View Full Version : 2011 C4/ZR-1 Gathering
05-14-2011, 01:14 PM
Returned home this morning from the Gathering to attend my son's soccer game, but I just wanted to say thanks to all of the members and associates of the ZR-1 Net Registry that attended this year's Gathering.
The gathering was smaller, but no less passionate about our cars and the fellowship that it brings.
It was my pleasure, once again, to say thanks to those that have helped me with my project, to meet new faces, and be able to put a name with some faces I have only connected with through the internet.
David and the Wazoo, Dominic/Bob of the FBI thanks for the sausage, Marc the parts, Jim V the conversation, Brett the prototype is simply inspiring. And the others!
Safe travels to everyone on the way home. I will see you all next time, if not sooner. :cheers:
p.s.: Marc, the check is in the mail.
1990 415
05-14-2011, 09:16 PM
How was the weather in BG for this year's Gathering? Was your drive home rain-free? Too bad the auto-cross wasn't held this year. Do you have any pics to post?
05-14-2011, 09:43 PM
How was the weather in BG for this year's Gathering? Was your drive home rain-free? Too bad the auto-cross wasn't held this year. Do you have any pics to post?
Of course we had some rain, it's Bowling Green in May, but that gave us reason to wash the cars and wax them.
It did clear up and we had some sun for the Jingles tour and others throughout the event.
The autocross was cancelled. The three participants that signed up were myself and two others from my club in Michigan. Our monies were refunded but we would have much rathered run the cars on the course, but hey, there's always another day.
I don't have pictures, but I'm sure as members return home, they will start to post thier pictures up here on the site. :cheers:
No Drags rained out.
Some of the IL boys left BG Saturday afternoon including myself.
Small gathering but i think it was one of the best ones yet.
Had a great time.
It was nice to put a face with the name Joe.
Paul Workman
05-15-2011, 05:50 PM
It was a smaller crowd than last year, but I agree w/ Pete in that it was indeed a good get together. It was great to put faces with so many of the Brotherhood. One of the highlights for me was eating dinner and chewing the fat with Dave McLellan - a very special man and a legend in his lifetime. He really has a way of distilling very technical topics and put them in a format that lay people can readily understand. That ability no doubt helped him many times in his negotiating around thorny bean counters; of that I'm sure!
Really enjoyed the Q&A session.
Really enjoyed the BBQ/ice cream run thru the surrounding KY countryside. Wow...Such stunning beauty. And lots of curves and hills to at least warm the tires a little.
Too bad about the rain. Many of us were really looking forward to the drag racing, but that was not to be. Well, mebby next year?
And, too bad about Dave Johnson's car. Apparently it wasn't ready to make the trip, and he had to store it in Pete's garage. Little did Dave know that rent in Pete's garage is $1000 up front and $1000 a day. So, Pete decided to part it out while Dave was in BG. (I got a nice set of Fiske wheels n new tires for $50 ea!, someone got a nice Pioneer nav system for $100 bucks, and I think Brett was interested in the bare frame - about the only thing that will be left.:dancing) Pete and Bob and Al went back home early "because of the rain canceling the racing...NOT! They went home early to start packing up what was left of the "Blue Turtle"!!:sign10:
Juuuuust kiddin' Dave. We love ya, and the Registry bros appreciate all you and the rest of the board's very hard work to keep this group together. Thank you all!
05-15-2011, 06:01 PM
i really hope i can make it next year
05-15-2011, 07:49 PM
For da guyz ho dont reed 2 goodz we needz sum piks. :o
Blue Flame Restorations
05-15-2011, 08:04 PM
It was so nice to get to see old friends and make new ones. Now I know who JThomas is. hahahahahaha
Thanks to everyone for a geat weekend.
05-15-2011, 09:54 PM
It was so nice to get to see old friends and make new ones. Now I know who JThomas is. hahahahahaha
Thanks to everyone for a geat weekend.
Great talking with you at the dinner....thanks again for bowing out on the hat :cheers:
05-15-2011, 10:38 PM
Just home myself....
What a great time!!!!!!!! We (the GS and ZR1netregisty) raised over $4400 @ the banquet Saturday night and special thanks to Bob Hall's son Scott for being the auctioneer. He was the one who made this all happen, and YES we have asked him to come again next year! Thanks Scott and Bob!!!
