View Full Version : For those that know ............

04-19-2011, 11:14 PM
The wife had her back surgery (ruptured disk) last night 6:30pm to 8:30pm. As far as we can tell the surgery worked. It will take a bit to heal and she is soar in the surgery area.
I want to thank all that have given me their best wishes and it means alot to the both of us. I have been taking care of her for the last 3 weeks and not had any time to work in the shop.
Thanks for your patience with the delay on your parts. I WILL be back in the shop full time this week.
To add insult to injury I finished my taxes at 11pm Sunday the 17th (my birthday :() and had to pay $661. Just be glad you are not me :pray

I'm just glad I have great friends here................:)

04-20-2011, 12:02 AM
Damn! You need to see my tax guy. I got back about $5200. He's so smart its scary.

04-20-2011, 12:09 AM
Damn! You need to see my tax guy. I got back about $5200. He's so smart its scary.

:bootyshak It's all good.

04-20-2011, 01:16 AM

Be happy you made enough money to owe some taxes.

Z Factor
04-20-2011, 01:26 AM
As far as we can tell the surgery worked. It will take a bit to heal and she is soar in the surgery area.

Thanks for your patience with the delay on your parts. I WILL be back in the shop full time this week.
To add insult to injury I finished my taxes at 11pm Sunday the 17th (my birthday :() and had to pay $661. Just be glad you are not me :pray

Well first and foremost I hope your wifes surgery was successful. Surgery on the back can be tricky so God willing she will be happy with the results.
Don't sweat the work issues as I'm sure your fellow ZR-1 brothers will be patient while you take care of your family.

BTW - I wish I had your tax problem.


04-20-2011, 09:48 AM
Great news Carter, wishing you both well!

04-20-2011, 10:53 AM
Hey Carter glad to hear the wife is doing better hope its keeps getting
Better sorry for the tax problem a least it was only 600 could have been alot
worse look forward to talking later this week.

04-20-2011, 11:00 AM
Carter, I'd like to add my prayers for the complete & speedy recovery for your better half!

Also, A big happy birthday to you....better late than not at all. Sorry to hear that the IRS pinched you for some doe-ray-me....bet they never say thank you or happy birthday.

:cheers: to you Carter! :occasion1

04-20-2011, 01:17 PM
Hope your wife is doing better. Had the same surgery back in '72. Happy birthday (same as mine!!!). Get a different tax man.............

04-20-2011, 02:27 PM
:thumbsup::thumbsup: Positive thoughts & wishes Carter.

04-21-2011, 06:56 PM
Thanks everybody for the kind wishes!

xfirez51......I did not make that much but when Obama changed the taxes both my wife and my checks went backwards instead of up like he claims everybodies did.

Guess that is one way of seeing "change" :mad:

Hope everybody has a better year than last year and again thanks for the support. You guys are the greatest :cheers:

04-21-2011, 07:35 PM
xfirez51......I did not make that much but when Obama changed the taxes both my wife and my checks went backwards instead of up like he claims everybodies did.

Guess that is one way of seeing "change" :mad:

I'm confused. What changes did President Obama make to personal tax rates that would have impacted you negatively? I'm not aware that the tax rates have been increased since the Bush administration. And in January, you began paying 2% less for FICA. In fact,

here's a look at what the president did for your tax return in 2009,

What Happened in 2009?

One third of the Recovery Act was made up of tax credits
The credits included:

An increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit
An expansion of the Child Tax Credit
For those who work, the Making Work Pay tax credit offered $400 per individual and $800 per couple
For those who lost their job, there was a 65 percent tax credit to help cover the cost of health care. The first $2,400 in unemployment benefits went tax-free
Up to $2,500 under the American Opportunity Credit for students and parents paying for college tuition
$8,000 for first-time home buyers
A deduction of state and local taxes paid on a new car
Up to $1,500 for home improvements to increase energy efficiency

I hope your wife is making good progress.

04-22-2011, 12:13 AM
I'm confused. What changes did President Obama make to personal tax rates that would have impacted you negatively?
I hope your wife is making good progress.

Not gonna make this a tax thread but both my wifes and my checks went down $50+ per month each in take home. That is a negative impact in my book.
Wife is doing better a little bit each day. Thanks and as she gets better my sanity starts to return, too.

04-22-2011, 12:39 AM
Not gonna make this a tax thread but both my wifes and my checks went down $50+ per month each in take home. That is a negative impact in my book.
Wife is doing better a little bit each day. Thanks and as she gets better my sanity starts to return, too.

-$50 = Negative Impact OK.

Something Obama did? :rolleyes:

04-22-2011, 01:29 AM
-$50 = Negative Impact OK.

Something Obama did? :rolleyes:

Yes, he signed the bill that canceled the tax breaks we were all receiving and it's over $100 per month.

If that is nothing to you then forward the $100 plus to me every month and we're even ;)

04-22-2011, 11:25 AM
Hey Carter,

I'm glad to hear Linda is doing well. I know it's been a long, arduous process to get to this point. God's speed for a quick recovery & best wishes for a perfect outcome.

04-22-2011, 01:48 PM
Hey Carter,

I'm glad to hear Linda is doing well. I know it's been a long, arduous process to get to this point. God's speed for a quick recovery & best wishes for a perfect outcome.

You know how it's been. I'm back at the shop for a day to catch up on some jobs and will be back with her tomorrow morning. She went up to school for a 1/2 hour and said it was not bad so I'm feeling even better about the outcome. I know she'll pay dearly with pain for that adventure but you gotta exercise the back little by little now to have it fully recover.
Thanks again. I'll call you later, Carter :cheers:

04-22-2011, 06:33 PM
Carter, great to hear she is doing better. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

04-23-2011, 12:53 AM
Thanks Dennis :cheers:

04-23-2011, 10:38 PM
Hey Carter,

I hope Linda is recovering well and you are able to get some balance with work and still taking care of her. I know the driving back and forth must be killing you too so take care. I have not hear from you in over a week and still waiting to get internet access here so hopefully next week.

Take care brah!
