View Full Version : Lowering Kit

04-14-2011, 04:32 PM
Looking for recommendations on the best hardware kit to buy for lowering both the front and rear wheels around 1 inch.

Found this one from Corvette America:
http://www.corvetteamerica.com/cf/displaylearnmore.cfm?learnmoreid=1170&idlist=1170&searchdest=%2Fcf%2Flearnmorelist%2Ecfm%3Fkeyword%3 Dlowering%2Bkit&subcategoryid=&searchname=Keyword%3A%20lowering%20kit

Anything better around?


04-14-2011, 04:57 PM
I think they are all the same, hard to believe these bolts are that hard to find on line, etc. I could not find them

04-14-2011, 05:05 PM
You can go to a really good hardware store that sells grade 8 hardware and buy a pair to make your own rear kit if you want. I had another c4 that sagged a little on the driver side so I bought a lowering bolt for the good side and evened it out.

Some of the kits tend to slam the car, so that's why I preferred the bolt I bought- it was a little closer to the stock bolt length (shorter) for less lowering. I would also trim the spring pad sparingly because you may find that it will be too low if you cut it off completely. Personally, I don't care to drag these cars across speedbumps from being slammed.

04-14-2011, 07:08 PM
Rear bolts are easy and you can adjust them to whatever height you want.
The front is trickier- you have to raise the car WAY up, remove the transverse spring and replace the (2) pads. Then replace the spring. There are also metal plates at either end of the transverse spring you can play with. I like the look, but yep, it sometimes is a road leveler.

Oops- to answer your question, any Fastenal store has the rear bolts, but for the front pads/spacers you need to order from MidAmerica or Corvette America Etc.