View Full Version : Plenum Pull What all do I Need?

03-18-2011, 08:21 AM
OK I plan to pull the plenum and put in new injectors, coil packs, and plug wires. What all do I need to complete the job and what else should I look for while under there? I have been reading the Solutions page but just not sure if I missed anything and need to know where are the (best) places to get everything. I'm coming up with injectors,(RC which ones?) coil packs,(?) wires (on Ebay) and Jerry's gaskets (which set?), is it possible to get this stuff before next weekend? On a side note I am planning on pulling everything again next winter to get the IH, cam covers and plenum powdercoated so if I could get the right set of gaskets for all of it now I would like to. I just want to get the right stuff the first time as not to hold up the show. I tried to reply to my other thread but everytime I log in to do it, it says I entered a wrong password. :confused: Thanks guys!

03-18-2011, 11:01 AM
the standard thickness plenum gaskets from jerry worked fine for me (twice, lol).

I used my spark plug wires again due to low mileage- I figure I will use them up rather than "collect" them in a zip lock baggie to never be used again.

The best price on new injectors (and rebuilt) are here-

You might want to get the special primary inj o-rings from Jerry's as well, but the rest of the o-rings come with the new injectors. Honestly, I considered reusing my 20 year old primary seals- they seemed fine.

-probably should spend the extra $2 and get the fuel rail o-ring for the gas line.

-the regular old style green antifreeze from Autozone and several cans of brake cleaner might be a good idea.

03-18-2011, 11:26 AM

How to check fuel injector resistance with plenum in place:

How to pull plenum & tools needed:

Gaskets, O Rings, everything you'll need:

Fuel Injectors in order of cost:
Original GM Multec (big expensive mistake, buy these only if you never plan to drive the car)

Coil Packs & Wires:


03-18-2011, 12:06 PM
My recommendation:

Injectors,Jon at FIC



Coils are readily available at local Autozone type stores and have shown to be good replacement quality.

Plug Wires


Gaskets & Seals
I suggest that you buy the following for the work that you want to do.

Phase I (immediate work)

1. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=7
2. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=384
3. Use 2 of these for the fuel block connection, save the rest for the 2nd phase of your planned work.

Phase II (later work)
1. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=469
2. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=7
3. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=10
4. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=9
5. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=11
6. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=26
7. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=30
8. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=565
9. http://jerrysgaskets.com/store2/root/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_18&products_id=24

Contact me if I can be of assistance.

Everything is in stock & shipped USPS Priority Mail. Lower 48 domestic orders usually take 2-3 days from order to delivery.

03-18-2011, 12:09 PM
Thanks guys.....for the recommendations!

03-18-2011, 05:42 PM
cant' go wrong with jerry

03-19-2011, 11:04 AM
Thanks for the info guys, it's much appreciated. Hey Jerry can you PM me a phone number I can call?

03-19-2011, 01:29 PM
OK I plan to pull the plenum and put in new injectors, coil packs, and plug wires. What all do I need to complete the job and what else should I look for while under there? I have been reading the Solutions page but just not sure if I missed anything and need to know where are the (best) places to get everything. I'm coming up with injectors,(RC which ones?) coil packs,(?) wires (on Ebay) and Jerry's gaskets (which set?), is it possible to get this stuff before next weekend? On a side note I am planning on pulling everything again next winter to get the IH, cam covers and plenum powdercoated so if I could get the right set of gaskets for all of it now I would like to. I just want to get the right stuff the first time as not to hold up the show. I tried to reply to my other thread but everytime I log in to do it, it says I entered a wrong password. :confused: Thanks guys!

If you haven't pulled the plenum before, take a picture of the vacuum lines as soon as you get it off... You'll thank yourself later. After you've done it once, it really isn't that big of a deal.

I find the most frustrating part is getting the computer cable plugged back in and secured. It just always seems to take me longer to do that than any other step.


03-19-2011, 03:53 PM
I know Jerry posted this number for the FIC injectors and it says to specify the year of the car but I don't see anywhere on the order to do it. Are all the years the same as far as the injectors go?

03-19-2011, 04:14 PM
Ben I plan to take lots of pics while I do the pull just for my own lousy memory. :D

03-19-2011, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the info guys, it's much appreciated. Hey Jerry can you PM me a phone number I can call?

PM sent....

03-22-2011, 08:31 PM
Ben I plan to take lots of pics while I do the pull just for my own lousy memory. :D
How did it go?

03-23-2011, 12:10 AM
How did it go? I'll be starting tomorrow after work since the wife will be gone until Saturday night, no interuptions and plenty of time to get it done. Hopefully everything will be here this week before I need to put it back together about Saturday morning. ;)

03-23-2011, 08:43 AM
Hey guys I know I saw a thread somewhere on draining just enough coolant to pull the plenum but I can't seem to find it in the solutions page, anyone know where it is? I want to get started on it tonight after work. Thanks! Sorry to be a PITA. :redface:

03-23-2011, 08:57 AM
I drained about 1.5 gallon out of my system for a plenum and IH pull, a gallon might be enough or maybe a bit much for a Plenum only

03-23-2011, 09:36 AM
I drained about 1.5 gallon out of my system for a plenum and IH pull, a gallon might be enough or maybe a bit much for a Plenum only
So if I drain it from the bottom of the radiator it will drain down enough for the pull or do I need to drain it down some other way? Thanks for the response.

03-23-2011, 11:01 AM
So if I drain it from the bottom of the radiator it will drain down enough for the pull or do I need to drain it down some other way? Thanks for the response.

Drain from the radiator.. that is what I did

03-23-2011, 12:46 PM
Thanks Jeff!

03-25-2011, 10:32 PM
If you're anything like me, you need a wife to help you put the thing back together.

Paul Workman
03-26-2011, 05:03 AM
If you're anything like me, you need a wife to help you put the thing back together.

You're a lucky man. Pretty lady. Some wives view our toys as competition for our affections...or something like that? I'm not sure. My "X" is my "X" for many reasons, and that is one of them. So! You are a lucky man - and so am I wid wiff numbah 2!

The C3 Ami bought for herself...



03-26-2011, 01:34 PM
I got mine all back together and it runs even stronger now! It wasn't that bad at all if you take your time and take pics for refference. I made sure I triple checked all connections and vaccuum and zip tied any vaccuum lines that were even the least bit questionable on slipping off. I did notice when I pulled the starter off to clean the drain hole that it looked like the starter may have been replaced, it said made in Japan on it and it looked new? I'm glad I did the work now instead of next winter so I have peace of mind knowing there are less things to go wrong and it runs much better.:mrgreen:

03-26-2011, 01:55 PM
The OEM is Nippon Denso, a Japanese company, very large, world-wide. Good product.

03-26-2011, 02:03 PM
Thanks Jerry you have been a big help with everything and it was good talking to you the other day. I can tell you really care about the future of these great cars and that they remain on the road. Your gaskets and other stuff are top notch as well as your service and I will be sure to let everyone know outside of this group as well as here. I hope to see more of your parts you're working on in the future. Have a good one, I'm going for a drive today! ;)

03-27-2011, 09:10 AM
Glad to hear it all went back together as planned! It wasn't that bad, now was it?!

03-27-2011, 12:42 PM
Not bad at all Ben, in fact I kinda enjoyed it since I could take my time. I think I could do it in half or a 3rd the time I took next time I do it.