing, right?:cheers:
07-20-2011, 08:09 AM
You don't look too happy.
Later pictures seem to suggest you got her rinsed off before continuing, right?:cheers:
Hi Yun, I was not unhappy. I was assessing my options to get it clean. Luckily we were in Sydney, which is the largest city on Cape Breton Island, so I found a wash-it-yourself place near our motel. I had to stop in there the next evening also because the car got dirty again on Saturday.
I am sure some ZR-1 owners are not used to seeing a ZR-1 in that condition, but I don't mind. I am having a blast going places and doing things in my Corvette.
I will upload some more pictures after I get all of them transferred to our network from the travel drives. Lyndi and I took over 4000 pictures.
For the camera buffs out there, Lyndi's camera is a new Nikon D5100 with an 18mm to 200mm zoom lens. It is an excellent camera setup and worked well for almost everything we wanted to photograph. Next trip we might add a 300mm zoom lens to the kit.
07-20-2011, 11:15 AM
Finally some blue sky! LOL
Great travel log...
07-20-2011, 12:57 PM
Thanks for posting and the pictures.
Sitting at work, I can only dream.........
And I am glad to see you are using your Z.
That's what it was meant for- to drive!
07-20-2011, 03:07 PM
Hello from Westminster, Maryland, USA!
We made it back home yesterday evening, everything was safe and secure at home.
It was a great trip! Twelve days on the road, 3,280 miles, eleven states/provinces, no drama, no problems. Just lots of cruising in a ZR-1!
Here is the rest of the travel log:
As we worked our way up the ocean side of the Cabot Trail we came to the Ingonish area. Here we a looking north across the bay to an area called Middlehead. In the background you can see The Keltic Lodge, a beautiful resort on Middlehead:
We rounded that bay and drove out to The Keltic Lodge where a friendly Bell Hop wanted to get his picture taken with the ZR-1:
From the Lodge, we walked about 1.5 miles out Middlehead point. It was a nice hike with many beautiful overlooks. Lyndi was afraid that I was going too close to the edge:
Here I am on the south side of Middlehead:
And here is the view down from where I was standing:
I wasn't sure what her concern about the edge was until I realized that I had the car keys.
North of Ingonesh we found another WAZOO Maintenance area. Here is Jim's Engine Repair Canadian location:
Thank's for sharing your trip with us Jim & Lindy. You shure know how to enjoy your time !
I really like the way the yellow Z looks with the grey wheel's.
Also , you didn't by any chance happen to get the bell hop's phone number ?
07-20-2011, 03:48 PM
We drove around the north end of the Breton Highlands National Park and then up to the top of MacKenzie Mountain.
In the valley to the right of the guard rail, you can see the scar of an acient earthquake fault line. The valley has also been shaped by glaciers and erosion:
Here is a driver's eye view coming down the St Lawrence Bay side of MacKenzie Mountain, heading for Pleasant Bay:
Here we are at Pleasant Bay. Of course we had to get a picture of the Yellow Z next to the lighthouse:
Next we headed down the coast through some of the most spectacular roads on the Trail:
07-20-2011, 04:03 PM
Last few photos.
The last stop on the Trail was in the French Village of Cheticamp. We went (on another gravel road) to get a picture of a lighthouse. This shot is looking across the bay to the town:
Outside of town, there there was a field full of scare crows that someone set up. Can you find Jim?
After Cheticamp, we headed to the western shore of the island and spent the night. Then we drove 1,100 miles home in two days.
During the five days in Nova Scotia, we saw only three other Corvettes.
It was a good trip. Thank you all for letting me share it with you.
Almost didn't find you in the field of scarecrows..... i was looking for that rather vivid shirt you had on before!
Great trip Jim, you're making me envious.
07-20-2011, 10:24 PM
For the camera buffs out there, Lyndi's camera is a new Nikon D5100 with an 18mm to 200mm zoom lens. It is an excellent camera setup and worked well for almost everything we wanted to photograph. Next trip we might add a 300mm zoom lens to the kit.
What is the model # on the lens, I am looking for a 18mm-200mm Zoom for my D3000
07-21-2011, 05:58 AM
That's a great look for you Jim! Okay just kidding!:mrgreen:
Hey, thanks a bunch for sharing the pictures of the trip as it was fun to see all these neat places!
07-21-2011, 08:12 AM
What is the model # on the lens, I am looking for a 18mm-200mm Zoom for my D3000
The Nikon is Lyndi's hobby. The lens was purchased at Best Buy two years ago.
Lens info:
Nikon DX
1:3.5-5.6 G ED
On the bottom of the lens: "DX SWM VR ED IF Aspherical 72"
I highly recommend Best Buy for cameras. I also recommend getting the Best Buy insurance/protection plan on camera equipment. We have gotten excellent service at the camera department of two different Best Buy stores while traveling. One in New England and one in Florida. Lyndi's other Nikon is being repaired and cleaned right now by Best Buy at no charge. The also will clean and inspect any covered product every six months.
07-21-2011, 08:15 AM
Thanks for sharing all those beautiful pictures. Having a yellow Z certainly adds to composition.
These pictures, once again, reminds me just what a blessing it is to be living in the North American continent - beautiful land full of natural features, low population density and relatively inexpensive gas.:cheers:
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