View Full Version : The story continues!

05-31-2011, 12:08 PM
Finally received the starter rebuild kit. Hands are still not healed enough to do too much wrenching so gave it to a place that came recommended by another vette collector here. Waited two weeks and picked her up this morning.

Still missing at idle, misses more under acceleration. Not driving her too hard because of the hands but still missing gets worse under acceleration.

Back to my shop and take my time looking her over. Not happy with the quality of work as it looked like it had been kept outside with the bonnet left up. Filthy. Dash on left side loose and hiding the hood latch. Battery door loose. Vacuum pump not hooked up. OK, OK I know I am picky about things like that but ALL corvettes are special cars and this one is special-special.

Took the air filter, housing and baffle off to put in the new stiffener in as suggested by other owners. THIS IS WHERE I ALMOST FAINTED!!! Oil starts to drain out of the throttle body. At this point it is late in the afternoon and the temp inside my shop is 42 plus degrees and my temper is twice that squared.

Now at home and sitting in the a/c so most of my temperatures are settling down allowing me to think a bit clearer.

Anyone want to enlighten me as to what to expect this time?

Hope everyone had a great Memorial day holiday.

05-31-2011, 12:22 PM
I don't know if this will calm you, but the amount of oil an LT5 PCV system passes on to the intake track can be astounding.

I know when I pulled my plenum the first time oil ran out of it while I had it pointed T/B down. Quite a bit I might add....at least a two rag spill.


05-31-2011, 12:40 PM
.at least a two rag spill.


would those be Shop Rags or Kitchen Rags?

If Shop Rags.. the disposable ones or the Red ones?


05-31-2011, 01:10 PM
I hope he is talking about the old red shop rags as my shop rags are old t-shirts, old socks or once in a while a donated kitchen towel given to my by my Boss.

Thanks for the comforting words perhaps now I will be able to sleep tonight.

05-31-2011, 11:13 PM

would those be Shop Rags or Kitchen Rags?

If Shop Rags.. the disposable ones or the Red ones?


Hopefully NOT on the rags at the time :p

06-01-2011, 12:01 AM

Still missing at idle, misses more under acceleration. Not driving her too hard because of the hands but still missing gets worse under acceleration.


My car was missing, was advised by Marc H. to check plugs and use dielectric grease in the plug wires then check the coils...

The dielectric grease solve the problem...

Hope it works for you, it was a simple fix to a problem I had for months!

06-01-2011, 05:27 AM
Thanks for the additional info.. Will try it tonight.:cheers:

06-01-2011, 08:19 AM
fwiw, the only time mine ever missed like you're describing was when my injectors fell pray to the alcohol in the gas. Mine is a 90 and the OEM injectors were not able to handle the alcohol. I believe GM changed the injector coil seals before the 92 model year when alcohol was added to the gas.

One of our other members had an insistent miss and it turned out to be a pinched wire to one of his injectors. The wire got pinched when the plenum was put back on.


Here is the link to the thread.


06-01-2011, 08:21 AM
:o oh yea, about those rags......bounty paper towels. I was working in a borrowed garage.:o