View Full Version : So, Dominic...Whars tha pix of da noo ride?

Paul Workman
12-08-2010, 11:24 AM
Dom is shy, I guess. But, when he said his "new" doaner car had arrived - complete with some really nice mods, I had to run over at lunch yesterday and see this "Black Rose".

So, where are the pixies, Dom??

I'll bet he can't wait to marry the two - gonna be a good winter project, "fer sher"!


PS: Talked to Pete yesterday, Dom. We agree ya need to put those ported heads on NOW while you have the mutha out of there. Another 500 hp FBI warrior in the making!:dancing

12-08-2010, 11:42 AM
Black rose.......

Big LT5.......

= Wow!!!!

Paul you are right, let's see some pictures!!!!

Congrats Dom!

rudolph schenker
12-08-2010, 12:51 PM
pics ? :happy1:

12-08-2010, 03:23 PM
Dom said you were going to post then Paul, since you had your Camera

I fixed the issue with the rear hatch though.. ;)

12-08-2010, 04:19 PM

Yeah. I thought you were posting the pics you took yesterday.