View Full Version : REPOST: NE Region Get Together July 9 @ Lime Rock

Mystic ZR-1
05-11-2011, 01:35 PM
Just in case you guys don't frequent the Northeast Region section...

Who's tentatively in?
It's not that far away...
I've got several commitments already, including a ZR-1 Callaway LM!
Remember, tickets for the Corral (car & driver) must purchased prior to the event, by phone or the Lime Rock website, see links below. I'm still working on the ZR-1 only on-track parade lap and should know soon.

ZR-1 Net Registry Northeast get together: Saturday, July 9, 2011 @ American Le Mans Northeast Grand Prix at Lime Rock Park. Lime Rock,Connecticut

Lime Rock is sort of centrally located in the Northeast and will make a great place for a ZR-1 get together, of course all ZR-1s from everywhere are more than welcome and encouraged to attend. All the "hard work" is already done by the good folks who run the "Corvette Corral" (not to mention the great goody bag they hand out) all we have to do is show up and watch the C6Rs kick some butt and show off to the rest of the Corvette (and Porsche etc.) world why the ZR-1 is so special and is the most unique Corvette ever built. If the rest of the world doesn't understand or agree, it's their loss...
Note: this ZR-1 get together is not put on or run by the "Corvette Corral", (but it has been sanctioned by the ZR-1 Net Registry) we'll just be attending and having our own get together @ their event .
Tickets for the Corral (car & driver) must purchased prior to the event, by phone or the Lime Rock website, see below. Tickets for your lucky passenger may be purchased ahead of time or @ the the gate on the day of the event. Bring a folding chair and a cooler!

We're trying to set up a ZR-1 only parade lap of the track (seperate from parade lap mentioned below) stay tuned for updates

info: Doug, aka: Mystic ZR-1 @ dmarshall2003@comcast.net (dmarshall2003@comcast.net)

Lime Rock again offers the fun and camaraderie of Porsche and Corvette Car Corrals as part of the ALMS Northeast Grand Prix event. Corrals include guaranteed infield parking as well as a parade lap! Parade laps are offered on Saturday to the first 50 cars that arrive at the track from each make. Note: CAR CORRAL TICKETS ARE NOT SOLD ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT, ONLY BY ADVANCE PURCHASE. Includes admission to Lime Rock Park.

http://tickets.limerock.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=9 (http://tickets.limerock.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=9)

http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=60+white+holl ow+road+lakeville+ct+06039&sll=37.926868,-95.712891&sspn=51.997554,113.994141&ie=UTF8&hq=&hn ear=60+White+Hollow+Rd,+Lakeville,+Litchfield,+Con necticut+06039&ll=41.929501,-73.387578&spn=0.012164,0.027831&t=h&z=16 (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=60+white+hollow+road+lakeville+ct+06039&sll=37.926868,-95.712891&sspn=51.997554,113.994141&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=60+White+Hollow+Rd,+Lakeville,+Litchfield,+C onnecticut+06039&ll=41.929501,-73.387578&spn=0.012164,0.027831&t=h&z=16)

American Le Mans Northeast Grand Prix Car Corrals

http://tickets.limerock.com/uplimage/Car_Corrals_ALMS.jpgPARADE LAP FOR THE FIRST 50 CORVETTES THAT ARRIVE AT THE TRACK!

Note: last year the parade lap was " full" before 7:30am...

Advance Price: $75
Gate Price (7/1-7/9): $90


Children 12 & under are admitted free.
Event occurs rain or shine.
No refunds or exchanges are permitted.

Children 12 & under are admitted free.
Event occurs rain or shine.
No refunds or exchanges are permitted.

05-13-2011, 09:45 PM

I'm in!!!


Thanks for posting this, John :cheers:

05-16-2011, 02:35 PM
I am planning to attend and looking forward to a fun time!


05-16-2011, 04:34 PM
Hi Guys,

I am fairly new to the ZR-1 world but have have enjoyed reading the post for almost a year now. I will be at Lime Rock with my 94 ZR-1. I look forward to meeting a few of the members.

Wayne Price

05-16-2011, 04:44 PM
Hi Guys,

I am fairly new to the ZR-1 world but have have enjoyed reading the post for almost a year now. I will be at Lime Rock with my 94 ZR-1. I look forward to meeting a few of the members.

Wayne Price


Thank you for posting up!

I'm looking to make this event too....

Have you made any modifications to your 94?



05-16-2011, 04:56 PM

Yes, I have SW headers, X-pipe and B&B exhaust. I am also running Viper 4:10. I also got a custom tune when I added the headers.


05-18-2011, 02:03 PM
Doug, I'm "IN" on this one! I'll bring the hat too.

See you guys at the track!:dancing
