View Full Version : Looking for an easy answer to a stupid question

03-17-2011, 08:29 PM
The front clamp that holds the air duct to the air cleaner housing will not stay put. Once I get it on and drive it around the block (normally) it has slipped off on the right side. If I over tighten it it slips off. How hard can it be to tighten a clamp...well appearently I can't do it right. :censored:

Paul Workman
03-18-2011, 05:03 AM
The front clamp that holds the air duct to the air cleaner housing will not stay put. Once I get it on and drive it around the block (normally) it has slipped off on the right side. If I over tighten it it slips off. How hard can it be to tighten a clamp...well appearently I can't do it right. :censored:

A common problem.

Gonna need to add some "stakes" to pin them together. It is suggested by several to remove the clamp and push the duct onto the filter housing and drill a couple holes thru the duct and the housing at the point(s) where the duct slips off. Then install a short flat-head, counter-sink sheet metal screw thru the two pieces to pin them together. Then put the strap on so that the strap covers the heads of the screws, hiding and securing them. The strap supplies the sealing force, but the screws index the duct to the filter housing and keep the duct from sliding off. Some even drill a hole thru the clamp at the bottom of the duct assembly to anchor the strap as well. I suppose if the screw were small enough, the strap would not ever break...