Thanks to Rick Egelstad (PNW) for making his annual journey to the Gathering (he recieved the Longest Distance award) and Steve Horton (SE region / Florida) for recieving the RICKY award for excellence with his 1995 red / red ZR-1.
Thanks also to Wayne Hale for bringing his 1995 (Aaron Scott) TT ZR-1 and his 1995 Lingenfelter 415 (0 to 150 to 0 ZR-1 that was in Car and Driver). Ted Dempsey's 1995 (415) 9k mile!!!!
Jerry Downey's (415) Lingenfelter Aerobody (driver, but unbelievable!)
Graham Behan brought a 415 Lingenfetler Aerobody (another perfect Z!)
Bret Henderson's 1988 prototype ZR-1 (KOH) he is restoring and boy was it a treat to see what he has done with it!!!!!!!
Thanks also to Marc Haibeck, Corey Henderson, Dave McLellan, Gary Cline, Gordon Killebrew (& Chris), Roc Linkov and Karen Renfrow for making this an unbelievable event!!!
Another great thursday night @ JVD's (Automasters). Great food and great cause as usual. Can't wait for next year!
Friday night was Sausages @ Bob G's.... WOW!!!! Thank you to Bob, Pete and Banker Pete for making this happen. This must be regular part of the Gathering Schedule!!!
Interesting things that happened @ the event:
A ZR-1 brother from Holland to learn more about his 2 ZR-1's!
Met a "new" member from Florida that has installed an LT5 in a 1992 standard corvette and is installing an LT5 in a 1995 convertible this year! (he will show it off @ Carlisle this year!)
Hopefully both will post on the forum and introduce themselves!
Already planning next year!
05-15-2011, 10:47 PM
Those NON-Chi-town boys find out what giardiniera is this year?
05-16-2011, 12:01 AM
Those NON-Chi-town boys find out what giardiniera is this year?
Shore nuff did!
05-16-2011, 01:22 PM
I had a great time. It was great to get to talk to so many ZR-1 folks. I had the pleasure to meet many new people.
All the seminars and presentations I attended were informative and enjoyable. I especially appreciated hearing from Marc Haibeck, Corey Henderson, Graham Behan, and Dave McClellan. Thanks to everyone who spoke.
Thanks to Jim Van Dorn for hosting us at his place. AutoMasters is always fun to visit and the hospitality was excellent.
It is too bad that the drag racing got rained out. I was looking forward to making a "few" passes.
Here are some pics:
WAZOO Caravan cars at the NCM:
Do you think they are "talking" LT5?
Checking out the ZR-1 Net Registry Table:
Tom, John, Michael, David, Rich, Phil enjoying the discussion:
Paul, George, Mark, Brett:
Here I am enjoying an adult beverage in the protype of the ZR-1 Net Registry engraved glass mug:
More to follow.
05-16-2011, 01:36 PM
Here are some more pics from the Gathering:
Listen up, Frank has something to say. Is anyone listening?
Ted's Yellow '95 415, my Black '90 368, and Roy's Black '90:
Pete and Ed:
Thank you to Bob and Pete and the FBI gang for putting on a First Class cookout at the motor home:
More ZR-1's at the Holiday Inn:
Return trip home:
05-16-2011, 01:49 PM
Some more pics:
The Executive Committee members conducting the Membership Meeting:
Is this all that is left of David's ZR-1?????
Some nice Corvettes at the National Corvette Museum:
FBI strategy session:
Finally, and most of all, THANK YOU to David for putting together such a fantastic Gathering. I know how hard you worked.
05-16-2011, 06:28 PM
This was a great Gathering and has to be one of the best. Thank you to everyone that helped me out with the Dieline car. It was nice to see some old friends and make new ones. I?m ready for 2012 :cheers:
05-16-2011, 06:30 PM
it doesn't look like the hotel has changed in the 5 years I haven't been there.....but tell me, where they dumb enough to host a prom the same time we're there again?
05-16-2011, 07:31 PM
For those of us not there
Who is who in this pic?
I know the Blue Turtle owner is on the left
05-16-2011, 07:37 PM
Those NON-Chi-town boys find out what giardiniera is this year?
Giardiniera is an Italian or Italian-American relish of pickled vegetables in vinegar or oil. Giardiniera is available as either mild or hot. Hot giardiniera is often referred to as "Hot Mix
05-16-2011, 07:38 PM
Giardiniera is an Italian or Italian-American relish of pickled vegetables in vinegar or oil. Giardiniera is available as either mild or hot. Hot giardiniera is often referred to as "Hot Mix
Thanks Webster
did you try it at least?
05-16-2011, 07:45 PM
(L-to-R) David Johnson, Jim Voter, Jerry Downey, Phil Wasinger, Frank Urbinati
05-16-2011, 07:51 PM
Giardiniera is an Italian or Italian-American relish of pickled vegetables in vinegar or oil. Giardiniera is available as either mild or hot. Hot giardiniera is often referred to as "Hot Mix
Now that I know what I was eating, I have to say that it was excellent!!
Hey Keith, we missed you. If we gave out an "Hey, where is _____? Award" you would have won Keith.
Rex Ruby
05-16-2011, 09:35 PM
I had a great time as well. Meeting old and new friends and learning about the ZR-1!
I should have taken more pictures, here's the few I have, Tom, Phil and Rich need to post their pictures, seems like they always had a camera out! ( ( ( ( ( (
Rex Ruby
05-16-2011, 09:36 PM
More..................... ( ( ( ( ( (
05-17-2011, 02:33 PM
Yes, it was a great time and loads of fun! Okay here are some of mine that turned out 1/2 decent.
Darth Vader's.....err, I mean Jerry's sinister ride.
the cars on the Jingle's check ride.
Jingles says..."Lunch Break!"
05-17-2011, 02:37 PM
more?....okay a few more.
The assembled temporary check ride engineers.
the "engineering staff" workin' on lunch.
Frank's private parking space.
05-17-2011, 02:41 PM
more?.... okay here we go.....
"Where's the beef?" never mind that, "where's the sous chef?!"
the remnants of the chow line and jaws hard at work at JVD's BBQ.
"Will an LT5 fit in this thing?"
05-17-2011, 02:47 PM
sick of my photos yet? Okay here's more! :p
"Yea, an LT5 will fit just fine, and I know where I get can get one toot sweet!"
The after dinner conversations.
It's 7PM, do you know where your car is?
Mystic ZR-1
05-17-2011, 03:11 PM
Hey Tom-Tom,
In the picture that Rex took, how did you get your arm stuck in the passenger side window?
Looks like I misssed a good time! Hope your trip home was uneventful.
Very nice photos Tom. If you have more, post 'em!!
Really glad to have finally met you in person. You are a real asset to the ZR-1 community.
Rex Ruby
05-17-2011, 09:54 PM
Hey Tom-Tom,
In the picture that Rex took, how did you get your arm stuck in the passenger side window?
Looks like I misssed a good time! Hope your trip home was uneventful.
He was hugging his Z!
Here's one of the new Party Bus.
05-18-2011, 07:04 AM
Hey Doug, the trip back was all up hill, but was okay & I didn't make any wrong turns on the way to WV!:o
You should come next year because it was a damn good time & you would have enjoyed the check ride, especially the part where me & Joe T & Jingles tested the suspension system!;) Oh, I got a "Jerry's Gaskets" hat for you!
Jerry, same here brother. :thumbsup: I try to emulate my fellow Brothers of The Beast who lead by example. We have a tight group because of the people and it's just an amazing thing to see!
Okay I found some more picts that came out okay. I got to buy a real camera some day!
beneath the hood of A26B's clamshell
05-18-2011, 07:08 AM
Here are a few more that came out okay.
The FBI's mobile command center!
Dom's black rose
heart of the black rose
05-18-2011, 07:11 AM
some guy taking a picture of a guy taking a picture
Hey, you can't park here!
consultations at the FBI BBQ
05-18-2011, 07:16 AM
chow time with the FBI. Thanks guys for inviting all of us to some good FBI sausage BBQ. That was darn good sausage and a great time!
what have we here?
Demps' ride!
05-18-2011, 07:51 AM
sorry I couldn't make this one. just had a new grandson and moving my daughter back from college all hit at once.
thanks to all that work so hard to make this happen.
folks need to appreciate the "behind the scenes" efforts that make this such a worthwhile event and everyone who volunteers their time to put it all together.
good job folks, great event
05-18-2011, 09:15 AM
Okay, these are for Pete at the FBI skunkworks.....sorry it took so long to get these up Pete.
05-18-2011, 09:17 AM
a few more for Pete.
Pete here is a link to the photos on my bucket page.
05-18-2011, 12:18 PM
What are those pictures of? Is that pictures of the Baker car?
05-18-2011, 12:21 PM
Hey Doug, the trip back was all up hill, but was okay & I didn't make any wrong turns on the way to WV!:o
You should come next year because it was a damn good time & you would have enjoyed the check ride, especially the part where me & Joe T & Jingles tested the suspension system!;) Oh, I got a "Jerry's Gaskets" hat for you!
Jerry, same here brother. :thumbsup: I try to emulate my fellow Brothers of The Beast who lead by example. We have a tight group because of the people and it's just an amazing thing to see!
Okay I found some more picts that came out okay. I got to buy a real camera some day!
beneath the hood of A26B's clamshell
"Tested the suspension system", it was more like, "Slow down, slow down, slow down, BAMN!
05-18-2011, 01:54 PM
"Tested the suspension system", it was more like, "Slow down, slow down, slow down, BAMN!
Hey Joe, wasn't that the suspension compression test on the bridge?
I thought the first thing after lunch was the suspension performance test, no? OOOH those twisties were fun! :handshak:
05-18-2011, 01:59 PM
What are those pictures of? Is that pictures of the Baker car?
I do not know for sure. It was that white Z parked out back at the NCM and it had a black crinkle finish motor. I think Paul said "take pictures for Pete to use to make this camber brace!" Sooooo, I snapped some picts for engineering purposes......:mrgreen:
05-18-2011, 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by ZZZZZR1
What are those pictures of? Is that pictures of the Baker car?
I do not know for sure. It was that white Z parked out back at the NCM and it had a black crinkle finish motor. I think Paul said "take pictures for Pete to use to make this camber brace!" Sooooo, I snapped some picts for engineering purposes......
26 Minutes Ago 11:54 AM
Yes, that is the Baker car. I will get you more pictures soon. I had the oil idiot light sensor fail on me and the car pissed oil as soon as I got home. I had already planned to take most of it apart for cleaning and such so if you would like pictures of anything specific please let me know. The frame has more bracing welded in that I have seen so far. For instance; the front shock mounts have square tubing welded to the upper suspension mounting bracket that completely box them in. This had to have been when it had coil overs on it. You will never see that ZR-1 that dirty again as long as I have her.
Thanks Tom you da-man.
I did not have a chance to look at that car.
Danial can you take some pictures of the boxed suspension your talking about.
05-18-2011, 02:52 PM
jerrys car is one of my top two all time favorite zr-1s
05-18-2011, 03:05 PM
No problem, I have the car up in the air now so I will snap a few for you tonight when I get home.
jerrys car is one of my top two all time favorite zr-1s
Well thank you Kevin. Wish you could have been there.... we could have ordered in a Pizza!!
05-18-2011, 03:58 PM
Well thank you Kevin. Wish you could have been there.... we could have ordered in a Pizza!!
I'm hoping for next year but right now it's not looking good.
05-18-2011, 08:12 PM
:blahblah: Yea, yea....I have a few more. Not many came out fit to print!:o
Cheese & crackers, did they tow it!? I just bought that car! Where are we? New York!
Nice ride!
...and at the other end of the spectrum there's this; rude, crude & I'll bet great for the ego! :)
05-18-2011, 08:17 PM
....I'm almost out of pictures! =D>......but here's a few more!
"Okay sir, but you're missing the A.I.R. and EVAP systems. You can't pass emission's testing that way!" [-X
Look what's at the other end of that air filter! :dancing
...and one more of Jerry's fine ride!
05-18-2011, 08:19 PM
Yes, that is the Baker car. I will get you more pictures soon. I had the oil idiot light sensor fail on me and the car pissed oil as soon as I got home. I had already planned to take most of it apart for cleaning and such so if you would like pictures of anything specific please let me know. The frame has more bracing welded in that I have seen so far. For instance; the front shock mounts have square tubing welded to the upper suspension mounting bracket that completely box them in. This had to have been when it had coil overs on it. You will never see that ZR-1 that dirty again as long as I have her.
I remember when the previous owner bought it and posted up... Wow that is a heck of a Z!
Congrats on the purchase and glad you could come to the event!
05-18-2011, 08:24 PM, for real. These are the last ones, no really I swear!
Saturday's rain & waiting. :(
the registry's donation for the motorsports park!
On the way home I took this in PA by the NJ border.
The End
Paul Workman
05-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Some more pix from the gathering!!
Who's motor is this, do you think? (Hint: It's a 427 cid LT5)
And, how 'bout this one? (Hint: It ain't Dave's!)
Pete (the Greek) posing with a new shirt. Anyone from across the pond recognize this shirt?? (Doesn't Pete look like a Greek god? Which one would that be??)
And one of the FBI "seminars" running waaay into the night!
And, what would BG be without at least a few pix like these. The car over my hood is Dominic's Black Rose. Gotta love it!
It was a terrific get together, for sure. Already looking forward to the next one!
05-19-2011, 10:53 AM
I remember when the previous owner bought it and posted up... Wow that is a heck of a Z!
Congrats on the purchase and glad you could come to the event!
I really love the car it has an interesting history; I just need to attempt to fill in the gaps. I won't miss The Gathering if I can ever help it. I have been a regular since 2001 but missed 09 (Got stuck over in London :mad: ) I am ready for next year!
Here are the pictures you ask for of the shock bracing.
You can see here how the frame has been welded up at the seams.
Man this car is DIRTY!!! I'm hoping after a few months of work it will be squared away.
Blue Flame Restorations
05-19-2011, 10:57 AM
Daniel, your car is outstanding. Love the huge Dymag GenII's. I'm sure that it will be immacualte after seeing yor beautiful GS.
05-19-2011, 11:11 AM
Thanks Brett!!!
Thanks Daniel
I wonder if all the welding at the seams helps.
If you can take a few more pictures of the front bars the ones Tom posted i need to know how forward they are welded to the frame.
Your Z's chassis must feel/drive like a C5.
05-19-2011, 03:11 PM
Sent you a PM.
05-19-2011, 03:49 PM
I finally have a moment to chime in so...
Katy and I had a blast. This was my first event and it was awesome. The brotherhood and camaraderie Is amazing.
I need to thank EVERYONE I met because all offered great advice, friendship and anything else they had to offer!
I would especially like to thank Dave. He is the first person I spoke with on the forum just less than a year ago and he has taken care of me like a father takes care of a son, even though I am old enough to be his father. He made sure that my daughter Katy and I were taken care of throughout the event. Thanks DAVE!
Dominic, Dave, Mark, Greg, Gorden, and Paul. All helped me solve a few mysteries with my car. Several of them were laying under it with wrenches helping with my stabilizer...
Mark did a Saturday night computer diagnosis of my care at 10:00 PM or so!
I came back with a perfect car and friendships that will last for ever.
Thanks to all!
05-19-2011, 05:21 PM
That white LT5 looked sweet! It was good to meet you, hope to see you back next year.
05-19-2011, 07:47 PM
That white LT5 looked sweet! It was good to meet you, hope to see you back next year.
Thanks, Daniel! Your car was awesome as well! Looking forward to seeing you there next year!
05-19-2011, 09:03 PM
Hey Joe
Looks like you need to add SUPER MODEL to your signature :razz:
05-20-2011, 10:48 AM
Hey Joe
Looks like you need to add SUPER MODEL to your signature :razz:
That is great! Your agent should contact JOE BOXER, you can be their new underwear model :dancing. Remember the little people when you blow up on the modeling scene :cheers:
05-20-2011, 12:54 PM
Hey Joe
Looks like you need to add SUPER MODEL to your signature :razz:
After lengthy negotiations, I worked out a pretty decent contract with the NCM. I just hate the way they tinted my hair gray.
Oh!, my hair is gray.
05-20-2011, 12:57 PM
That is great! Your agent should contact JOE BOXER, you can be their new underwear model :dancing. Remember the little people when you blow up on the modeling scene :cheers:
Next year I just might get a few more ZR-1 brothers in line to be photographed in the latest NCM apparel, and Ricky you are now first on the list! :cheers:
Blue Flame Restorations
05-20-2011, 06:01 PM
Joe, you should have showed off the six pack!:mrgreen:
05-20-2011, 09:35 PM
Joe, you should have showed off the six pack!:mrgreen:
Thanks Brett, but at forty-eight, it's starting to look like a "Pony Keg". :-D
05-22-2011, 02:00 AM
Next year I just might get a few more ZR-1 brothers in line to be photographed in the latest NCM apparel, and Ricky you are now first on the list! :cheers:
Great Joe! We can do the world wide fashion tour together. Have your people contact my people, we only travel 1st class , OK?
Blue Flame Restorations
05-22-2011, 10:18 AM
Thanks Brett, but at forty-eight, it's starting to look like a "Pony Keg". :-D
Who you tellin? My six pack left a LONG time ago. :neutral:
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