View Full Version : ECM Code 61

05-31-2011, 08:56 PM
Went out for a short ride tonight, coming down an acceleration ramp I put my foot into it, felt like the secondaries kicked in for a short time then the car seemed to buck a little and the dreaded "Service Engine Soon" light came on. Backed off the pedal and in a few seconds the "Service Engine Soon" light disappeared. When I got home I pulled the ECM codes and got a Code 61. According to Gordon's book this is a Secondary port throttle valve system fault.

I also noticed when I turned the key on to start it again the vacuum pump is running constantly. I checked the pump, it is holding vacuum. Problem seems to be a leak under the plenum.

Before I pull the plenum I was wondering if any one else had this problem before and is it possible I have a bad secondary port throttle solenoid??? Could it be one bad actuator with a leak???

Any advice, thoughts or suggestions?? I need to get this fixed before the Northeast group goes to Lime Rock.

Thanks, John :cheers:

05-31-2011, 09:57 PM
with the pump running all the time it could be a leak.the only way to really tell is do a plenum pull and ck each piece out . but the port throttle solenoid is problem toast

05-31-2011, 10:02 PM
Yep. If all your secondary items hold a vacuum then its most likely solenoid. Also while you've got the plenum off clean your check valve. If dirt gets in it it will stick open.

05-31-2011, 10:09 PM
Even if your secondaries are not operating your Z will still run fine and idle smoothly. It just wont have any balls.

06-01-2011, 07:52 AM
Yep. If all your secondary items hold a vacuum then its most likely solenoid. Also while you've got the plenum off clean your check valve. If dirt gets in it it will stick open.

I don't want to damage the check valve, is there a procedure to clean it? Or is it as simple as blowing compressed air thru it?

Thanks :cheers:

06-01-2011, 08:11 AM
:o I just blow thru it to see if anything comes out John. I've had my plenum off a number of times and never had any junk come out of the check valve each time I blew thru it.

You can get replacements, even AutoZone has ones that fit but they don't look the same.


06-01-2011, 09:54 AM
Thanks to all,

I will pull the plenum next week, I've got a feeling it isn't the solenoid since when I stepped on the pedal the secondaries kicked in momentarily. In thinking about this I almost bet one of the secondary actuator diaphrams has failed. I'll have to check all the components.

Thanks again, John :cheers:

06-01-2011, 10:13 AM
Pull and plug, with your finger, the vacuum hose on the passenger side of the plenum (between 4 & 6 runners) If the vacuum pump stops it is the check valve. Buy a $1.50 vacuum check valve and a piece of hose (I used fuel hose) for a temp fix until you can get under the plenum. If the pump still runs after pulling and plugging the hose the problem is a vacuum leak somewhere else.


Oh yeah, if it's not obvious, turn the key on (ACC) without starting the car.

06-01-2011, 11:38 AM
The check valve should only have flow in one direction. If you give it a BJ:p and blow air through it with yo lips and you can blow through both ends then the little BB ball inside is stuck. Just spray some WD40 in it and blow it out with compressed air and it will be as good as new. But don't clean it with Acetone. It will melt.

06-01-2011, 02:52 PM
Pull and plug, with your finger, the vacuum hose on the passenger side of the plenum (between 4 & 6 runners) If the vacuum pump stops it is the check valve. Buy a $1.50 vacuum check valve and a piece of hose (I used fuel hose) for a temp fix until you can get under the plenum. If the pump still runs after pulling and plugging the hose the problem is a vacuum leak somewhere else.


Oh yeah, if it's not obvious, turn the key on (ACC) without starting the car.

I agree with the test Ted is suggesting, but I think he meant to say the connector is on the driver's side of the plenum between #3 and #5 cylinders.

Good luck,


06-01-2011, 02:58 PM
Ted and Jim,

Thanks for the suggestion. I was looking at the vacuum diagram on page 6A2A-33 of the FSM and drivers side looks to be directly connected to the check valve. I just tried your suggestion and the pump continued to run. I took a snake light and looked under the plenum and found the main line into the tee had come out. I got the line into the tee using a pick-up tool and some long needle nose pliers. The pump now turns on and off about every 30 seconds to a minute, so I must still have a small leak under the plenum. I still will need to pull the plenum but at least now it may clear the code 61??? Need to get the car inspected this month.

Thanks again for the advice, John :cheers: