View Full Version : Welcome GM Ignition System Engineer Ron Wozniak

Blue Flame Restorations
02-24-2011, 08:53 AM
Please welcome GM Ignition Systems Engineer Ron Wozniak to the Forum. Ron has graciously decided to participate in our discussions. Particularly, the LT5 ignition systems.

Ron's Forum name is appropriately chosen as "LT5 Ignition".

Welcome, Ron!!!!!!:cheers:

02-24-2011, 09:06 AM
Thank you Mr Wozniak for offering your time and welcome to the group.


02-24-2011, 09:41 AM
Hi Ron,

Welcome to the ZR-1 Net Registry Forum.


02-24-2011, 09:56 AM
Aloha Ron and welcome to the family. Mahalo for your time and contributions in advance; what an honor to have your presence on this forum.


02-24-2011, 10:00 AM
Hello Ron welcome aboard :cheers:

02-24-2011, 10:06 AM
Great ! Welcome Ron :saluting:

John Boothby
02-24-2011, 10:06 AM
Welcome to the forum! :cheers:

02-24-2011, 01:19 PM
Welcome to the forums.


02-24-2011, 01:31 PM
WELCOME on board.... folks here are LT5 sponges just soakin' up anything about/concerning/details etc on the ZR-1 program and the LT5. Glad to see you willing to share your expertise :cheers:

02-24-2011, 02:58 PM
Welcome Ron! Thanks very much for joining and sharing your time with us. :cheers:

02-24-2011, 03:23 PM
Hi Ron and Welcome!!

02-24-2011, 04:28 PM
:hello: Ron and welcome to our corner of the asylum!

Thank you very much for taking time to join our group!:thumbsup:


02-24-2011, 04:54 PM
Welcome to our site and thank you for your time & future input.

LT5 Ignition
02-24-2011, 06:16 PM
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

I am new at forums in general so who knows what is going to happen. Thanks for your patience in advance. It is cool to see there are ZR1's all over the US and Canada.


02-24-2011, 06:57 PM
Thanks Ron for taking the time to join the Forum. Your expertise will be valued greatly here.

02-24-2011, 07:06 PM
Hi Ron, welcome, and thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge!

02-24-2011, 07:08 PM
Welcome, we are all ears

02-24-2011, 07:33 PM
Hi Ron and a big welcome to you to the forum.

Nice to have Detroit on-line and an expert for ignition questions.

Many years ago as a young lad I used to live at 659 Puritan in Birmingham before we moved to Chicagoland in the middle of 9th grade.

Fond memories of Ice Hockey on Quarton Lake in winter and going to the Red Wings games to see Gordie Howe score goals.

Bill Munson (QB on the Lions) lived on Pilgrim and we got to know him on a personal level as his paperboy before we got the route on our own street Puritan. My younger brother was the same age as one of Bill's sons and they were on the same little league BB team together so we got to know the Munson family quite well.

Bill would lay some free tickets on my dad and we went to many of the Lions games to see Bill play as well. Great seats too.

My dad was the General Manager at the Ingersoll-Rand Company on Telegraph road and he had all the salesmen (tool and hoist division) that covered the BIG 3 report to him.
This was during early 70's.

Dad took a transfer to Chicago and to the Pump Division of I-R and later became the I-R Pump Distributor in Chicago. I worked with him for 23 years in the family business. I sell radio communication equipment now.

I still have great memories of Detroit back in the glory days of the 70's and all the hot rods on Woodward on Friday and Saturday nights. I even remember the gas wars when gas was 19 cents a gallon. I used to cruise around Birmingham on my Solex Moped at age 14 with my friend and we would always go to Woodward to see all the muscle cars cruising the BLVD.

Ahhh those were the days----





Looks like the old 659 is having some work done on it --- Google Earth Street View Pic's

02-24-2011, 08:56 PM
Welcome to our little world. It's a pleasure having someone with your expertise availble if needed. Enjoy.

LT5 Ignition
02-24-2011, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the Birmingham info WB9MCW. A friend just bought a house a few miles from where you grew up, near Walnut Lake. Your football comment reminded me when I had a High School co-op job at the Silverdome during it's opening season 1975. I just watched a show on Detroit PBS called Michigan, Under the Radar featuring Petosky. Is that seen in Chicago? I heard more people have places around Traverse City from Chicago than Detroit.

02-24-2011, 09:33 PM
You know it is most likely true about Western Mi.

Lord knows the cheese heads complain about the Flatlanders invading the north.

There was a bumper sitcker that said "Escape to Wisconsin" that many IL folks put on their mini-vans back in the day.

Soon the Cheese Heads had one that said " Escapee go Home".

Funny how they love the vacation $$ that they get from the Chicago vacationers.

Reminds me how in SW Florida they sing the song about enjoying the Yankee $$$
It was done to a song they called the chicken or turkey dance. Funny Stuff 4 sure.

I have not seen the show on Michigan on our WTTW Ch 11 PBS -- Never know it may have been aired and I just missed it.

I do go to the WTTW website and watch many of the free videos they offer on line
try it out >>> http://video.wttw.com/

Blue Flame Restorations
02-25-2011, 11:45 PM
Ron, glad you made it to the forum! I'm traveling in TX this weekend but look forward to the dialogue.


Paul Workman
02-26-2011, 05:52 AM
Welcome Ron! Yes, there are Zs spread all over the land and Europe n even Japan has a club. Therefore, your expertise will be appreciated on a truly global perspective!


02-26-2011, 08:10 AM

Welcome to the ZR-1 net. As a former GM'er and a GMI grad, good to have another colleague from Generous Mothers. Your experience with the DIS system would be invaluable in possibly helping our efforts towards adapting the LSx ignition coils for use on the LT-5. About 18 months ago, myself, =Jeff=, and another collaborator attempted to use LSx coils, 1st and 2nd Gen truck coils, with the DIS system. I succeeded in getting the motor to start and run for about 45sec. to a minute before it shuddered to a stop. I had to make some mods to the circuitry but was never able to get the motor past initial startup. While it did run, it idled smoothly. I'd be happy to familiarize you with our efforts and get your insight on what we may have done wrong, or if our approach just plain won't work. Secondly, is there a way it would work? And, in your opinion, is it worth the effort. I'd look forward to sharing some of our thoughts on what's we suspect is happening and get your perspective on that.

