View Full Version : NOS

02-10-2004, 03:24 PM
Hi Folks,

With winter comes the inevitable mental noodling on how to add more power come spring. I've been wondering about NOS for a while - particularly for 1/4 mile racing.

My questions:
1) what new parts need to be added, and what existing parts should be upgraded?
2) Approximate cost?
3) Any impact on reliability?
4) Any ways to "hide" the install? e.g. tank in the spare tire compartment...
5) How much hp is usually dialed in on zr1's?
6) Any other issues I'm missing...

If there exists a beginner's resource on NOS (especially for zr1's) please let me know!

91 4.10/flywheel/exhaust - not that it matters in the snow...

Z Factor
02-17-2004, 12:54 PM
Hello, and welcome to the forum.

I'm not a bottle man myself, but there are some Z's that use the juice. Hopefully some of them will be along to answer your questions.

02-18-2004, 04:39 PM
I would ask these guys as they have done many ZR-1's.


02-24-2004, 06:08 AM
I dont know any z's with N2O but I do know a guy that has,... er Had an LT1 95 and juiced it up with a 100 shot, he went with NOS's gear. After only the third shot (not in rapid succession) smoke started billowing from both ends. Well turns out he blew the head gasket as well as most of his o rings, 6 to be exact. after we opened her up we saw there were sings of stress/fatigue on everything, it didnt look good. it didnt deter him though, and after about 4 grand on upgrades, titanium this molybdenum that... he tried it again and it has been reliable ever since,... hes at the track almost every weekend. The funny thing is, because all the engine upgrades to use the N2O at a reliable level he is now a natural aspiration/injection purist, he gained about 150 hp just on his lightening and strengthening..... oh and get good STOP before you get this good GO.
Let us know!! :)