View Full Version : My Father Just passed away I need help ASAP would like to have his ZR1 in the Funeral

03-06-2011, 11:12 AM
My father passed away on Wednesday. He left me his 1991 ZR1. It has been garage kept in a heated garage with no moisture and was last started in September 2010. I have followed all of his wishes to a "T" upon his passing. One of his last requests would be to have his car in the funeral. I connected the battery. It rolls over fine, but will not start. I checked for spark and there is some. I noticed the fuel gauge was on reserve and had no bars. I then added 5 gallons of fresh gas. I heard the fuel pump kick on and put pressure in the line, it rolls over, but still will not start. Against my better judgement, I gave it a shot of starting fluid. It did start for a brief moment and then shut off. I'm sure it is a fuel problem. I'm wondering if something has shut the fuel off in the computer system. I only have a few hours this evening to try and quick fixes to try and get the car running for the funeral tomorrow. The car only has 14K on it and it has been started often and warmed to temperature throughout the past 2 years. The plugs are not filed. My email address is sampiccinini@yahoo.com. Please respond to this post and my email with any help. I am posting this through a friends membership who is out of town and suggested I login for help. I know my father is a member, but I do not have his access information. Rest assured, I will be a member on here by the end of the week.
Funny thing, I often asked him if he wanted me to take it for a ride with him and offered several times to clean it for him, he always replied nahhn, the car is fine and it will be yours some day when I'm gone. :( not really the way I wanted to enjoy the car or cruising, but I thank good for all he has taught me about cruising and cars. I have been told by many of his friends that I grew up in the wrong era and would have the the muscle car era of the 60's. I will always remember the times we shared together and even arguments over cars, engines and performance.
I wouldn't trade those memories for all of the money in the world. Not only have I lost my father, but I have lost my best friend in the entire world. My life will never be the same without him.
Any help to get the car started for his funeral would be a huge relief.
Thank you!

03-06-2011, 11:29 AM
Simple first: are you holding the key/starter and cranking the engine over long enough to start? The LT5 crank position sensor often needs several crank revolutions to detect timing. It sometimes seems like an eternity and longer than you are used to. Very sorry for your loss- great to fulfill a last wish. :saluting:

PS Don't step on the accelerator while cranking...

03-06-2011, 11:43 AM
I played with it for a while yesterday. Ran the battery down a few times. Im sure I was rolling it over long enough. I tried pressing the gas down and not pressing down while starting still no luck. Thanks, still looking for something that I might be missing, seems like it will not let it have fuel to fire the engine.
U sed another key. It still won't start. I locked the doors and opened them with a key thining it was something with the security. The security light is not on.


03-06-2011, 11:49 AM
Security light on? Do you have another key? Did he have an aftermarket security feature?

03-06-2011, 11:54 AM
There are others here much smarter than I. These are kind of shots in the dark (don't ask me how I know). You are holding the clutch pedal down, right? Do you have another key to try? Try and disconnect the battery for a while? You could check for fuel and pressure at the Schraeder valve. It looks like tire valve stem under the front of the plenum, passenger side. Use shop rags as fuel may come out. Again, best of luck...

Damn, Ted's are smart!

03-06-2011, 12:49 PM
Be sure the battery is good. A poor battery condition will raise hell with the computer and cause all kinds of poor driveability symptoms. Like it was mentioned, there are plenty of guys very knowledgable on this Forum who can help.

My deepiest sympathy on the loss of your dad. I know how you feel as lost mine awhile back.

03-06-2011, 01:37 PM
If it cranks, it won't be the VATS or the clutch safety switch. Can you check for the presence of fuel in the rail? With some protective eyewear and some rags, you can just depress the end of the schrader valve on the fuel rail with a screwdriver real quick. Gasoline should spray out.

Also if you think it is gas, I wonder if you could pull a fuse for the DIS so that there isn't any spark, then pull a spark plug out and crank it? See if fuel comes out the plug hole? That might be a horrible idea due to the potential to start a fire, so don't try it just because I suggested it...

Sorry to hear about your father.

03-06-2011, 02:21 PM
My apologies for not passing my condolences to you...loosing a father is hard as many on this forum have experienced. Keep the memories and you have a nice machine. I simply got involved in answering your issues and not being kind enough to offer my sympathy.

These cars do not like being on near empty gas tanks...system tends to suck up an lot of tank bottom debris. One way to test is as Bob said OR get your hands on a fuel pressure gauge and attach to the schrader valve (marked with a red <).


If you get no/low/erratic pressure then probably a clogged in line fuel filter which is located on the passenger side under car just behind the front wheel attached to the chassis>>

This is on your back looking up view of the in line filterhttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b79/MRBLU/ZR1fuelfiltersite-1.jpg

If low fuel pressure etc worst case scenario would be a bad fuel pump or clogged fuel pump filter both of which are located inside the gas tank...hopefully not the case since that can be a rather involved repair.


03-06-2011, 02:57 PM
If the battery hasn't been on a trickle charger since Sept, I'd guess the battery is toast Once discharged the battery will never come back 100% and the charge in't enough to engage the starter solenoid properly. A new battery solves the problem.

Had this happen several times because i have to store my car for winter in remote storage with no facility to leave the car on a trickle charge.

03-06-2011, 03:13 PM
get a fresh tank of 94 octane if possible and a new battery. very sorry to hear about your father

03-06-2011, 04:11 PM
I'm so sorry for your father's passing....

A very good friend lives in Gettysburg and his father left him his ZR-1 as well.

I'm sending you a PM and I'll round up some local members to help you get it started.



ZR-1nce removed
03-06-2011, 04:23 PM
I also just sent a pm, if at all possible we would be glad to provide any assistance we can. Anybody know where freedom PA is?

03-06-2011, 04:29 PM
I also just sent a pm, if at all possible we would be glad to provide any assistance we can. Anybody know where freedom PA is?

western pa. I'm not in western pa right now or else i'd offer to help