View Full Version : My ZR1 cranks but wont start

Don in VT
07-04-2011, 04:05 PM
Hi All,

We took the ZR on a 300 mile jaunt yesterday and everything went well. The Z ran like a clock. Great trip..

Went out just a few moments ago and the Z wont start. All the Z did was to sit in the garage overnignt. When I crank the engine it spins just fine but not start. When I turn the key on I can hear the FP run for 2 seconds but it really sounds rough, almost like a grinding noise. The noise is somewhat masked by the power antenna going up but I can still hear the pump. On a couple of tries, when I first turned the key to start, the motor caught once but still no start.

My fuel pump guage is locked up in the shop and I cant get it till tomorrow. I also need my scan tool and it is locked up too.

One thing I did do was to put my timing light on a spark plug leads and the ignition is firing on all plugs. It kinda looks like the FPs'
The forum and the FSM mention the single red lead near the CCM. If I power it up will it do any damage if I have a bad pump ?

Any comments or suggestions ?

Happy Fouth to you all,


Don in VT


Don in VT
07-05-2011, 05:18 PM

This appears to be a topic that is not too popular but just in case someone else has a similar issue I will pass on what I did today. Again this is FWIW.

Checked for codes -- none set

I hooked up my fuel pressure gauge and got the following results.

EOKO--no pump sound and no gauge pressure.

EOKO--fuel pump test lead (red wire) hooked up to 12V- slight pump whine and 10lbs gauge pressure.

I was told when I bought the car that the fuel pumps and sending unit was new- its not. Looks like 20 year old OEM. Buying new pumps and sending unit from Ecklers.

Results of R and R of pumps new week

Thanks and have a nice day



07-05-2011, 10:40 PM
Looks like you hit it on the head, Don. Pumps will do that. Make sure you replace the socks and filter.

Don in VT
07-06-2011, 08:06 PM
Thanks CCmano,

I will do an electrical check on the wiring for low voltage to the pump. If volts are low it should set code 54. No matter what the new pump set goes in on Monday. More later,


Don in VT
07-11-2011, 05:33 PM

I just received the new sender/pumps assembly this afternoon from Ecklers and after a 10 minute R and R the old ZR fired right up and ran great in fact the idle speed of 650 when warm (above 176F) is back. The power seems much better and my wife is a happy camper again. She has been begging me to get it running so she could drive it to work.

My diagnosis was correct and I will verify the pressure tomorrow but I know it is going to be OK.

Thanks again for all the help. The support is much appreciated.

Cheers from Vermont

Don and Cherry



07-11-2011, 05:39 PM

Need to add this to the Solutions page!

Don... Great job!



Don in VT
07-11-2011, 07:59 PM
Hi David,

Thanks for the reply. I will write the fuel pump R and R up in a Word document. I am really busy for a couple of days but I will start it tonight because it is a hot night here and I won't get to bed until late.



07-11-2011, 10:42 PM
Told you that was it...:dancing

Don in VT
07-12-2011, 08:50 PM
Hi CCMano,

Dance away. You were right.


Save the wave
