Z Factor
02-11-2006, 12:46 PM
For those of you who are not familiar with the system, it will be explained in this thread, and I encourage you to ask any questions you may have. Additionally, I am asking everyone for suggestions on the different levels of users reputations.

The user reputation system provides a way of rating fellow posters based on the quality of their posts. You can add or subtract reputation points from other users by clicking the reputation link in their posts. You can also leave comments as to why you are giving or taking away points.

Members receive or lose points by someone clicking on the icon next to the online status indicator of a particular post. When that happens they get the following choices;

What do you think of " XXX's " post?

I approve

I disapprove

Your comments on this post:

User reputations allow the members to tell their fellow ZR-1 Net Registry community which users posts are quality and which are not. In response to user feedback, we have the ability to label and reward users for the quality of their posts, as is indicated by their reputation. This allows you, the members of the forum to reward or punish good and bad posters in our community.

The levels we are currently using are listed below, but can be changed if better suggestions are tendered. They are generic and not related to an automotive forum, but some of you may wish to suggest ZR-1 related levels.

For brand new members without any points they have this reputation level;

User is an unknown quantity at this point

Once a member has received points, the small box below their post count will illuminate green, and everyone can see their reputation by placing the cursor on it.

The different positive levels are as follows;

User is on a distinguished road
User will become famous soon enough
User has a spectacular aura about
User is a jewel in the rough
User is just really nice
User is a glorious beacon of light
User is a name known to all
User is a splendid one to behold
User has much to be proud of
User has a brilliant future
User has a reputation beyond repute

For those who have had points taken away, the small box below their post count will illuminate red and everyone can see their reputation by placing the cursor on it.

The negative levels are as follows;

User has a little shameless behavior in the past
User can only hope to improve
User is infamous around these parts

The purpose of the system is not to give multiple positive or negative points in a short period of time, in an effort to rapidly raise or lower a forum members rating. That is referred to as "reputation blasting" and is not in keeping with the spirit of the system. Anyone engaging in reputation blasting is guilty of a forum infraction and subject to disciplinary action.

So feel free to ask any questions you may have, and if you have not been using the system, I would encourage you to do so.


10-22-2006, 03:02 AM
hey we can not give u rep points ZF...I wanted too!!! good buddy...lol

Z Factor
10-22-2006, 05:42 PM
hey we can not give u rep points ZF...I wanted too!!! good buddy...lol

You can give/take as many as you wish.:thumbsup:

You just cannot see them because I have them turned off (so as to not have red marks):mrgreen:


10-23-2006, 11:44 AM
ok...if that's what ya want...gulp....I'm skeeered

10-24-2006, 08:25 PM
ok...if that's what ya want...gulp....I'm skeeered

Run Forrest....Run :dancing

Z Factor
11-11-2006, 10:29 PM
In all seriousness I do encourage everyone to use the system. It is not a popularity contest, but rather a way of showing appreciation for positive/informative/helpful posts. It can also be used as a constructive way of showing your displeasure with someone, though we have very little of that here compared to other places.

Taking just a few seconds to click the icon and leave feedback is a small way of saying thanks for the effort. A pat on the back every now and then is good for us all.:thumbsup:


02-20-2007, 09:27 PM
How do you turn them off???

Z Factor
02-21-2007, 03:54 AM
How do you turn them off???

The default is set to allow them to be displayed. However you can disable them by going into your User CP if you so desire.


01-27-2008, 07:10 PM
i have a ? concerning the reputaion points . i have noticed 2 more red boxes under my name ? all i have tried to do is help . the last one came up today after i got through trying to help someone with their o2 sensor .i understand the basis of it but does anybody sk to see if their is any basis for their negitive ticks or is it just a free for all. it would be helpfull to know what i have done so wrong to get these. i have only tried to help others here and stay away from those that dont like me . but if i am not wanted please have thew class and gutts to say so and why. thankyou for any enlightenment that could be passed on .

01-27-2008, 08:29 PM
Seems to me those kids ,haters from CF are following us Here and SH1t the Zr1 net here!
the Zr1 Net repuatation going to be bad as CF , if the moderator did not do something about that case!. :o

flyin ryan
01-27-2008, 09:30 PM
i have a ? concerning the reputaion points . i have noticed 2 more red boxes under my name ? all i have tried to do is help . the last one came up today after i got through trying to help someone with their o2 sensor .i understand the basis of it but does anybody sk to see if their is any basis for their negitive ticks or is it just a free for all. it would be helpfull to know what i have done so wrong to get these. i have only tried to help others here and stay away from those that dont like me . but if i am not wanted please have thew class and gutts to say so and why. thankyou for any enlightenment that could be passed on .hhmmm??

01-28-2008, 12:17 AM
dont mean to beat a dead horse but i got back on line to help roger and now i have 2 of those red fellas . it seems sad that someone is playing kids games with me . but as anyone could read i have only been trying to help out a fellow member thats got a problem. to who ever it is grow up or at least be man enough to pm me with your problem so this can be put behind us and go about trying to help each other out and have some fun . if someone could tell me how to turn those off i have tried but i am somewhat new to computors and maybe missing something . one last thought I have never knowingly gave anyone here bad info . i try to only chime in when i think i can help. please have a great day all. brad

01-28-2008, 01:24 AM
Noo , you are not talking to kids here , the truth you talking to dead horses!! :mrgreen:

Z Factor
01-28-2008, 06:16 AM
i have a ? concerning the reputaion points . i have noticed 2 more red boxes under my name ? all i have tried to do is help . the last one came up today after i got through trying to help someone with their o2 sensor .i understand the basis of it but does anybody sk to see if their is any basis for their negitive ticks or is it just a free for all. it would be helpfull to know what i have done so wrong to get these. i have only tried to help others here and stay away from those that dont like me . but if i am not wanted please have thew class and gutts to say so and why. thankyou for any enlightenment that could be passed on .

The system works as in the OP. If you suspect you have received + or - reputation points on a particular post, just go back and click on the reputation icon within a particular post. It will either say positive, neutral, or negative. If the person left a comment, you will be able to see that as well.

01-28-2008, 10:53 AM
thankyou very much for the info .i didnt know that was possible

01-28-2008, 04:31 PM
The default is set to allow them to be displayed. However you can disable them by going into your User CP if you so desire.




01-28-2008, 08:31 PM
I PM Z factor, and he switch it off ,but it apear again , the Reputation point cant turn off, Z factor know about it, he said he is going to work with it.
anyway , believe me i dont care about reputation box.
those guys are nothing !:mrgreen:

01-28-2008, 09:59 PM

01-31-2008, 02:43 PM
thanx for the kind messages of support . i really enjoy the forum here and helping if I can . i never found a car that i enjoy so much . if i ever offend anyone please pm me and lets talk. all things can be worked out with a little talk