View Full Version : Front coilover adjustment question...

04-20-2011, 06:02 PM
I have coilovers on my 93 ZR-1. They were on the car when I bought it this past January. I just had my front shocks rebuilt by Bilstein. I am putting everything back together at the moment. The car is still up in the air. Right now the shock/spring/coilover has been reassembled and placed back onto the car. I have attached and torqued the lower shock bolts to the lower a-arm. Should the upper shock nut be installed and torqued before adjusting the coilover? Does it matter if the center shock shaft spins as you are adjusting the coilover? I noticed once there was enough pressure between the spring and spring hat that the whole spring/hat/shock shaft was moving. What is the best way to adjust the ride height on these things? I can tell I will need to hold the inner threaded shaft with something. I am probably going to use a big pipe wrench on that. I also have a spanner wrench to turn the adjustable spring collar seat.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


04-20-2011, 06:13 PM
Hey Aaron,
Finish fully securing the shock (Lower A-Arm and Upper Shock nut) before you attempt to adjust the spring perch on the sleeve. The sleeve will spin some on you but I usually just hold it with my hand, I’ve never had to put a wrench on it. Once the car is on the ground and settled you should have about 1/2 of an inch of rake front to rear on the car. Whose coil-over set up are you running?


04-20-2011, 07:54 PM
I will add to leave the actuator off until you are done adjusting.. Demps has a great thread about an install as well

04-20-2011, 09:00 PM
Thanks for the responses!

This is a callaway coilover setup. It is basically the same thing as the DRM kit. It is a bilstein fx3 shock with a groove cut in it. A threaded sleeve that slips over the shock body and a spring seat collar that screws onto the sleeve. It has a Hyperco spring that sits on the collar. The hat is slighty different in size and shape and color, but it does the same function as the DRM unit.

The only part I am concerned about is when I am trying to adjust the spring seat collar up. As soon as there is some pressure from the spring seat collar compressing the spring the whole spring/collar/hat/center shock shaft starts to move. I can keep adjusting the spring seat collar with my spanner wrench as long as I am holding the center threaded sleave with some type of wrench. I am assuming that this action is compressing the spring against the hat and causing everything to stay together. Is there any concern with all of this including the center shock rod shaft turning while I am adjusting the ride height?


04-20-2011, 09:28 PM
I think you should be fine with how you are planning on adjusting the shocks