View Full Version : Anyone with some good photos or illustration FSM of the A.I.R. system for 92-95MY?

05-29-2011, 07:23 AM
If anyone has good photos of the A.I.R. system on the driver's side for the EDV service valve it would be appreciated. Actually a few of the pages from the FSM would be great I have the 90 MY and trying to piece together all the parts I need to put the system back on my car. I was able to get part of my old system back and also bought another system that might be from 92 MY so I have half of one system and half of the other. Hopefully I can make it work or figure out what pieces that I need to make it work. Apparently the 90-91 MY share the same parts (but not totally true according to the parts manual) and the 92-95 have the same system. The passenger side is good to go and shares the same parts so no issue there as well as the air pump and I have mocked those up. I see that the EDV (electric diverter valve) is a little different with the ports facing a little different direction as well as a different bracket and hoses. Man, nothing is ever easy on these cars, is it? I thought I was good to go, but now I am not.

To explain what I am doing I don't have any tools until my household goods arrive in another month or so and trying to make sure I have everything I need to install. I will head to the Navy auto crafts center with the car loaded with everything so I need to trying to mock this up and have it complete.

Thanks in advance as I know this is not easy to ask for.



05-31-2011, 07:12 AM
Please disregard. I'll figure this out.