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View Full Version : Windshield Delamination

02-23-2006, 11:39 AM
There are some very smart folks here that have some very good contacts. Here's a question to ponder:

What is causing the windshields to delaminate?

Does the UV film have an adhesive that is breaking down? How was the glass formed around both sides? Some have delam on the top, some have streaks and some have all. Every once in a while you see one without delam--at least not very noticeable. Is it a matter of when not if? Is there a way to seal/reseal the glass to fix it?

Why can't we (with all our resourses) get some more made? We can get headers, exhaust and even still tires (hold your breath) made for the limited production GM Bastard-child. How can a major industrial giant abandon a production car and parts supply only 10 years after production-----Wait they are in bankrupcy. Take care of your customers and they will take car of you.


We Gone
02-24-2006, 11:06 AM
Why is it the Lumina Vans with the same type of windshield never have the issue...

Z Factor
02-24-2006, 11:58 AM
I spoke with a gentleman from the commercial side of what was LOF, who has been with them for decades. He speculated it was in the prep work prior to sealing the windshield. Probably large batches of them were not properly prepared, hence the amount of delaminating windshields we are seeing today. There are in fact some perfect windshields, I am lucky enough to have one on my 1990, and I hope it stays that way.:pray
Still, I would like to find a solution to the problem so many of us are experiencing.

When I spoke to different people within the company, they seemed ambivalent to our issue. I am friends with an attorney locally who lives for large class actions suits, and he made it sound like an uphill battle (read small profit motivation). I also called several different manufactures about producing a similar windshield, but there was no interest. All this is not to say something cannot be done, but it does not look promising.

BTW- Don't tell anyone I have an attorney for a friend. :wink:


02-24-2006, 12:30 PM
Why is it the Lumina Vans with the same type of windshield never have the issue...
A different manufacturer. PPG made the Lumina APV windshield, LOF made ours. PPG also makes our back hatch glass. :)

Maybe they figured that owners of the most advanced and expensive car GM had made to date would put up with some quirks, but minivan owners wouldn't stand for that kind of crap.

Z Factor
02-25-2006, 11:02 PM
Maybe they figured that owners of the most advanced and expensive car GM had made to date would put up with some quirks, but minivan owners wouldn't stand for that kind of crap.


02-27-2006, 07:48 AM
i suppose the process is irreversible...how bad can it become? somebody has pictures of a bad one?mine has started around the edges...i guess to have those large companies interested,we need to order a thousand windshields
minimum,with a milion dollars deposit...:thumbsdo:

02-27-2006, 11:22 AM
how bad can it become?

Pretty darned bad; check out the windshield in the almost zero mile last ZR-1 ever made:


02-27-2006, 11:11 PM
yeurk !! thats ugly....can one do something to retard the process?
garaged? sunlight?

02-28-2006, 06:32 AM
That is pretty nasty looking. What a shame.

02-28-2006, 04:14 PM
yeurk !! thats ugly....can one do something to retard the process?
garaged? sunlight?

no nothing can be done to reverse it

You can Even see in the last ZR-1s glass the wipe marks from when they manufactured it you have to figure that the shading is intergrated in somewhere with the plastic inbetween the glass you know the safety part of the glass and thats where it is seperating at the glue point

thats my guess and delamination is just that the think of a sheet of paper lifting off the pad of paper and the ones behind it and so on its seperating.

all my ZR1s have delam, the 90 with the later model small cut out and the one with the early cut out both have it

02-23-2007, 08:26 PM
Has anyone done any survey of which cars are having delamination? I have a 1990 #843 garage queen with very low miles on it , and I have no delamination yet. Should I expect to have it as I start to drive it more?

02-24-2007, 02:09 AM
i never noticed any delamination on my 1990 #2161 until last year. i put the corvette out in the 100 degree hot sun about a month this summer to work on a dragboat. might have happened anyway but that what i`m going to blame it on.

Z Factor
02-24-2007, 02:34 PM
Has anyone done any survey of which cars are having delamination? I have a 1990 #843 garage queen with very low miles on it , and I have no delamination yet. Should I expect to have it as I start to drive it more?

Not to the best of my knowledge, but that is a good idea so I will start a poll. Based on my reading of delamination threads most of the flawless ones are earlier model years, but any year can have delamination.

EDIT: Poll Added



02-24-2007, 04:10 PM

I bought my car this winter from germany with 22k on it .
It`s a 90 mod number 1083. the glass is without any damages.
