View Full Version : INFL REST light on

| 1990 ZR-1 |
03-05-2011, 09:15 PM
I took the steering column aparat today to try to fix the sloppy steering wheel, and I belive I put it all back together properly, but now the INFL REST is constantly iluminated. Is there any way to rest it without hooking into the ECU? I tried disconeting the battery, but it didn't do anything.

Any help would be appreciated.

03-05-2011, 09:54 PM
You can pull the code with a paperclip. That is the best start.

I believe you ground pin K.

| 1990 ZR-1 |
03-05-2011, 10:27 PM
You can pull the code with a paperclip. That is the best start.

I believe you ground pin K.

Thanks Bob. I'm assuming this Pin K you're referring to is in the Diagnostic Connector under the drivers side dash? If so, I looked in there, and i didn't see any letter to identify the right pin. Do you mind elaborating a little bit? I'm very new to this car, so pleae bare with me;)

03-06-2011, 12:35 AM
Here's the pinout:


03-06-2011, 09:30 AM
Thanks Bob. I'm assuming this Pin K you're referring to is in the Diagnostic Connector under the drivers side dash? If so, I looked in there, and i didn't see any letter to identify the right pin. Do you mind elaborating a little bit? I'm very new to this car, so pleae bare with me;)

Sorry, I was on an iPad and it's tedious to type. I looked for a writeup to link you to, but didn't find one.

See the diagram above. With the ignition off, connect pin K and A with a bare paperclip or short length of wire. Then turn the ignition on. The "INFL REST" light will flash out the codes, starting with code 12, then any trouble codes, then 12 again. Each one flashes three times, and each digit flashes. I.e. it won't flash 12 times real fast, rather one time, then two times = "12".

If you have an FSM, this is on page 9J-A-2 of the 1990 FSM. Post the code(s) you get.

03-08-2011, 03:35 AM
did you remove the clock spring from the column?

And did you plug it back into the air bag?

| 1990 ZR-1 |
03-08-2011, 10:36 AM
did you remove the clock spring from the column?

And did you plug it back into the air bag?

I unplugged it from the airbag, but not from the steering wheel column, and I did plug it back in into the back of the air bag prior to reinstalling. I did pull the clock spring housing out of the way, so I'm not sure if it maybe unplugged from wherever it goes into. I'll trace it tonight to make sure it's still plugged in. When reinstalling the clock spring, I noticed that the blue warning label wasn't at the same position as prior to taking it off. So I wound the spring up by a couple of notches to where I thought the blue warning label was strictly going off of my memory. Not sure how sensitive the spring is to tightness or looseness, but maybe that has something to do with it?

I shorted out the K pin, and read the codes. I have code 12 flashing three times, and afterwards I get two short flashes, pause, and five short flashes, also three times. Does anyone know what code this is?

03-08-2011, 12:23 PM
SIR DTC 25 is telling you that the Right Front Sensor has an open circuit.

Basically it lost it's ground. This is the TSB that refers to corrosion building up under the sensor's mounting tab. The TSB's solution for this is to dismount the snesor, clean the sensor's mounting tab, clean the chassis under the mounting tab where the taped hole is, use dielectric grease and a couple of star washers above & below the tab and then clear the DTC.

That is the standard answer. There is the possibility the sensor went bad. That is fairly remote. I would say that as long as you did not pinch any wires inside the column the fault is the corrosion under the sensor.

I do not have a scanner so I can not scan in the pages from the FSM related to DTC 25.

Another thing. To clear the code the process is fairly time dependent in as grounding and ungrounding for specific time intervals with a +/- 0.5 second leeway. I used a door bell and the elapsed timer in the radio head to do mine. I tried doing it the way everyone else does it by just grounding K, but I couldn't get it done.


03-08-2011, 12:25 PM
In the 1990 FSM, page 9J-A-24, a Code 25 is "Front Sensor #2 (RH)(Open Circuit)"

03-08-2011, 12:45 PM
I'll e-mail you a copy of the Service manual in the next few minutes. I think I would try to clear the code and see if it sets a code 25 again.

My $0.02

John :cheers: