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View Full Version : Question about shocks

06-07-2011, 11:18 PM
So I'm getting ready to pull my front FX3 shocks off to send them back to Bilstein for rebuilding. I've already done the backs, and what a difference!!!
I'd like to stick a set of cheap, non-FX3 shocks in there just to keep me on the road while my set is off to the rebuilder. Any suggestions?

Thanks guys!

06-07-2011, 11:25 PM
Since it is only temporary buy cheap ones and drive conservatively.

06-08-2011, 10:01 PM
I got the Monroes for a base coupe I used to have. They held the wheels on, but they were soft. KYB's would be better and you may be able to sell those afterwords since a lot of people want them on C4's.

I chose to leave my car on jackstands for 2 weeks, but I did miss it. Maybe somebody has a pair of store-boughts you can get cheap.